Delaware Liberal

Oklahoma breaking new ground in the being idiotic department

“Sooner” state students may soon be able to hold any old idea to be true under state law.

Because you shouldn’t be able to fail a student just for being 100% dead wrong, a proposed Oklahoma law  will prevent science teachers from flunking students who argue dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Which, except for in science fiction and my fantasies, they did not.

The state legislator’s committee in charge of education standards has approved a law that would forbid teachers from penalizing students who argue against widely accepted scientific theories, such as evolution and climate change.

“I proposed this bill because there are teachers and students who may be afraid of going against what they see in their textbooks,” said Republican State Representative Gus Blackwell who sponsored the Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act, which can now go the state legislature for a vote.

Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act…? Maybe, “There really is no such thing as knowledge act” would be better?

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