Monday Open Thread [3.4.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 4, 2013

Thomas Ferraro highlights a departure from the “big package” reform bills of the past regarding gun control. As Ferraro explains, “President Barack Obama’s fellow Democrats in the Senate have spread his gun-control proposals across four bills in an effort to get at least some of the less controversial measures – such as expanded background checks for gun buyers – passed into law…By breaking Obama’s gun-control agenda into pieces, supporters hope to avoid having a less popular proposal such as the assault weapons ban contribute to the rejection of other proposals, aides said.”

President Obama “is moving quickly to change the face of the federal judiciary by the end of his second term, setting the stage for another series of drawn-out confrontations with Republicans in Congress,” according to the Washington Post. About time. Fill every single Federal District Judge and Magistrate vacancy accross this land. Fill every single Circuit Court vacancy. Flood the GOP with thousands of nominations and dare them to filibuster.

“The president has named three dozen judicial candidates since January and is expected to nominate scores more over the next few months, aides said. The push marks a significant departure from the sluggish pace of appointments throughout much of his first term, when both Republicans and some Democrats complained that Obama had not tried hard enough to fill vacancies on federal courts.”

“The new wave of nominations is part of an effort by Obama to cement a legacy that long outlives his presidency and makes the court system more closely resemble the changing society it governs.”

So that is good news. The bad news is that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is saying she has no plans to retire, according to Jeffrey Toobin.

Said Ginsburg: “There will come a point when I — It’s not this year. You can never tell when you’re my age. But, as long as I think I have the candlepower, I will do it. And I figure next year for certain. After that, who knows?”

Ginsberg should retire in the next two years to quarantee a liberal replacement nominated by President Obama.

Michael Kinsley chronicles how Republicans, and their affiliated media, are complaining “loudly about feeling bullied by their opponents.”

“Big, bad President Obama, creepy Harry Reid, that B-word Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the gang of toughs called the Democratic Party are picking on the poor defenseless GOP. As a campaigning theme, it seems insane. The GOP has long prospered by portraying Democrats as the wimps, dangerously weak and unfit for command. Does the name Michael Dukakis ring a bell? And in really heady moments, like 1984, when Reagan earned his second term, or 1994 and 2010, when sweeping victories in off-year elections seemed to foretell an imminent landslide, Republican fantasies of one-party rule involved the triumph of their party, not humiliation by the other side.”

“In fact, moaning about how weak you are compared with the opposition seems so obviously a political mistake that we can only reach one conclusion: This must be sincere.”

Remember, it is the bullies themselves that always cry loudest about being hit back.

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  1. X Stryker says:

    “What I said is not what I believe.” – Mitt, to Fox, on the 47% comment.

    We know, Mitt. We know.

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    @lg “The stupid burns sometimes:”

    The comments on that story are hilarious.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    @XS “What I said is not what I believe.” – Mitt, to Fox, on the 47% comment.

    But Mitt… How were we supposed to know when you were lying? You were so good at it. You even had the indignant act down whenever you got caught lying. Where did you learn to lie like that? Was it when you were stealing workers pensions? Or is this something you inherited?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Appropriate, I think:

  5. Did anybody take the time to answer an excruciatingly-long survey on gun control issues in Delaware today/tonight?

    Had to be twenty minutes. The questioner was someone for whom English appeared to not even be a second language. If I had to guess, I’d say Welsh. Tried to say everything phonetically, kinda like the navigation thingy in your car. Said ‘Markle’ instead of Markell every bleeping time. Even after I corrected her. She said ‘lastly’, as in, I presumed, last question, about 30 times. No lie.

    Read an interminable series of statements from both pro- and anti-gun control advocates.

    Surely I wasn’t the only person to have suffered through this 20-minute purgatory…or was I? Makes an AMWAY presentation sound damned attractive about now.

    Don’t know who is paying this firm to conduct this poll, but they’re morons. I can only hope it’s the NRA.

  6. Rustydils says:

    It is obvious now what obama is up to. Accomplish nothing the next two years, blame republicans, try and retake the house in 2014, so he can invoke all his socialist policies his last two years, this time we are on to him., and we are going to fight back

  7. cassandra m says:

    One view of the sequester business from the UK: Thank Republicans and their anti-tax nonsense for the sequester showdown

    This is very good, and he needs to be on the Opinion pages here.