Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread–The Progressive Calendar [3.5.13]

We have a lot of local progressive events coming up, and I wanted to use this open thread to highlight them.

Tomorrow night, weather permitting, we have the monthly meeting of the Progressive Democrats for Delaware (PDD) at 7 pm at the Democratic Party’s HQ in New Castle (19 E. Commons Blvd, right next to the News Journal building on 141). Governor Markell’s chief legal counsel, Andrew Lippstone, Esq., is scheduled to speak on Governor Markell’s proposed gun control legislation. I have it on good authority, however, that the meeting may be cancelled later today due to the possible snow storm predicted for tomorrow. I will update this post should the meeting be cancelled, or you can follow the Progressive Dems on Facebook to get the latest updates directly from them.

On Thursday, March 7 at 7 pm, a Pacem in Terris project called Peaceseekers is holding a forum on Drones at the Westminister Presbyterian Church, located at 1506 West 13th Street in Wilmington, DE.

Dr. Jay Parrish, a professor in the Dutton Institute, part of the world campus at Penn State University, will speak on the pros and cons of drone technology in his talk, “The Ethics of Drones.” What are the implications of our increased military usage of drones? What will our future be like when Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) “drones” are conducting domestic surveillance as well as delivering pizza?

A large scale model of a Reaper Drone will be on hand.

Next Tuesday, March 12, a bill will be introduced in the General Assembly to repeal the Death Penalty in Delaware. Delaware Repeal is holding a rally, press conference, and and a “lobby training day” on March 12. See the below schedule for the times. If you want to attend the Lobby Training, please RSVP here. movement.

11:00 AM—Lobby Training at Christ Church (S. State & Water St., Dover, DE)*
12:30 PM—Rally and Press Conference Legislative Hall East Patio (Dover, DE)
1:30 PM—Lobby Days: Legislative Hall

The Delaware Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action is holding a Town Hall Meeting on Delaware’s Budget on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers of the Newark Municipal Building, 220 South Main St (Elkton Rd), Newark DE 19711. Right now, invited panelists include U.S. Senator Tom Carper, Governor Jack Markell, Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair Sen. Harris McDowell, Joint Committee on Capital Improvement Co-Chair Rep. Quinn Johnson and House Revenue Committee Chair Rep. Helene Keeley.

The Civic League for New Castle County is having a panel debate on Governor Markell’s gun control legislation on March 19th at 7 pm at the Paul J. Sweeney Public Safety Building, 3601 N. DuPont Highway in New Castle. Governor Markell’s bills will 1) require background checks for private firearm sales; 2) require the reporting of lost and stolen firearms; 3) ban the sale, manufacture, delivery and unlawful possession of large capacity magazings; 4) ban the sale, manufacture, delivery and unlawful possession of military weapons and 5) ban possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school.

The panelists will include the aforementioned Andrew Lippstone, Esq., Governor Markell’s Chief Legal Counsel; a representative of the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence Representative; Anthony N. Delcollo, Esq., President, Delaware Association of Second Amendment Lawyers and Mark Blake, a civic leader and NRA lifetime member

Finally, the Progressive Democrats for Sussex County are holding their “Dining with Progressives” dinner meeting on Sunday, April 7 at the Fish On Restaurant in the Village of Five Points downstate. The dinner is at 5 pm, and following dinner, the discussion on repealing the death penalty in Delaware will be moderated by Scott Bass, Executive Director of the Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation (MVFR). MVFR is a national organization of over 1200 homicide survivors working to replace the death penalty with alternatives that better address the safety, healing and justice needs of families and communities impacted by violence. If you wish to attend this event, you must RSVP by sending an email to Joanne Cabry at

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