Sunday Open Thread [3.10.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 10, 2013

It is a gorgeous Sunday, following a gorgeous Saturday. I’m even thinking about working on my yard this afternoon — a thing I try to ignore until the very last minute. In any event, I hope you are enjoying this day!

Sheriff Crazy is back in court in Sussex Co., looking for somebody — anybody, please! — to let him arrest people. Why he needs to arrest people is certainly not clear to me — but the power grab by a tejhadi who would have never qualified for this Government Job otherwise has some symmetry to it. Wonder if anyone is ever going to ask him about his personal jihad to Expand Government?

Great long read of the day — the Boston Globe takes a look at how the gridlock in DC for confirming judges is starving the court system:

The partisan gridlock in Washington — largely fueled by the determination of Republican legislators to block Obama’s agenda by any means — manifests itself in almost everything Washington tries to do these days. It is most visible in the ongoing budget stalement and the drama that nearly took the nation right over the so-called fiscal cliff, but the impact on the federal court system, while less obvious to the public, is no less damaging.

While the Senate’s slowness in approving judges nationwide has been noted, the practical and political impact on the courts of that holdup has received far less attention. The Senate has turned away one nominee after another — with a single Republican senator often able to block appointments without explanation — and the White House has often been powerless in response.

And Ikea is opening its own hotel chain. WIll you have to put your room together from a big flat box using a little allen wrench they provide? Yikes. But this wag from The Guardian provides a handy guide to the facilities of the new hotel:

The TV remote will be found on the top shelf of your MALM bedside table. Do not touch the TV, because some of the UPPLEVA TV wall brackets have had missing bolts replaced with shelf mount screws taken from the MALM bedside table, so they can be a bit wobbly. Also, don’t touch the MALM bedside table.

What interests you today?

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. auntie dem says:

    Just back from the Gospel Brunch at the Queen — part of the Mid-Atlantic Wine and Food Festival. It was great fun. The music was joyful and there were some great wines to taste. Loved the duck sliders at the Hotel DuPont table. Gotta figure out the recipe for those. They went great with the Pinot Noir at the next table.

  2. jason330 says:

    What a combo. That festival has been getting really great reviews. I’ll have to try harder to get it on my schedule.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    TThe Mid-Atlantic Wine and Food Festival does seem to be a hit. I’m sorry I missed the Scrapplegasm breakfast yesterday — goose scrapple and chorizo scrapple would have been fun to try!

  4. CinqueB says:

    What interests me today is not the scrapple or the politics in Washington but the IR Bridge. In Friday’s Delaware State News Secretary Bhatt said “There is only so much we can do.” We did not have the IR problem untill we removed all those pesky trees that were holding back the sand dunes but were not native to Delaware. After wasting so much money on this bridge what are we to do?

  5. Steve Newton says:

    cassandra–it was amazing how many excuses I could find to walk the dog today–“Don’t worry kids, I will take her out!”

  6. rustydils says:

    It would be a beautiful day if we did not have the three socialist running the country, Barack Obama, (and his partner in crime Michelle Obama), Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi

  7. Dave says:

    “After wasting so much money on this bridge what are we to do?”

    From what I can tell the IR bridge was a necessity. It may have cost too much, but it does what it is intended to do. Second, we are to do nothing. The bridge is on the coast. The ocean is a force that will sometimes have its way. So when the road to and from the bridge is impassable we do what was done before a bridge – go around. Sometimes doing nothing is the right answer.