Delaware Liberal

Democrats — This Is How You Treat Fox News!

Rep. Keith Ellison called out Sean Hannity in an interview yesterday that was supposed to be about the sequester. Ellison starts after watching a lead in that plays stupid scary music over a mashup video intended to show President Obama in a bad (not objective! not both sides do it!) light:

“I mean, you know, quite frankly, you are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen. Quite frankly, you are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen. …What you just displayed was not journalism. It was yellow journalism. It wasn’t anything close to try to tell the American people what’s really going on. I mean it’s just shocking.

…Every journalistic ethic I have ever heard of was just violated by you.

…You are a shill for the Republican party. …You alibi them 100% of the time.”

Called.Him.Out.Son. This, really, is how you treat the Fox Noise entertainers — don’t let them get away with pretending they are journalists. The following is TPM’s highlight reel of the entire 10 minute interview. If you have the 10 minutes, you should see the whole thing.


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