Tuesday Open Thread–The Progressive Calendar [3.5.13]

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 5, 2013

We have a lot of local progressive events coming up, and I wanted to use this open thread to highlight them.

Tomorrow night, weather permitting, we have the monthly meeting of the Progressive Democrats for Delaware (PDD) at 7 pm at the Democratic Party’s HQ in New Castle (19 E. Commons Blvd, right next to the News Journal building on 141). Governor Markell’s chief legal counsel, Andrew Lippstone, Esq., is scheduled to speak on Governor Markell’s proposed gun control legislation. I have it on good authority, however, that the meeting may be cancelled later today due to the possible snow storm predicted for tomorrow. I will update this post should the meeting be cancelled, or you can follow the Progressive Dems on Facebook to get the latest updates directly from them.

On Thursday, March 7 at 7 pm, a Pacem in Terris project called Peaceseekers is holding a forum on Drones at the Westminister Presbyterian Church, located at 1506 West 13th Street in Wilmington, DE.

Dr. Jay Parrish, a professor in the Dutton Institute, part of the world campus at Penn State University, will speak on the pros and cons of drone technology in his talk, “The Ethics of Drones.” What are the implications of our increased military usage of drones? What will our future be like when Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) “drones” are conducting domestic surveillance as well as delivering pizza?

A large scale model of a Reaper Drone will be on hand.

Next Tuesday, March 12, a bill will be introduced in the General Assembly to repeal the Death Penalty in Delaware. Delaware Repeal is holding a rally, press conference, and and a “lobby training day” on March 12. See the below schedule for the times. If you want to attend the Lobby Training, please RSVP here. movement.

11:00 AM—Lobby Training at Christ Church (S. State & Water St., Dover, DE)*
12:30 PM—Rally and Press Conference Legislative Hall East Patio (Dover, DE)
1:30 PM—Lobby Days: Legislative Hall

The Delaware Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action is holding a Town Hall Meeting on Delaware’s Budget on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers of the Newark Municipal Building, 220 South Main St (Elkton Rd), Newark DE 19711. Right now, invited panelists include U.S. Senator Tom Carper, Governor Jack Markell, Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair Sen. Harris McDowell, Joint Committee on Capital Improvement Co-Chair Rep. Quinn Johnson and House Revenue Committee Chair Rep. Helene Keeley.

The Civic League for New Castle County is having a panel debate on Governor Markell’s gun control legislation on March 19th at 7 pm at the Paul J. Sweeney Public Safety Building, 3601 N. DuPont Highway in New Castle. Governor Markell’s bills will 1) require background checks for private firearm sales; 2) require the reporting of lost and stolen firearms; 3) ban the sale, manufacture, delivery and unlawful possession of large capacity magazings; 4) ban the sale, manufacture, delivery and unlawful possession of military weapons and 5) ban possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school.

The panelists will include the aforementioned Andrew Lippstone, Esq., Governor Markell’s Chief Legal Counsel; a representative of the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence Representative; Anthony N. Delcollo, Esq., President, Delaware Association of Second Amendment Lawyers and Mark Blake, a civic leader and NRA lifetime member

Finally, the Progressive Democrats for Sussex County are holding their “Dining with Progressives” dinner meeting on Sunday, April 7 at the Fish On Restaurant in the Village of Five Points downstate. The dinner is at 5 pm, and following dinner, the discussion on repealing the death penalty in Delaware will be moderated by Scott Bass, Executive Director of the Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation (MVFR). MVFR is a national organization of over 1200 homicide survivors working to replace the death penalty with alternatives that better address the safety, healing and justice needs of families and communities impacted by violence. If you wish to attend this event, you must RSVP by sending an email to Joanne Cabry at jcabry@gmail.com.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    De-funding non-existent entities is the most concrete deficit reduction plan the GOP has ever offered.

  2. puck says:

    They NEED ACORN to exist, even in the imaginations of their base. It is a huge fundraising driver. Plus, it makes them feel better:

    Poll: Half of Republican voters say ACORN stole election

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Actual subject line from the learned people at CRI:

    We are Please to Invite You to Two Dinners

    they knows edukashun polisy

  4. occam says:

    At least we know you are on their mailing list…perhaps you should consider their policies on education reform rather than nit-pick on a typo in the e-mail

  5. Geezer says:

    What’s to consider? They want to dismantle public schools so they can replace them with low-wage charters.

  6. occam says:

    That is not at all what CRI is for. They are for school choice and education reform-namely, transparency with the education system, including the budget and accountability in the classrooms. Charter Schools will not solve the problem, but they are but one means of school choice: including secular private, faith-based, homeschooling, and cyberschooling, among others. The point is that just shuffling kids into a one-size-fits-all public school system does not serve the children’s best needs. If it was the best system, America would be #1 in K-12 education, and Delaware would be closer to the top instead of being in the middle in education results. The current system favors wealthier parents who can afford to pay the property taxes for the public schools AND THEN send their children to a private school, or who can afford to have one parent stay at home to home-school the children. If you are from a low-income family, you do not have the financial means of sending your child to a private school unless you obtain a scholarship, and not everyone can get those. School choice is not about destroying public schools: it is about empowering parents to make decisions for their kids without being burdened financially by the decision.

    It’s a very simple question: Do you believe in a parent’s rights to choose the education options for their children, or do you not?

  7. Geezer says:

    “It’s a very simple question: Do you believe in a parent’s rights to choose the education options for their children, or do you not?”

    That’s not a simple question, it’s a simplistic one.

    I’m unwilling to open the door to the for-profiteers and the charlatans that your “choices” invite to the public trough. Delaware’s poor record with charter schools should have you questioning your assumptions.

    And spare me the lie about doing it for the poor kids. The best way to get poor kids a better education is getting them out of poverty.

    “They are for school choice and education reform-namely, transparency with the education system, including the budget and accountability in the classrooms.”

    Sure they are. You haven’t purchased a bridge from them, have you? Your gullibility would suggest you might.

  8. jason330 says:

    “That’s not a simple question, it’s a simplistic one.”

    Very well done.

  9. Occam says:

    What is sad is that at no point did any of you “progressives” refute any of the statistics, simply telling yourself that allowing parents the freedom to move out of public schools means they will go to schools trying to make evil “profits”…of course, homeschooling parents make zero ($0) dollars doing it. Is that bad too? If so, then obviously your anger is not directed at “profits”. It is directed at the concept of choice. Your preference is most likely more “investment” in the public school system. Meaning: more raises and more administrators. If profit is bad, why should we bother paying teachers a lot of money? After all, are they not teaching “for the children”?. If getting more money is part of the deal to you, then obviously money and greed motivates those teachers, and not love for children.
    As for getting kids out of poverty, I actually feel dumber having read your “argument”. You get kids out of poverty by improving their opportunities for jobs and education which is tailored to the child…I suppose you fall into the camp which wants to increase food stamps and “affordable housing” to show that you “care about poor people”.
    As for “bad” charter schools, Pencander is the only one with problems. Kuumba, Dover Academy, and Newark Charter school are all doing well. How well? The teacher’s union rep from Newark sends his own kids to the Newark charter school. And not ONE of the nineteen school districts has its students average SAT score of 1550, considered good enough for college. Obviously more “investment” is needed.
    Decades ago, critical thinking and debating skills were part of a well-rounded education. I suppose in the name of “progress”, it is perfectly acceptable to jettison critical thinking and logic in favor of shouting down ideas you do not agree with, rather than trying to debate them. Then you can refuse to argue me by simply stating that I am “greedy” and are motivated by “profits”, “hating poor people,” or whatever else makes you feel good about not debating the issues.

  10. SussexAnon says:

    Pencader isn’t the first charter school to get a no vote on renewal in Delaware, Occam.

  11. rustydils says:

    The Real Communist did not die today. Barack Obama is still alive and well, and displaying all his socialist views. White house tours are shut down now. If you call the white house tour line, a message says due to sequestration the tours had to be stopped.

    Only one problem with the Comunist Barack Obama’s argument, the tours are done by volunteers, so add this to the other one million lies told by the Comunist/Socialist Barack Obama.

  12. Liberal Elite says:

    @rd “The Real Communist did not die today. Barack Obama is still alive and well, and displaying all his socialist views.”

    Well.. If you think he’s a communist, then why do you ascribe him with socialistic views??
    Or are you using special definitions of “communism” and “socialism” that only Tea Party idiots understand??

    Ohh… and you think they let volunteers run wild with tour groups in the White House with no security and oversight?

  13. socialistic ben says:

    just out of curiosity, is there a Chavez thread coming?

    Id love to have one where the differences between Socialism, socialism, Communism, communism…etc are discussed.

    Hey remember when Rusty was 100000% sure Romney was going to win California?

  14. reality check says:

    Is “rustydils” an acronym for “tarnished dildo” or is it something you use in the privacy of your home only.

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    Why is the White House canceling public tours? They claim that it is do to the sequester cuts. You all know this is a sham. Only $18,000 a week expenses saved. It’s so obvious what these people are doing. I guarantee you that one round of golf for Obama cost more than $18;000. This is shameless. I would hope that you all could remove the blinders for one second and see this.

  16. puck says:

    Only $18,000 a week expenses saved.

    $18K x 52 weeks = $936,000/year

  17. fightingbluehen says:

    Yeah puck, for the price of one tax payer funded golf outing for Obama, they should cancel tours of the White House for a year. It’s a sham, and you know it, but the blind allegiance you have for your party won’t let you admit it.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Yeah Puck. Everything should be free. Why do we even have taxes? fightingbluehen and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer are right. If we can’t afford nice things like border patrols, we should still have them, but not pay for them.

    Makes perfect wignut sense.

  19. puck says:

    @FBH – Stop being a special interest crying over your favorite program. You guys wanted massive spending cuts so we could give the rich huge tax cuts. Welcome to the world you wanted – it’s just beginning.

  20. fightingbluehen says:

    The money is there and you know it. People sign up for these tours well in advance through there US Representatives. Now some little kid that traveled form Omaha will be turned away. The recorded message on the tour hotline let’s you know that the Republicans are to blame.

  21. Jason330 says:

    FBH – shit costs money. Get used to it.

    @Puck, I fear that this is only the beginning of the special interest special interest cry-baby-athon from the right.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    And here is the problem right here:

    The money is there and you know it.

    All the government you want for free. If your budget is being cut, you reprioritize and cut back on what you can accomplish. Everyone with a household budget knows that — isn’t that what you say? If you are cutting back on the money to run government, you get less of it. And this is exactly what that looks like.

  23. puck says:

    “Now some little kid that traveled form Omaha will be turned away. ”

    There’s nothing more pathetic than a bleeding-heart conservative. Save some of that compassion for entitlement cuts for the old, poor, disabled, or unemployed.

  24. pandora says:

    Typical Republicans. They want all their services for free. Republicans are all for cuts except when it’s for programs and services they like. Closing a library or not fixing a pothole in the town they don’t live in is fine with them. Try it where they live and it’s not fair. The sequester means cuts. Perhaps FBH could give us a list of acceptable cuts.

  25. fightingbluehen says:

    This is not a budget cut problem cassandra. This is for pure punishment and show. Let’s be honest here
    Are you telling me that with all the money being thrown away by this administration, they would close down the White House for a measly $18,000 savings per week. I don’t buy it.

  26. jason330 says:

    “pure punishment and show” describes how the brain dead GOP got us here.

  27. pandora says:

    “all the money being thrown away by this administration”

    You really need to supply a list of cuts. Or are you saying that the sequester doesn’t involve cuts?

  28. puck says:

    We know FBH is a liberal; now we’re just haggling over the price.

  29. cassandra_m says:

    Of course he doesn’t buy it — not being able to follow the money is why he’s a conservative. The sequester deal is an across the board cut to a number of departments and agencies. There isn’t alot of wiggle room here — so if you are letting go of or reducing the hours of the folks who conduct those tours, then the tours can’t happen. Unless you want to recruit GWB and his wife to volunteer to come back and get them done.

    But still — smaller government is smaller government and stuff people like will go away.

  30. fightingbluehen says:

    “But still — smaller government is smaller government and stuff people like will go away.”

    But it’s not smaller government. The cuts are only in the rate of growth. The government is still getting bigger. That’s why these closures at this time are a sham, a farce, a political stunt. In the words of Bob Woodward, “it’s Mickey Mouse”.

  31. Jason330 says:

    “a sham, a farce, a political stunt” describes the whole GOP game plan since President Obama took office.

    Even within fightingbluehen’s brief comment you get the cockamamie Republican assertion that we have “a spending problem.” It would be hilarious if it were not so ridiculous trying to run a modern government with 1950’s equivalent funding levels.

  32. cassandra_m says:

    If people working for the government are being laid off or have their hours cut back, so that services that people count on are not getting done (like White House tours) that is smaller government. By definition.

    What is truly Mickey Mouse is your utter denial that taking away money from the government won’t result in fewer jobs and fewer services.

  33. fightingbluehen says:

    We are talking about a government that spent 10 million dollars on a failed attempt to bring “Sesame Street” to Pakistan, only to have the money ripped off by the local puppet theatre.

  34. Jason330 says:

    LOL. Don’t get me started on the destruction and rebuilding of Iraq as a modern democracy. A great use of tax dollars, that one.

  35. fightingbluehen says:

    No doubt. Waste is waste.

  36. anonymous says:

    The hoarding wealthy are hoarding wealth.


  37. liberalgeek says:

    If I understand correctly, the White House tour cut isn’t necessarily for the people conducting the tours, it is also background checks on people that visit. This is why you have to reserve in advance and provide the names of everyone that is going to visit.

  38. Jason330 says:

    @LG Don’t confuse the issue with facts. (pound sign facts trouble conservatives) That’s a thing right?

    @anon- Great info-graphic. Thanks for that link.

  39. fightingbluehen says:

    BTW, White House tours are self guided, and organized by volunteers. I’m sure it costs something, but to see this as anything but a political stunt is like saying MSNBC has impartial journalists.
    Background checks for people working at the golf courses, restaurants, fancy hotels and the like that the Obamas visit cost money too, but you won’t see cutbacks there, will you?

  40. Jason330 says:

    The MSNBC thing clinches it. You are a doofus. Get your special interest pity party shit together, and take another run at this in a week or two. I’m sure by then there will be plenty of cuts for you to cry about.

  41. fightingbluehen says:

    Just like the FOX thing.

  42. liberalgeek says:

    The majority of Obama’s golf games take place at military courses (Ft. Belvior and Andrews) those guys are already cleared, since they already work for the Commander-in-chief. But don’t let facts get in your way.

  43. cassandra_m says:

    WH tours are self-guided (mostly), but they are still monitored by uniformed Secret Service. The uniformed officers are being redeployed to other duties in order to cut back on regular hours and overtime hours.

  44. pandora says:

    This is becoming painful to watch. Obviously, someone hasn’t done their homework.

  45. fightingbluehen says:

    Just heard Rush limbaugh using my restaurant example. Talking about the twenty car motorcade Obama took to dinner last night in the wake of the White House tour closure.

  46. Geezer says:

    Shorter FBH: Waaaah!

  47. Geezer says:

    “Just heard Rush limbaugh…”


  48. pandora says:

    Wait a minute, FBH… you’ve been all over this blog for a quite a while insisting that you never listen to Rush Limbaugh. Now you’re quoting him?

  49. socialistic ben says:

    oh, well if Rush says it, im sure it is totally true, unbiased, and sober.

    thats RIGHT! point to pandora.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    Wait?!?! I could have sworn that FBH has said on dozens of occasions that he doesn’t listen to Rush and that he came up with all of his conspiracy theories all by himself. At least we can finally confirm that FBH is a dittohead and not just an independent buffoon.

  51. cassandra_m says:

    I’ve heard FBH insist that he never listens to Limbaugh (although he is miraculously capable of repeating the talking points pretty much word for word). So now we know the real deal. As if we didn’t know anyway.

    And here’s abit of a hint for you, FBH — much of a Presidential motorcade is law enforcement.

  52. fightingbluehen says:

    Never said I don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh. I said I don’t watch FOX. Yeah, I sometimes listen to Rush Limbaugh. Good background noise when you’re working. It’s a good radio show
    Notice that my comment was at 11:50. That’s before the Rush Limbaugh show.

  53. fightingbluehen says:

    I must say that I listen to him less since he trashed Mike Castle and supported Christine O’Donnell. It’s still an entertaining radio show though.

  54. fightingbluehen says:

    You guys are working those EMC data storage locations, aren’t you. Anyway, how can you disagree that if the budget crises is so dire that tours of the White House have to be cancelled, then the President should also cut back on entertainment that results in public expenditure.

  55. SussexAnon says:

    Perhaps if congress also engaged in sequester savings/cuts. Oh wait. Boehner gets to keep his budget because they (congress) are exempt from the sequester.

    FBH, I await your outrage.

  56. Geezer says:

    “How can you disagree that if the budget crises is so dire that tours of the White House have to be cancelled, then the President should also cut back on entertainment that results in public expenditure.”

    Because you people only care about this when a Democrat is in the White House. Waaaah!

  57. socialistic ben says:

    I didnt see Obama in any of those shots. Must be because he is out playing golf with clubs made out of money taxed away from hard working Americans.

  58. fightingbluehen says:

    Thanks anon : ) Now I don’t have to actually go there.

  59. cassandra_m says:

    Congress isn’t exempt from the sequester. Salaries of Senators and Representatives are, but not their staff or overhead.

  60. Jason330 says:

    I wish the mid-terms were today. House Republicans are absolutely hated across this great land of ours.

    71 percent of voters nationwide, including 53 percent of Republican voters, disapprove of the job the congressional GOP

    The even worse news for the GOP is that half of the Republicans that disapprove of the job they are doing, disapprove because they don;t think that Congressional republican are crazy ENOUGH.