Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.10.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 10, 2013

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wilmington, usually held on the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, from a few years ago. At the terminus of the parade route is a party held at St. Patrick’s Church, where the church serves beer to hundreds or parade-goers.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Fewer and fewer Americans are buying guns. As more Americans realize that is is a bad idea to keep a gun in your home, a small group is proping up the gun industry by buying scads of guns.
    As Digby says:
    Go to any conservative or gun-oriented blog or forum, and the trend is obvious: no longer is it considered appropriately macho to just own one or two guns. The true American hero must be in possession of an entire arsenal. That’s what the gun lobby has led them to believe–in large part to boost their own profits even as the number of people who want to own these instruments of death plummets. It has worked handsomely for them

    In other words, like the GOP, the nation’s gun owners are shrinking and becoming crazier by the day.

  2. cassandra m says:

    St. Patrick’s no longer wanted the parade after-party to be held in their basement — so there is a new route and the parade ends at Fletcher Brown Park this year. Beer being served in a tent.