The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 16, 2013

The weekly addresses from President Obama and Governor Markell (who hands it off to Secretary O’Mara this week), as well as the West Wing Week video about this past week at the White House. And we also have a video of the Governor playing a charity ping pong game. I am not sure why he is shorts and a t-shirt for a ping pong game.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I like the big picture D v. R framing that the President is getting into. democrats for science, progress, the future. Then by implication, Republicans for superstition, fear, and going backwards.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Framing works when it has the benefit of being true.

  3. Steve Newton says:

    Actually, framing works when it appear true, and if it is plausibly done, regardless of whether it is actually true.

  4. hmmm says:

    The true question. Is what office and when is O’mara running?