I have to hand it to people like Joanne Christian who have integrity. She opposed the Appo referendum, but at least she did it with some dignity on honest grounds, and under her own name. Right now the anonymous trolls who upended the referendum with their blatant 35% property tax increase lie are now attacking someone running for the school board with lies about them getting illegal campaign contributions from teacher’s unions. I’m not going to go into the details of the lies here because I think the chatter serves the liars nefarious purposes. [If there was any wrong doing, you would expect them to seek out the proper authorities.] Rather, I’d like to point out that there seems to be a pattern emerging.
Whoever is bankrolling these liars has a particular axe to grind against the DSEA. We may never know what out of state organization is trying attack teachers and undermine the educational quality in Appo with their deep pockets, and we may never know the names of their anonymous bag men here in in the district. But we know know that the referendum wasn’t a one off operation.
Their identities and their goals are murky, but their willingness to not be bound by the truth in pursuit of their goals is clear.