I’m Still Optimistic That We’ll Get Over Our Accute Case of National Stupidity

Filed in National by on February 28, 2013

Sequester is going to suck. Phony debt reduction through austerity is bullshit. Blatant lying gets rewarded locally and nationally. It is tough to stay optimistic, but the country does tend to pick smart over stupid over the long term.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Define “long term,” in terms of human lifetimes.

  2. Jason330 says:


  3. puck says:

    “Fix it later” makes sense when you look at it that way.

    Basically we will have abundance and economic justice by the time we have a Star-Trek style Federation utopia.

  4. Jason330 says:

    If I were not going to hang my hopes on that thin reed, I’d have to consider the possibility that the United States is a washed up has been of a nation.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    The whole sequestration scenario was a bad move by the Obama people, who concocted the idea to give people the impression that Obama was hawkish on the federal deficit . Republicans are now like, bring it on, we offered up alternatives, and you (the Democrats) denied them.
    The Obama people realized the mistake they made, and in a panic, began a sky is going to fall propaganda campaign, even going so far as releasing possible criminals out of jail for effect, even before there were cuts made….shameful!
    Remember that these are only cuts in the budgetary rate of growth. We will still be spending more than last year.
    The sequester was a bluff, and it has been called.

  6. jason330 says:

    You have an interesting perspective. Well, not really that interesting… you have a perspective.

  7. geezer says:

    FBH: Thanks for showing why the world makes no sense through conservative glasses.

    The purpose was to concoct a mix of cuts that BOTH SIDES would find unacceptable, as a spur to working together. It didn’t work.

    While the more brainless of the conservatives, the ones who obsess over the size of government, might be OK with the defense cuts, those who represent such districts aren’t. This drives a wedge between defense-hawk Republicans and deficit-hawk Republicans.

    Your side might have called the bluff, but they’re going to find out they will still lose the hand.

  8. puck says:

    Liberals always said they wanted to cut defense and spare entitlements. What’s not to like about the sequester? Of course, I’d rather take the savings and put them into stimulatory jobs and infrastructure spending, considering the unemployment situation, but I guess better half a loaf than none. We will have to suck up a recession on top of current unemployment, but that’s probably our fate until we stop voting in Democrats that act like Republicans.

  9. pandora says:

    The sequester wasn’t designed as a bluff. Really, FBH, did you sleep through the lead up to the sequester? It didn’t pop up out of thin air.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    “Your side might have called the bluff, but they’re going to find out they will still lose the hand.”

    I definitely wouldn’t call them my side. Closer than the other side ,but definitely not my side. I was just giving the scenario as I see it.

  11. fightingbluehen says:

    “The sequester wasn’t designed as a bluff. Really, FBH, did you sleep through the lead up to the sequester? It didn’t pop up out of thin air.”

    Yeah, the Republicans were like, don’t throw me into the sequester briar patch.
    The Democrats should have known that this could/would happen.

  12. jason330 says:

    lol. Priceless.