St. Patrick’s Day Daily Delawhere [3.17.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 17, 2013

Most Irish immigrants worked at the mills lining the Brandywine River and some tributaries. Many worked at Eleutherian Mills near Henry Clay Village, where the DuPont company produced gunpowder. One of the jobs at the powder yard was to grind the saltpeter for production, which was done with this grinding wheel.

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  1. Aoine says:

    Lá Fhéile Pádraig Soma Daiobh-

    Am bródúil as sin agus ádh a bheith Gaeilge!

    Lets never forgot those that really built America- all of those that either came here looking for a better life- or were brought here unwillingly to make a better life for those richer

    And also Honor those that were here before we came and took their way of life.

    St Patrick was both an immigrant and a slave at various times in his life- he would understand!