Monday Open Thread [3.19.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 18, 2013

You want proof that Hillary will run in 2016? Well, she just released a video announcing her support for marriage equality, which was not a surprise, but since she had to steer clear of making any political statements while Secretary of State, Hillary has been silent on the issue since the 2008 campaign. In my opinion, if she were just a private citizen enjoying her retirement, I don’t think such a video would be released.

First Read: “The party wants to spend millions on minority outreach. But you could also argue that the GOP’s past opposition to Obamacare and immigration reform, as well as its pursuit of voting laws that impact minority communities, has been just as significant to its performance with these voters. The party wants to limit the number of debates. But was the number the problem in 2012, or was it more the substance and policies being discussed (for example, all the candidates rejecting a 10-to-1 deal on cuts to revenues)? And the party wants to change the perception that it’s the party of the rich. But just this week, the GOP-controlled House is expected to vote on the Ryan budget plan, which gives the wealthy a significant tax cut while cutting programs that benefit the poor.”

“And we have one final question: How much of this is fighting the last war? Sure, limiting the number of debates and holding a convention in July seems smart after what happened in 2012. But don’t forget, John Kerry and the Democrats in ’04 still lost after holding few debates and a July convention.”

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  1. Jason330 says:

    The GOP DC insiders have actually come out with an election debriefing that makes sense. Will the base listen to the findings? I sort of doubt it given the fact that the findings are basically that the GOP needs to turn its back on large portions of its base.

    1 Reaching out to minorities is a top priority, and one that will turn off the racists and xenophobic haters that they’ve cultivated.

    2. Acceptance of Gays. Intolerant religious bigots apparently need to find a new political home.

    3. Epistemic Closure Is Real. Conservatives need to learn how to talk and listen to people that have differing opinions. True conservatives block out all dissenting voices, so that’s another big hit.

    4. Look To The States
    The RNC report makes a careful distinction between federal Republicans — bad! — and state Republicans — good!

    5. Stop Being The Rich Guys.
    “We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare,”

    That seems likely to happen… right?

  2. pandora says:

    I don’t see how they do this without breaking into two separate parties.

  3. cassandra m says:

    I read someone last week who talked about the GOP governors actually being a counter to this effort to seem more reasonable and not ideologically crazy. Because most of them are governing like the ideological crazies they are and govs like Corbett are at some risk.

  4. Steve Newton says:


    I don’t see how they do this without breaking into two separate parties.

    Forty to fifty years ago, before the Southern strategy, Republicans were effectively two separate parties united pretty much only at the national level. Nixon represented the breakdown of that organizational scheme.

  5. cassandra m says:

    And really, all 6 of their recommendations are a problem of long-standing policy, not marketing. It looks to me that they have quite the row to hoe here.

  6. bamboozer says:

    This is the wish list of Republicans that actually want to win elections as opposed to their base that dearly loves the old hatreds , hypocrisy and discriminations. It’s just not going to happen, none of it. Having said that: HILARY IN 2016!!!

  7. Rusty Dils says:

    Bill Maher on Talk show says that it turns out the rich are paying 70% of the load on Taxes. He says the liberals may lose him, because he is paying way to much in Taxes. In California, he is paying over 50%. I got bad news for Bill, even if the liberals lose him, Us conservatives don’t want him

  8. Jason330 says:

    Rusty Dils on Talk blog says that it turns out the floobah-flibby. He says the liberals nom, nom, nom because unicorn farts and to much in Taxes. Or something.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    So I guess Hillary changed her mind, or flip flopped, or evolved as it were….lol. You have to love a real politician.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Bill Maher was likely joking, although we’ll stipulate that Rusty’s People have real issues in identifying humor. Still, though, if the rich are paying 70% in taxes, I wonder who notices that the rich are making 90% of the money?

  11. puck says:

    And doing 1% of the work.

  12. Jason330 says:

    …and got 120% of the income growth over the past 20 years.

  13. Don’t miss the Governor’s Gun Control Legislation debate at 7PM tomorrow night in New Castle (Sweeney Public Safety Building on Rte 13)

    It will be put on YouTube if you want to catch it later.

    Panelist face off – Governor’s chief legal counsel and DE Coalition Against Gun Violence vs. DE Assoc. of Second Amendment Lawyers and Mark Blake, 2012 GOP NCC Executive candidate.

  14. fightingbluehen says:

    Can anyone tell me why my 1983 Chevy Chevette got like 40 mpg, and thirty years later you have to buy a hybrid car to match that millage. What about the VW Rabbit of the seventies and eighties not to mention the Yugo, Opel,and Fiats that all got 40+ mpg. The Rabbit diesel actually went 50+mpg.

  15. puck says:

    I’ve wondered the same thing myself. Emissions controls?

  16. SussexAnon says:

    VW is still making cars that get 40-50+ mpg, they just dont sell them in this country.

    There are several non hybrid cars currently sold in the US that get close to 40 mpg hwy.

    Americans like their cars big and (mostly) useless. One never knows when you will find yourself going off road. By off road I mean missing the driveway and touching grass when pulling into your house

  17. Aoine says:

    A YUGO. Really, not even a competitor

    Opal yeas, Saab yes, VW yes. Fiat yes

    YUGO- ummmm. NO

  18. Pencadermom says:

    ” By off road I mean missing the driveway and touching grass when pulling into your house” LOL
    I’ve had a lot of cars. My favorite was my Jetta. Because of having three kids, I have a big minivan now. I think it gets 5 mpg !! I’ve had it for a long time, I hate filling it, but have no car payments and can’t afford to start them again, so I keep filling it.

  19. Jason330 says:

    I have to admit Sven old boy, you are chipping away at me.

    The Eurozone is with ESM still a collective credit card agreement, but the good people of Delaware can rejoice at the fact that after seceding to Sweden you will not be part of the Eurozone, but your currency will be the strong Swedish krona. The only two things we do know are:

    1 Corrupt governments can never create growth and jobs;

    2 Bankers should be accountant-like people, wearing boring suits. As soon as they start suffering from the delusion that they are businessmen, the taxpayer’s money is at risk.

  20. Sven-Erland says:

    Jason, I am glad to hear that.

  21. Jason330 says:

    If the Swedes are as smart and level headed as you say they are, they will keep Delaware at a safe distance. So there is little risk in my warnming up to “Dexit.”

  22. Sven-Erland says:

    Jason, please forgive me if I have given the impression that I would be suggesting that Swedes are smart and levelheaded. That would be a very un-Swedish behaviour. First of all, we would not promote the individual. Secondly, patriotism is almost a four letter word in Sweden – in our minds paving the way for nationalism, bigotry, intolerance and irrational behaviour. The Swedish way is to quietly and un-boastfully believe that our system is the best in the world.

    So if Delaware is in such a bad shape that we should keep it at arm’s length, then we will consider it our duty to come to the rescue.

  23. puck` says:

    How’s the beer over there?

  24. Sven-Erland says:

    Great beer in Scandinavia. In fact, Carlsberg, invented modern beer by discovering the species of yeast used to make pale lager, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. Today, numerous micro-breweries have popped up, offering lager and ale.

  25. puck` says:

    Hmmm… good, good. Are there anything like Republicans in Sweden?

  26. Sven-Erland says:

    Republicans? No, not in the American sense. The Swedish political spectrum cannot be directly translated to American conditions. Feel free to read more at: