Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread [3/7/2013]

Welcome to No Snow Thursday. So it looks like we come to the end of this winter with No Snow. Sad.

Wish that I could post this piece in its entirety. But here is Jon Talton, The Rogue Columnist from the Tuscon paper, Sequester This:

Let the sequester happen and keep it going. Ever since Ronald Reagan ran for the presidency, politicians have gotten ahead by claiming “government is the problem.” And voters accept this as they accept their Social Security checks, Medicare benefits, safe food and drugs, freeways and roads to drive on, in vehicles powered by gasoline kept artificially cheap by federal subsidies, armies and fleets, live in a Sun Belt made habitable by federal initiatives from the TVA to the SRP, survive airplane flights thanks to government air traffic control…and they think government is the problem. A people this stupid and corrupt deserves the real-life experiment of seeing whether they really are rugged individualists who don’t need no gub’ment. Bring it on. I especially look forward to letting the net-taker red states actually live the Ayn Rand fantasy they rave about. I can imagine how LBJ, whatever the statues say, would ensure that all the military cuts befell states that voted against him and especially the districts of members of Congress who defied him.

Seriously. You can see the bare tip of the iceberg of this conversation in the folks who are complaining that there are no White House tours. Maybe if more folks get to experience just what the elimination of your problem government means, we can get beyond the bullshit.

Great graphic from Business Week on the Geography of the Defense Sequester Cuts:

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