BREAKING: Superior Court Rules that Jeff Christopher Is Not a Police Officer

Filed in National by on March 19, 2013

Here is the key language from the decision:

To summarize, Delaware’s constitution recognizes the office of sheriff but does not enumerate any specific power or authority held by the office. The Court concludes that the common law authority and responsibilities of the Sheriff are subject to modification and restriction by the legislature. The 2012 legislation extinguishing the Sheriff’s law enforcement powers is valid.

This Court declares and holds that a sheriff in Delaware shall not be involved in law enforcement and shall not act in any capacity as a police officer or peace officer. This decision moots the Sheriff’s complaints that the County has not properly funded his office and attempts to meddle in his business.


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  1. anon says:


    But I don’t expect this to shut the wack job or his posse up.

  2. heragain says:

    Another delusion refused by the courts.

  3. Mongo1021 says:

    Phew. That would’ve been bad if it went the other way.

  4. AOINE says:

    And how much has this howling asshole cost the sussex taxpayer?

    Hell, I have been telling you all that for FREE since that assswipe got elected.

    Now, lets get rid of him!

  5. Dave says:

    Can the county sue for legal fees? I wish the court had awarded fees as part of the ruling.

  6. Thanks, Dave. I wish the State could sue for court expenses as well. They also used up a lot of legal firepower on this.

  7. SussexAnon says:

    “The Court holds that there is no law enforcement authority inherent in being listed
    among the cast of office holders identified as “conservators of the peace” in the Delaware
    Being a conservator of the peace does not confer any specific powers of law enforcement……”

    Thank you, Judge. Sometimes stating the obvious in a court ruling is the only way to get someone to hear what is necessary.
    That popping sound is the exploding heads of the 3 people left over at Delaware Politics.

    Any word from the Sherrif camp? Appeal? Surely he won’t let it end like this.

  8. Aoine says:

    Three people at DP


    don Aoytte

    William Christy

    Jonathan Moseley

    David Andersron doesn’t even post that much- Don Ayotte copies and pastes for either Fox News or the Washington examiner
    There is no blogging, just cut copy paste

    And bullshit and mental mastrubation

  9. mediawatch says:

    Christopher has no avenue for appeal, but he does have some options.
    Among them:
    1. since he can’t legally play Cops and Robbers anymore, he could just quit because he’s not being allowed to do what he thought he was elected to do.
    2. he could disregard the SCODEL ruling and arrest Justice Graves the next time he sets foot in Sussex County.
    Option 1 makes sense, Option 2 seems more likely.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Option 3. He could stick around, loudly griping, but taking his place on the Wingnut Gravy Train. Does the CRI have a Law Enforcement Fellow yet? And that thing that Christopher is planning for April looks like a traveling wingnut show — complete with travel expenses and a decent honorarium.

  11. Aoine says:

    Paid for with hill billy welfare no doubt…..

    Interesting that the classes are free, yet the ” lunch” costs $15.00

    Very expensive seeing as I can get a bite at the Brick for half that-

    When one rents at Deltech, if you are going to have food it MUST be provided by DELTECHS approved caterer…….

    Wonder if they are planning a lunch to raise money – shit on a shingle or between two slices of bread for $15.00 and in direct violation of DELTECH TOS.. But GEEE, that’s just BIG GOVERN,ENT telling the little man what to do

    They will probably have their lunch off campus – catered by TROOPS BBQ or something and have a ” special event” to go with it

    Or Don Ayotte, being the gentleman that he is, will chain his wife to the stove and have her supply the grub.

    Ether way, it’s bound to be a cluster fuck

    My money is on Christopher arresting Judge Graves. Christopher don’t have the BALLS to defy the court and go to jail for what he believes in…… :-).

    Or, he could get kicked in the balls again, oh wait, GRAVES did that today already

  12. SussexAnon says:

    Unless he moved, Justice Graves lives in Sussex County.

    I think the sherrif is going to stick around and lose in a primary.

    The Sussex clown show known as the GOP was divided on this issue. They will regroup around Agenda 21, UN outrage dujour, or if anyone gay steps up to run for an office in Sussex. Then its ON.

  13. What a waste of money. Is there anything left to appeal or is this case over finally?

  14. What happens to the cases of the people that Christopher’s posse “arrested?” Do these cases get dismissed?

  15. Jason330 says:

    Well, I see Obama has co-opted the Delaware courts. You are our last hope Sheriff! Save our assault weapons!!!

  16. Aoine says:

    He never arrested anyone…..what his CHIEF DEPUTY did was pull some folks over for either speeding or driving erratically.

    Jeff Christopher TRIED to have Vance Phillps arrested for kicking him in the balls – but the court would not swear out the warrant for jeff

    He didn’t arrest Vance because he KNEW he didn’t have the authority, instead he drove himself FTP the JP court to try to get a warrant signed by a judge- whoops, no luck there, the court knew better and referred him to the REAL cops, the Georgetown POLICE- ya know , they guys that are actually certified and trained by the state to ARREST people.

    WELL, now he knows he does not have the power to ENFORCE ANY state law at all!- he has been effectively neutered

    So his options are as outlined above

    1. Appeal- I doubt the DE SUPREME COURT WOULD EVEN HEAR THE CASE- and even with his money bomb and constant pleadings for money I doubt he could raise enough for the legal challenge

    2. Shut up and go away- not likely, he has an echo chamber of crazies from all over the country egging him on, and now he gets speaking fees, this decision is actually a money tree for him. These clowns are selling para cord bracelets for 10.00 each, they are not worth .10 cents.

    3. I doubt the Sussex GOP is dumb enough to even run this clown under their banner for sheriff, but then, the SUSSEX GOP has some really really CRAZY people involved- I think they do cut him lose and he runs under the IPod banner with Wolfgang- another nut

    4 if he is voted out of office he has no standing for any case. But then again, this clown is only a pawn and does not realize that he is being used by his buddy sheriff Mack to keep HIM in speaking fees and the crazies stirred up. And keep that hillbilly welfare flowing in from – get this- folks that say they are sending him money but are unemployed- your unemployment benefits at work folks.- government is bad….

    And if ya’ll get a chance- check out his FB page- apparently a friend posted it was time to hunt RINOS and mount them on the wall……

    Glad I am not a Republican in Sussex right now……

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Frank Knotts weighs in at his blog and the Sussex teajadis are not happy with him over this, as Aoine notes.

    Also added Frank’s blog to our blog roll today.

  18. geezer says:

    “Glad I am not a Republican in Sussex right now”

    Oh, admit it. You are always glad you’re not a Republican in Sussex.

  19. SussexAnon says:

    “Glad I am not a Republican in Sussex right now”

    Really? Because Rs are WINNING this county.

  20. Geezer says:

    So winning is the only thing that matters? Thanks, Mr. Lombardi.

  21. SussexAnon says:

    Only thing? No.

  22. Roland D. Lebay says:

    I’d like to thank Geezer for making me look up the history of this quote. If wikipedia is to be believed, it did not originate w/ Lombardi.

  23. Aoine says:

    Now we all KNEW the sheriff was nuts, but more on the idea logical front that the mental health front… Well maybe


    Now we can remove all doubt…..between the interview linkes in FRANK KNOTTS blog and DELAWARE RIGHT. And the fact that his FB page and posts contribute to the ” hunting of RINOS and mount them on your wall” ideas,,,which he himself gleefully supports along with the wife,Barbi. ( yup, she’s a blonde too)

    One does not need to be a Republican in Sussex to be concerned……
    Maybe some of us need to let him know that not only do LIBERALS support the first amendment ( although we will hold you to task for what you say

    We also have those pesky 2nd amendment rights as well, just in case it’s not only “RINOS” he and his merry band in tights, care to go hunting for and mount on their wall.


  24. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    Delaware, in a 2010 survey, was rated as the fourth most corrupt state in the Union … SMALL WONDER … Leave it to an inept fourth-rate political hack judge to rule in essence that a constitution can be interpreted arbitrarily for whatever political purpose is at hand on the legally lame and fragile excuse that the operative term, “conservator of the peace”, was not specifically defined.

    Anyone with even a modicum of constitutional sense knows that constitutions are general frameworks defining the basis of government organization, function, duties and powers; otherwise they would read (exhaustively) like code books and statutes. [ One possible exception is the rather long and detailed Verfassung d. Bundesrepublik Deutschland.]

    In 1935, the statutory powers of the Delaware State Police were defined as being conservators of the peace with powers similar to that of Sheriffs and Constables. Article 15, section 1 of the Delaware Constitution also states that the Attorney General is a conservator of the peace. The AG and his Task Force also have the power of arrest; so, the court’s decision is arbitrary, capricious and nebulous at best.

    If this miserable Orwellian excuse for state jurisprudence is allowed to stand, no article or fundamental principle of the Delaware Constitution is safe. What’s next??? Freedom of Speech, Assembly, the Press and the natural right to breathe free oxygen?

    The Office of Sheriff was originally intended as a popular counterpoise to government overreach, corruption, abuse of power and tyranny — a point readily lost to the progressive/ collectivist as well as the reactionary mindset. (See: F. Knotts , Delaware Right.) Statutes simply do not supersede constitutional provisions. Ergo, fundamental removal of the Sheriff’s law enforcement powers requires a state constitutional amendment, a point readily lost to Gauleiter Peter Schwartzkopf (who once proposed legislation making all Delaware licensed drivers automatic organ donors unless they specifically opted out).

    Corrupt politicians like Vance Phillips simply can’t stand the very presence of an honest, independent and constitutionally-empowered Sheriff in their midst.

    Wolf von Baumgart

    A detailed e-report “Powers and Duties of the Sheriff” is available upon e-mail request for those with the guts and brains to read it….

  25. Jason330 says:


  26. Sussex Citizen says:

    Aoine you got a real big mouth when it comes to passing judgement about others. The reality is your spineless you hide behind your numerous alias names you post with. Talk about mental masturbation you brag all the time how you have all this dirt on everyone and all these documents. Since you also use terms like masturbation and double penetration I would suspect you have some deep seated sexual issues. The Georgetown Police there’s a crew of keystone kops, a crack house with 3 overdose deaths in a year yet nothings done…… oops thats right it’s owned by a fellow kop can’t violate the thin blue line dontcha know. While you claim the GOP has some real nuts you’re flapping your gums about the private sexual preferences of a deputy sheriff going as far as suggesting the person run for the Sheriffs position because of their sexual preference. WTF you have no sense of bounds unless it concerns your own privacy. Don’t think for one minute that people don’t know who you are or why you were terminated from the county sheriffs department. Figures you would dismiss the judges reference to the fact that the sheriff DID have those powers before pistol pete railroaded the bill through last year. Oh yeah pistol pete the gay communtie’s hero the kop whose now trying to railroad another bill through which hes exempt from since hes a retired dsp. pistol pete the lawmaker who knows gun dealers are breaking the law concerning background checks by overcharging but refuses to report it to the ag.

  27. SussexWatcher says:

    Wolfgang, go polish your pith helmet and stfu. Such a big talker should run for something himself. Oh, wait, you did … and George Cole handed you your ass on a silver platter.

  28. anon says:

    Sussex Citizen-“pistol pete” is not exempt from the bill you speak of – which exempts cops and retired cops from getting background checks for private gun purchases – because he hasn’t kept himself active with training. So you are incorrect, maybe you should report back to your buddies and let them know the facts.

    Woflgang – your ideas are so popular that your party, the IPOD, barely has enough registered voters to get candidates on the ballot. The IPOD also has no core values, and a website that hasn’t been updated since 2006, the last time it had a shred of relevancy. You couldn’t even get Mike Protack to run on your ticket – that says it all.

    In the Gaffney interview “Sheriff” Christopher tells people to call him at the Sheriff’s office to donate to his defense fund. That is illegal. it’s also disrespectful and disgusting. He’s a filthy smear on the good people of Sussex who voted for him.

  29. cassandra m says:

    For all of his originalist sound and fury,I’d bet that Wolfgang here wouldn’t be interested in restricting the firearms Americans could own to originalist flintlocks.

  30. geezer says:

    “Leave it to an inept fourth-rate political hack judge”

    I’m interested: What are the “rates” you’re speaking of? Or is this just an example of ham-handed hyperbole?

    “Anyone with even a modicum of constitutional sense knows that constitutions are general frameworks defining the basis of government organization, function, duties and powers…”

    Anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows that appeals to the constitution are the bleats of the dispossessed, with no better argument to make than “Mom! He’s cheating!”

    “no article or fundamental principle of the Delaware Constitution is safe. What’s next??? Freedom of Speech, Assembly, the Press and the natural right to breathe free oxygen?”

    None of the rights you list is mentioned in the Delaware Constitution. Hyperbole again?

    “Corrupt politicians like Vance Phillips simply can’t stand the very presence of an honest, independent and constitutionally-empowered Sheriff in their midst.”

    Two points.

    One: I don’t know where you got the nonsense about the sheriff being some kind of supercop, outside-the-chain-of-command do-gooder, but the actual instances of such action could be counted on Three-Finger Brown’s pitching hand.

    Two: Once upon a not-so-distant time, Vance Phillips was the golden boy of Sussex County conservative politics. People like you, if not you specifically, threw palms at his feet. That’s not even counting your preposterous wooing of Mike Protack. So you’ll excuse us if we take your current enthusiasms with a pound or two of rock salt.

  31. geezer says:

    Sussex Citizen: Got any evidence of anything, or are you just airing out your underwear?

  32. Sussex Citizen says:

    anon of course pp wouldn’t tell an untruth now would he. Under the federal law 218 for retired kops all ol pp has to do is go shoot 100 rounds up in Smyrna and plop down twenty bucks at SBI done deal CCDW permit issued. He’s exempt he can carry in all 50 states and purchase firearms in all 50 states without a background check. Old pp was screaming at Dan Gaffney during his interview 2 Friday’s ago to the point some of his fellow legislators said he sounded like a lunatic. That would explain why he voted to allow convicted felons to purchase hunting licenses. I keep reading all this crap about all these alleged illegal things the sheriff has done yet none of you have done a thing about it.

  33. Sussex Citizen says:

    evidence?!?!?!? that’s f’ing priceless!!!!! you people eviscerate anyone you feel like all the time without a bit of evidence.

  34. Aoine says:

    I think SUSSEXCITIEN has some deep seated issues of their own

    I used the term ” mental masturbation” which is defined as:

    Mental Masturbation. Pleasurable but unproductive mental activity;with little or no practical

    You made the comment physical- so WHO has the sexual issue?

    ROTFLMAO- sorry bud- don’t know or care who you think I am but was never terminated from any sheriffs office for anything, ever.

    Too freaking funny……

    Doesn’t like me, doesn’t like Pete, doesn’t like the Georgetown PD, doesn’t like Judge Graves, WOW

    Anyone you do like, besides your pal the Sheriff.

    Like most RWNJ if you spent more time working on the issues INSIDE your own family and not fix the problems of the world you would be better off.

    Ummm and that Deputy is very open and vocal about their gender preference actually, if they need to defend themselves I think they are able to. You don’t need to. But thanks anyway for,your thoughtfulness.

    And Pete doesn’t have to report anything to the AG- if you are so worried about it why don’t you do it yourself

    Ohhhh, I get it- you just wanna bitch…..well bitch…….ummm away that is.

    And NTW, I could give a shit what your opinion of me is. Or what you think you know. Clown

  35. Aoine says:

    As far as the sheriff illegal and unethical actions go

    It’s not our job to do something about it- we are not vigilantes like you and your sheriff pal.

    We have real cops and real prosecutors that know what is happening- and if they feel the law has been broken and have the evidence then they will do something about it

    See, we are not mouth frothing raving raging lunatics like you and your ilk are. We actually have the rule of law and believe in it.

    We don’t lynch folks based on opinions and we trust out elected officious to do what Is prudent and wise, for the most part. We are not struggling for relevancy and seeing it slip further and further away-
    Unlike a waste of a has been like you, who is impotent and powerless. Rejected even by a reject like Mike Protack.

    Are you planning on marching on DC armed this July 4th- Lord I hope so!

  36. jim center says:

    I’ve always said the state motto should not not be “Small Wonder”, it should be “No Wonder” (all these sussex idiots still exist)

  37. geezer says:

    “you people eviscerate anyone you feel like all the time without a bit of evidence.”

    Bullshit. Nobody here drops gossip-column cowpies like the ones you deposited. Either name the names or fuck off.

  38. Sussex Citizen says:

    Geezer really no one drops names with gossip column cowpies how about laffters comments posted about a delaware politics member. How about Aoine with all her comments posted about the Sheriff and the gay deputy sheriff. Dude ain’t you the bad ass telling someone to fuck off on a blog

  39. geezer says:

    More badass than your sorry performance. You’re alleging illegal activities with no proof, no names — no nothing, including no credibility. So once more, fuck off. If you want me to tell you in person, let me know.

  40. Sussex Citizen says:

    Aoine like I said you talk a lot of shit with absolutely nothing to back it up. How’s your Spanish doing these days? Gonna deny that too. Or how about your claim you knew Frank Knotts was Truth Be Told in Delaware politics.

    There were complaints filed about gun dealers overcharging. Pistol Pete took an oath as a legislator a crime was/is being committed which he refused to report, that makes him complicit.
    complicit – An individual is complicit in a crime if he/she is aware of its occurrence and has the ability to report the crime, but fails to do so.

    You’re frothing at the mouth and chomping at the bit over the sheriff issue sending out salary information about the department and all your other claims you’ve made. You can deny all you want but your own words prove you’re a one man judge, jury, and executioner.

    I know exactly who you are a former confidant of yours outed you, when they got sick of your shit.

  41. Aoine says:

    Wolfe- I don’t give a shot about you or anything about you

    And I don’t give a shit about what you say – actually if you knew who I really was
    The Spanish comment would never have been made

    So- think about that smart guy- not who you think at all.

    The sheriff salary is a letter of public record – no secret there

    As far as frank knotts and truth be told- nope never made that cla either and I challenge you to link to that
    You can’t coz it never happened

    So- please go back on your meds or go march and DC like u have planned

    Ohhhhggg- now how did we know that! My my maybe your confidants are outing you now that they r tired of your shit.

  42. Aoine says:

    You are not as clever as you think you are

    Not by half

  43. Sussex Citizen says:

    geezer dude now you really got me scared. You’re going to say fuck you to my face…. you really are fucking pathetic.
    There are plenty of illegal activities alleged in here on any given day of the week with zero proof, and that includes the ones laffter posted. The same ones they posted in Delaware Politics and the other day in Delaware Right.

  44. Aoine says:

    Ahhh Geezer- screen shots are a wonderful thing

    N’cest pas?

    It proves with one look what a thousand blog posts can argue about

  45. cassandra_m says:

    And I’m going to note JUST ONCE that SCOTUS ruling, Sussex Citizen and yesterday’s expose are all posting from the same IP address. Which looks to me like they are sockpuppeting this place.

    Cut it out now.

  46. pandora says:

    Do you think that’s why they think they’re a majority opinion? Because they count their sock puppet identities?

  47. Aoine says:

    Hey Cassandra- no surprise , they have one IP address at DP with 25 different blog names

    They are as bunch of sad sick twisted people, that can get out of the past and don’t understand why they are no longer relevant

    They like to froth at the mouth and get their spittle up, they try to talk others down in public, are rude and offensive in the pubic forums and to elected officials and those running for office, have to be gaveled out the door and it’s no surprise they report to sock- puppetry.

    They are rude, crude, and vicious and have low brows,,,, but by GOD they got their guns and bible- and that gives them the right to be foul- mouth racist assholes when they think no one is looking.

    They have been outed to all of us, all their nasty rhetoric, all their racists comments. Some of their confidants have outed them , many many times over the years.
    Yet they think they are above it all

    They are not worth the steam off my piss.

  48. Sussex Citizen says:

    Aoine You made the post right in delawareliberal I already posted it the other day and the comment was removed. The Spanish comment was made because you felt the need to correct another dl member who made several comments to you in Spanish in a topic. You also commented about the Spanish signs at a school and felt the need to offer your translation in here and on Dan Gaffneys fb page. I’m not wolf, I’m not on meds, I have no family issues but you keep guessing.

  49. Delawarelefty says:

    The Loon sheriff’s posse has raided DL! All one of them.

  50. Sussex Citizen says:

    pandora you figured out the difference between libel, liable and slander yet? I’d expect more from an editor of a blog site who comments about what other blog editors do.

  51. Sussex Citizen says:

    Nope I’m not a posse member.

  52. Aoine says:

    Lol. Last count there were two officially… more , but they’re not supposed to tell….. 😉

    But then again- how is the sheriff gonna count them when he gets to the end of his fingers?

    Not two functioning brain cells in the whole bunch. And those two are shorting each other out.

    I can’t post on dan gaffneys page, nor have I ever been on it, nor have I tried. I’m not linked to him at all…..kinda hard to post on the page of someone one is not even friends with.

    But keep guessing sweet cheeks. 😉

  53. pandora says:

    Oh, I know the difference. Loved the email, btw.

  54. Aoine says:

    Seems sussex citizen has a case of the ass for DL

    LOL glad to know got under someone’s skin….

    Yep, keep guessing But if you are not on mess you seriously need to be

    Grab your bible and your gun and make an appointment

  55. Sussex Citizen says:

    Aoine you give yourself far to much credit. I don’t post in delawarepolitics I never have. I’ve never been gaveled out of any meeting, I’ve never talked down to any elected official, I’m not a member of any make believe posse you and others have conjured up in your minds. I don’t belong to the republican party, Like I said originally you like to talk a lot of shit without any evidence as big tough guy calls it. I’m not a racist, oh one more thing sweetcheeks you ain’t worth the sweat off by black balls.

  56. geezer says:

    “There are plenty of illegal activities alleged in here on any given day of the week with zero proof, and that includes the ones laffter posted. The same ones they posted in Delaware Politics and the other day in Delaware Right.”

    In Sussex County, the entire blogosphere is obsessed with people commenting under fake names and guessing the identities. It’s sixth-grade stuff, and has no bearing on the dialogue.

    If arguments hold water, they hold water. It doesn’t matter who’s making the case. Try growing up. If you have something to allege, go ahead and name names. Otherwise you’re just acting like a child.

  57. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    Jason: That’s about all you can say, so, who cares?

    SuSSex Watcher: At least I ran. So, what do you do besides posting insipid annonymous comments on this sophomoric excuse for a blog?
    So I lost to Cole — Big deal …. I knew that going in, as I didn’t
    spend too much time or money on the campaign, but Cole was too chicken to debate. Also, the Democrats didn’t have the guts to field a candidate and Georgie Boy would have run unopposed if I hadn’t challanged him. I achieved my original intent of giving the People a clear alternative — besides, it was fun.

    Anon: Sorry about that, but my predecessor ( royally ticked off after being outed in the “Tommie Little Affair” ) refused to relinquish control of the web site, so it’s not currently under IPoD control — just another dirty trick in the plantation politics of Delaware.

    As for your gross underestimation of IPoD’s registration numbers,
    we have quadruped in the last six years and are the third largest and most rapidly growing party in Delaware. WE will grow even more
    rapidly when the more freedom loving and independent minded among us
    get tired of all the elephant and donkey droppings that Delaware politicians have been perennially feeding us. In response to your boldface lie that the IPoD has no core values, read our latest platform. The Ds and Rs talk a good game, but they are ownned lock, stock and barrel by special interest groups. So, tell us another one, Pinnochio.

    Cassandra: That’s the first time anyone called me an originalist. In contrast to the usual low intellectual standards of DL, that’s diplomatic!

    Geezer: Your comments are totally whacked. I knew that Vance Phillips was a fake, a fraud and phony from the moment that I met him. As for wooing Mike Protack, that’s another figment of your warped imagination as he first approached the IPODSEC in 2010 for the gubernatorial nomination. Shortly thereafter, he dropped out during the first debate(to his own detriment)and I’ve ignored his
    e-mails, soliciting our nominations in subsequent campaigns, so, another one of your baseless illusions has been shattered.

    Finally, Geezer: Phillips, Cole and the rest of the crooked SuSSex County Council clowns hate my guts. Remember, this is the same worthless bunch that voted to unconsitutionally ban Free Speech at council meetings and approved a change of zoning application to construct a medium density low-income housing complex over a known toxic waste dump (qualifying as a Superfund site).


    Instead of defending individual freedom and Liberty, most of you leftists are a motley bunch of statist authoritarian collectivist stooges. My contempt for the Neanderthal right is equal in scope and magnitude. In this age of what Ostwald Spengler described as the Untergang des Abendlandes, it’s not easy being a centrist.


    P.S.: Keep the hate mail coming. You hang yourselves everytime you post, text or e-mail.

  58. Aoine says:

    Would you define WHOSE Black balls – didn’t quite get that lovely last reference,….. ;-). would you be referring to yours or that which you aspire to?

    SUSSEX CITIZEN- I really don’t give a shit who or what you are- or the color of your balls for that matter
    It’s just fun poking at clowns like you and continue to get the proverbial rise- you people,can’t help yourselves. You are worthy of only contempt and ridicule……that work for ya, sweet cheeks

    From DP : Seems the GOP still has their own problems

    7. You are only allowed two identities on a thread. More are subject to deletion.

    I discovered an IP address with 25 user names associated with it. Every post was targeting a specific commenter in this forum. I have taken action every post made with the IP number has been unapproved. Any further attempts to make posts from this IP address will result in it becoming part of the spam filter which will permanently block the IP address. The rules are very basic for posting in here, if anyone disagrees with the rules or can’t follow the rules they are more than welcome to find another forum.

  59. Delawarelefty says:

    OK Sussex Clown, you are not alot of things but you are a troll who talks trash and goes no where. You also claim that you are not a racist which is commonly code for “I am a racist”. What do you want?

  60. Aoine says:

    So, now we know SUSSEX CITIZEN posted this “Aoine You made the post right in delawareliberal I already posted it the other day and the comment was removed. Above

    That says who they are

    Cassandra- of course the IP address is in Milford. LOLOLOL as the person that posted that posted under the name- NOT that I am saying thats WHO it is- its just that they used the name:


  61. Aoine says:

    OH delaware lefty- if it’s WHO the IP address says it is- they are an avowed racist

    Got the tape to prove it

    Nice comment on the color of the balls- why would,they have to define the color of their balls??

    Because RACE is what’s in their mind. And the taunt was meant to be derogatory

    Not very subtle or smart- are they, next they will be telling us they are a federal agent. Lol

  62. Delawarelefty says:

    IPoD???? Wolf why don’t you have LOSER tattooed to your forehead and leave it at that?? You talk about intellectual standards, but your dribble falls far short. Time for you to climb back under your IPoD rock.

  63. Aoine says:

    Delawarelefty- an iPod is at least useful

    This IPoD Is not

  64. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t know who it is at that IP and nor do I know it is in Milford (yet). But everybody please stand down on the name calling and we’ll deal with the sockpuppetry if it persists.

  65. anon says:

    I keep reading all this crap about all these alleged illegal things the sheriff has done yet none of you have done a thing about it.

    I forwarded the podcast to the Attorney General’s office and the Delaware Department of Elections. An elected official cannot raise funds from the people’s office. Unlike the Sheriff, I take breaking the law seriously. Any decent constitutional Sheriff would have turned himself in for illegal fundraising, Sheriff Christopher is unethical filth.

    As for your gross underestimation of IPoD’s registration numbers,
    we have quadruped in the last six years and are the third largest and most rapidly growing party in Delaware.

    “Quadrupling” would mean that you went from about 600 registered voters to about 2,400 registered voters. Good for you, Wolf, maybe, someday soon, you won’t be able to fit your entire party into one room at the Cheer Center.

  66. Aoine says:

    Thanks anon for doing that

    I would hope they would act on it, but past hx shows they are not very proactive, just reactive.

    Neither has taken action AGAINST the sheriff, only responded when challenged

    Lets see where this goes

  67. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    You are way out in left field with your insipid allegations against the Sheriff as none of your allegations will ever hold legal water.


    You have a partial point. This IPoD is NOT useful to the pack of DL
    collectivist/socialist pawns of corporate tyranny.


  68. Jason330 says:

    …but the sheriff’s claims that he was anointed by God, “the rest of the states” and the Magna Carta will hold legal water.

    Forgive me for loll’ing.

  69. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    LOL away, as you seem to have a major talent for decontextualizing — a prerequisite for Delaware politics as usual….

    Aoine :

    What’s up with this?

    ” Wolfe- I don’t give a shot about you or anything about you
    And I don’t give a shit about what you say – actually if you knew who I really was The Spanish comment would never have been made.”


    Your missile guidance system is about as accurate as North Korea’s.

    What “Spanish comment” are you attempting to misattribute? Then again, it’s easy to lose track of who said what in this pile of crap that passes for a political forum, thereby further exemplifying Spengler’s central thesis as well as the Peter Principle.

    I did not, as you alledge, make any “Spanish comment”, although I appreciate the beauty of the language.


    The tone and level of your lame comment clearly indicates that you would not detect intellect even under the most obvious of circumstances. What else can be expected in a polluted Orwellian environment?

    The general crudity and vulgarity of this site does not place you in a strong position to even remotely advance any accurate speculation as to the state of my intellect.

    In fact, your comments remind me of the self-appointed leftist clowns back in college who would look over my shoulder and try to tell me not to read chemistry, physics and information science books in favor of political science, psychology, sociology and other soft subjects and/or stand between me and the laboratory door. (Not a smart move.)

    To sum:

    DL is every bit as retarded as DR…..

  70. Aoine says:

    Well then- you don’t like it? Feel free to leave

    Door is wide open- don’t be shy

    Your sheriffs diatribe including his comment about has chambers
    Has ensured his defeat – his protection of a lying thieving disgraced former employee also ensures the same

    There is enough rope out there- that your sheriff will hang himself with it

    His phone calls ( delaware IS a one party consent state) his emails, and his public comments will ensure that if you even bother to run him- the Rs won’t- you will be wasting your money coz tue Friday information dump every Friday beginning 6 weeks before the polls open, will remind the voters of SUSSEX what a whack job he is

    Enjoy your defeat – you’ve gotten so good at it

  71. William F Christy says:


    Here are irrefutable facts about your source, hardly a credible witness to support your claims:

    Mr. Christopher King aka KingCast, Kingcast65 was suspended from the practice of law in 1998 by the Columbus Bar Association for: Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation — Engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice — Engaging in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice law — Taking action on behalf of client when it is obvious such action would merely harass or maliciously injure another — Concealing that which an attorney is required by law to disclose — Communicating or causing another to communicate on subject of representation with a party known to be represented.

  72. Aoine says:

    I have no idea what u r talking about- SORRY

    Unless you are claiming to be exposé, SCOTUS ruling and SUSSEX CITIZEN?

    Are you claiming to be the sockpuppet? From Milford

    The blog editors here don’t allow sockpuppetry
    Take it up with them

    Don’t really understand your obsession ….. Seems you may not be not quite right

  73. Aoine says:

    Oh- isn’t Jonathan Moseley a good friend it yours

    Should I post the link to his disciplinary action in Virginia?

    Either you like attorneys that were disciplined / disbarred it you don’t

    Can’t have it both ways- kinda like Mack v USA

    SCALIA in writing the majority opinion basically said the federal Gov cannot MANDATE that a STATE LEVEL OFFICIAL (the sheriff) enforce federal law

    So- SCOTUS says the Feds cannot meddle in interal state issues- with certain exceptions- interstate issues and immigration / international law etc

    And you and your brain trust on the far right in Sussex think SCOTUS will even hear a case that has to do with a states constitution – I would say a states constitution is pretty internal to a state

    You people are pathetic

  74. anon says:

    Wolfgang, fundraising in the people’s office is illegal. If Pete Schwartzkopf was telling people to call his legislative office to find out how to donate to him, people like you and Bill Christy would be screaming. You cannot use the people’s resources to raise funds for your own legal defense. It. Is. Illegal.

    Bill Christy – your friend from Delaware Politics, Jon Moseley, had his Virginia law license suspended for unethical behavior while he was suing the Christian Coalition. Praise Jesus.

    Is there a saying for a situaion where dogs with fleas lay down with dogs with fleas?

  75. William F Christy says:

    Aoine I have screenshots aved of your posts you made claiming to have a tape proving I’m an “avowed racist”, another post claiming next I will be claiming I’m a federal agent, I should be more concerned about my family, You also claimed the 3 names you listed are me. You even posted my name WILLIAM CHRISTY claiming the IP address will show its location is Milford.

    You’re the one who’s obsessed posting the same accusations almost word for word about me in here as have been posted in Citizens for a Sane Sussex County Sheriff, Delaware Politics, and Delaware Right.

    No, Jonathon Moseley and I aren’t good friends I’ve never even met or spoken to the man. Your comment just proves how obsessed you are.
    For someone that’s never met me, claims to not be interested in me you sure make a lot of unfounded statements about me, based on nothing more than the fact I believe in the Office of the County Sheriff.

    You’ve already proven yourself to be a LIAR, you claim that the County Sheriffs department salaries are a matter of public record.

    If that’s the case then why didn’t you just post the link instead of telling any delawareliberal poster if they wanted the information you would send it to them with the names redacted.

    Do yourself a favor do not post my name again or make accusations about me that you can’t prove

  76. William F Christy says:

    anon My friend Jonathon Moseley? I don’t know Jonathon Moseley I’ve never met him or spoke to him in person. We exchange comments on delaware politics hardly what I would consider proof of a friendship.

  77. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    You have no evidence to support your “illegal fundraising” allegations against the Sheriff. Cite the statutes and provide the evidence other that figments of your imagination….

    The SuSSEx County Council routinely uses “the People’s resources” for its own defence against law suits that they precipitate due to their nonfeasnce, misfeasance, and malfeasance.

    Their former thug County Administrator, Stickles once threatened to sue me if I did not obey his illegal order to disband the Oak Orchard Citizens Wastewater Commission, researching low-cost
    alternative treatment systems. He suddenly backed off when I informed him that our group was legally covened under Article 1, section 16 of the Delaware Constitution; but the fact that he attempted the threat in the first place speaks volumes.

    Thanks to the ACLU, the SSC reversed its ban on Free Speech during council meetings, as they actually forbad criticism of county councilmembers,employees and contractors during public comment sessions.

    With petty tyrants like that in power, it’s no wonder that I support
    Sheriff Christopher.


    You’re going to need more than the old high school level love it or leave it agrument. I very rarely frequent this site due to the effective lack of intellectual expression of a vulgar, pseudo-sophisticated group of twits hiding behind screennames.

    This blog is not part of the solution, so it’s part of the problem.


  78. Aoine says:

    Did you or did you not identify yourself as a JAG officer? Federal agent really for what federal agency I notice you never name the federal agency you expand the definition like you expand the definition of sheriff- as for lying seems you’re quite Adept at that yourself other people have had to go to the authorities about your actions here in the state of Delaware and you have Harassed and stalked several people I know online

    I posted questions- I never made statements quite a big difference there – And the truth is an absolute defense

    But then again you are rather economical with the truth yourself

    The sheriffs illegal fund raising is in His own words to be found on the Internet

    And Mr. Christie your own actions are allover the Internet as well

    I am under no obligation to do you or anybody else a favor and I am not under no obligation to do as you ask
    You are the one who’s history is all of the Internet from New Hampshire deal with that

    You are the one who put all the information out there about your Family issues-And because they are innocent in this I will not post with those issues are.

    It’s a bed you made -you lay in it

    And all this is is about sour grapes because you could not win

    I will give you all the respect that is due you-Absolutely none.

  79. Geezer says:

    “With petty tyrants like that in power, it’s no wonder that I support
    Sheriff Christopher.”

    In other words, you want an extra petty tyrant to restore the balance.

    This is why I have sworn not to spend a penny of my vacation dollars in Sussex County until Sheriff Woody is out of office.

    By the way, if you’re interested in opposing “tyranny,” why aren’t you working to turn County Executive into an elected office, as it is in New Castle County?

  80. Aoine says:

    Your accusations are so far out of whack I’m surprised you don’t think I’m anon anon 1292 and every other name you can throw at me that post things you don’t like

    Have a nice day-I’m tired of playing with you I have better things to do

  81. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    **** News Flash ****

    (Wilmington, DE)

    Not to be outdone, Steve “El Somnambulo” Tanzer (rhymes with Panzer)
    and Al Maccetti now advocate the mass internment of Sheriff’s Supporters. Favorable reaction from DL Stalinist drones is expected.
    Stay tuned for further developments as they arise.


  82. Delaware Dem says:

    I would in favor of it is the Sheriff’s supporters either 1) nullify state and federal law and/or 2) take action to violently overthrow the state government of Delaware or the federal government.

  83. Geezer says:

    The statement was made about the “sovereign sheriffs” around the country, not their supporters. They are the ones violating their oaths by refusing to enforce laws they don’t like. And El Som never said he agreed anyway.

  84. Jason330 says:

    “…the mass internment of Sheriff’s Supporters.”

    Can 5 people being arrested really be called a mass internment?

  85. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    Who says that I’m not working to transform the County Administrator’s position from an appointed to an elected position?
    It was an integral part of my 2002 and 2006 campaign platforms and
    the idea is steadily gaining traction. The idea is an integral component of the IPoD Platform as is initiative, referendum and recall.

    There is nothing tyrannical about our Sheriff as it was the SuSSex
    County Council that banned all criticism for three years until they
    faced a possible lawsuit that they would have lost. Contrary to
    the lies and character assassination spread about him on Delaware Liberal and Delaware Right, he is one of the most honest and reputable people in Delaware. Annonymous posters just make it up as they go along and their charges are unfounded.

    If you feel more secure with TSA and DHS patrolling the streets in MRPCs then you would have been at home in the old DDR.

    In short, I am neither intimidated or impressed……


  86. Geezer says:

    “Who says that I’m not working to transform the County Administrator’s position from an appointed to an elected position?”

    I’m sorry. I misinterpreted your lack of any evident success. I apologize for mistaking the lack of traction for lack of effort. OTOH, nobody else carrying the banner of Sheriff Woody has said a word about it that I’ve heard.

    “Contrary to the lies and character assassination spread about him on Delaware Liberal and Delaware Right, he is one of the most honest and reputable people in Delaware.”

    You know what? I’m not impressed by your ability to judge human character. Two words: Mike Protack. And I’m certainly not going to accept your word about a guy who ran for office under false pretenses. For that matter, I dismiss anyone who uses the word “tyranny” as a hopeless crank. This country has always had a large supply of such; unfortunately, we now seem to have an oversupply in places like Sussex County.

    “In short, I am neither intimidated or impressed..”

    Nor correct, for that matter. I don’t care whether you are intimidated or impressed.

  87. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    Delaware Dem:

    Dream on…

    No one seriously supporting the Sheriff is even remotely thinking of violence.

    Violence sucks, just like this crappy excuse for a blog…..


  88. Geezer says:

    This crappy excuse for a blog is the most successful blog in Delaware. Just sayin’.

    Whereas your party is — well, not the most successful party, is it?

    Once you have accomplished something, your critique of people who have will carry more weight.

  89. V says:

    this may be agist of me, but i sort of dismiss anyone who signs their blog posts like they are a letter. come on man.


  90. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    Take a good look around you and tell me with a straight face that creeping central bureucracy, mismangement, corruption and general abuse of power is safeguarding our Liberty.

    There are limits to the limnological model of politics and the so-called Delaware Way.

    As for Protack, he had his chance and he blew it. He really talked a good game going in, but he chickened out, and now, he’s history.

    What makes you think that you are so correct? The DL environment is highly subjective, ideological and restrictive — not very scientific or creative.


  91. Geezer says:

    “Take a good look around you and tell me with a straight face that creeping central bureucracy, mismangement, corruption and general abuse of power is safeguarding our Liberty.”

    Take a good look around you and tell me with a straight face that you’re taking all your meds.

    I don’t need my “Liberty” (is it an Austrio-Prussian habit that makes you capitalize the noun?) safeguarded by anybody. As long as the government can draft me or anyone else into the Army, we have no liberty. If I’m going to fight for mine, it sure isn’t going to be to empower an ignorant, god-bothering peckerwood like Jeff Christopher.

  92. Geezer says:

    “As for Protack, he had his chance and he blew it. He really talked a good game going in, but he chickened out, and now, he’s history.”

    C’mon, Wolf. The guy’s a nutcase and always has been. You got in bed with him willingly; don’t complain now that you didn’t check for fleas.

    “What makes you think that you are so correct?”

    My continuing engagement with reality.

  93. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    At your advanced age, I would not worry about being drafted into the Army anytime soon.


  94. Jason330 says:

    “Take a good look around you and tell me with a straight face that you’re taking all your meds.”

    He shoots! he scores!

  95. William F Christy says:

    Aoine wrote

    “I posted questions- I never made statements quite a big difference there – And the truth is an absolute defense.”

    Comment by Aoine on 25 March 2013 at 9:29 pm:
    So, now we know SUSSEX CITIZEN posted this “Aoine You made the post right in delawareliberal I already posted it the other day and the comment was removed. Above
    That says who they are
    Cassandra- of course the IP address is in Milford. LOLOLOL as the person that posted that posted under the name- NOT that I am saying thats WHO it is- its just that they used the name:

    Comment by Aoine on 25 March 2013 at 9:32 pm:
    OH delaware lefty- if it’s WHO the IP address says it is- they are an avowed racist
    Got the tape to prove it
    Nice comment on the color of the balls- why would,they have to define the color of their balls??
    Because RACE is what’s in their mind. And the taunt was meant to be derogatory
    Not very subtle or smart- are they, next they will be telling us they are a federal agent. Lol”

    At 9:29pm you post my name WILLIAM CHRISTY . The very next post at 9:32pm you make the statement of fact: “THEY ARE AN AVOWED RACIST GOT THE TAPE TO PROVE IT”

    There are no question marks after any of the statements of fact you have posted specifically about me.

    Then you post this claiming you have no idea what I’m talking about:

    Comment by Aoine on 26 March 2013 at 7:20 am:
    “I have no idea what u r talking about- SORRY
    Unless you are claiming to be exposé, SCOTUS ruling and SUSSEX CITIZEN?
    Are you claiming to be the sockpuppet? From Milford
    The blog editors here don’t allow sockpuppetry
    Take it up with them
    Don’t really understand your obsession ….. Seems you may not be not quite right”

  96. Aoine says:


  97. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    The heuristic value of DL is zero.

  98. cassandra m says:

    Not that you’d actually recognize the heuristic value of anything, but thanks for playing.

  99. Aoine says:

    Lol seems the TEA PARTY has become the communist party- who knew?

    they must have a direct line to SUSSEX COUNTY nut jobs……l

  100. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    Other than a slugfest, DL has zero educational value except for how not to have an intelligent discussion…

  101. Jason330 says:

    When VonWolfgarter shows up, the comedic value of the site spikes up.

  102. cassandra m says:

    @Wolf — Said by someone who has certainly never indulged in an intelligent discussion here and who isn’t exactly a reliable judge of educational value.

  103. William F Christy says:

    Aoine YAWN on this don’t choke. Here’s the “tape” you claim to have that proves I’m in your words “an avowed racist” . The narration is done by kingcast65 aka Christopher King, the only person using the N word is King himself. The voice he claims is me lasts less than 1 second.

    The comments below are a part of the comments following the video. King was up to his usual tactics of trying to extort someone just like he did which caused him to loose his license to practice law.

    Christopher King 3 years ago

    “Let me suggest a possible framework for resolution:
    You might want to consider a creative partnership and offer up a CD or two, which will replace this video with a joint statement between us.”

  104. Aoine says:

    Wow- for someone who hates a blog and shows up incessantly and then complains about the low intellect of said blog, but is vastly contributing to it, it would be reasonable to think they would spend their time somewhere with more intellect to share

    But then, native intelligence is his strong point either

    Thanks for the readership spike tho

  105. William F Christy says:

    More of your bullshit to steer away from the post I made that proves you’re a LIAR ! You don’t have any evidence to support your claim I’m “an avowed racist”. I have never stated I hated this blog, or made any statements about the overall intellect of people who comment.

  106. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    Nature abhors a vacuum…

  107. Aoine says:

    Ummm brian trust Christy, I was not even addressing the comment to you……

    Clown- read the comments made by Wolgang, before yours

    See, this is exactly what I mean, you think its all about you, what a narcissist!

    You undermine your own credibility all by yourself, you post and air all your own dirty laundry

    And prove my point everytime you post.. But hey, thanks for that, you have now validated everything I said AND proven yourself to be the fool you are…

    ROTFLMAO!!! What a gift! Better than Christine O’Donnell!

  108. Aoine says:

    ….and you are filling the part of the ….fool? Or just the willfully ignorant ?

    Thanks for that. 😉

  109. William F Christy says:

    Still waiting for that link to the public salary records for the Sussex county sheriffs department, you claimed it’s in public domain.

  110. Aoine says:

    Since I believe that TEACHING someone to fish is better than GIVING them a fish:

    Try following this link:

    The Sheriiffs dept is funded by whom?….the tax payer

    As such it is part of the annual budget- and PUBLIC RECORD.

    Speaking of which the annual budget for that office has increased quite a lot while JC has been in office , actually a 500% increase in UNIFORMS alone…..hmmmmmm
    Thanks for reminding me to look, that will be useful at election time

    along with the salaries for those sheriffs, especially with a FOIA. When any office is funded by the tax payer those records are public

    You are not very smart, are you?

    As for my source, boy, there are a WHOLE LOT of them, all fed up with what your clown is pulling, some in Sussex, some not, some in State, some not

    Now go run along billy and go play soldier with your new militia.

  111. Aoine says:

    Oh, I almost forgot- Bodenweiser, who did the sheriffs budget for him as he was incapable of doing it himself, spilled the beans

    He can be visited at his home in Georgetown , DE if you have any questions. He could use a buddy right now.

    He will be the guy with the ankle bracelet

  112. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    The SCSD actually returns a significant net surplus to the SuSSex County Treasury as it derives its operating expenses from the milage fees, etc. collected during the course of its operations and
    NOT by the “taxpayer” as alledged by Aoine, who, of all people should know better. However, in accordance with S.A. and the prime directive of DL: Never let facts get in the way of ideology and/or tactics. So, who are you calling a clown? You are, like George Cole, Vance Phillips,, incapable of debating face-to-face; so you resort to regressive deceptive, annonymous and poorly constructed blog in a shoddy attempt to get your weak excuse for a message across. Accordingly, while you have a First Amendment right to call me a clown, you are not in factual or logical position to
    provide objective evidence to support your position.

    I must admit that my initial assessment of DL as a high school locker room was too optimistic. It is the intellectual and psychological equivalent of a sludge farm…..

  113. Wolf von Baumgart says:

    ***** CORRECTION ****

    Sorry about the typo — it’s SCSO not SCSD — as it is an independent constititutional Office as opposed to a department

  114. Dave says:

    “as it derives its operating expenses from the milage fees, etc. collected during the course of its operations and NOT by the “taxpayer””

    And yet the deputies and staff are county employees receiving county salaries, county medical, county pensions, etc, which they would receive regardless of whether they generated a single penny in revenue for the county.

  115. anon says:

    Here is the Sussex County 2013 Budget, look at how the Sheriff’s Office salaries have EXPLODED since Christopher took office:

    2010 – 363,423
    2013 – 443,136

    His operating budget has also exploded:

    2010 – 2,947,117
    2013 – 4,000,000

    It looks to me like Christopher is what Tea Partiers would call a tax and spend liberal.

  116. SussexAnon says:

    “The SCSD actually returns a significant net surplus to the SuSSex County Treasury….”

    Link please. I would like to know how much he is making for Sussex as compared to the previous Sherrif.

    The CURRENT duties of the Sherrif return monies to the county (usually, and I presume they do now) becuase the Sherrif, et al, spend their time doing their current described duties. Adding law enforcement to that job description would increase (EXPLODE exponentially) the costs of the department.

    For those not intellectually superior like Wolf, that means Policing COST money, they don’t make money. Unlike what the sherrifs office is currently doing. The single biggest budget items of incorporated cities such as Laurel, is police.

    I also heard a rumor that the Sherrifs office lost the contract or is no longer doing family court work?

  117. William F Christy says:

    [Post removed by request of Commentor — Ed.]

  118. William F Christy says:

    Everyone disregarded the $271,000.00 expended for Constables (county law enforcement officers who do have arrest powers). Why do we need Constables if we already have local and state police? Why not combine the Sheriffs and Constables in one unit?

    While the SCSO salaries are paid by the county they also bring in an estimated 3 – 3.5 M in revenue for the county.

  119. Geezer says:

    “Oh and by the way I see Eric every Tuesday and Thursday at prayer group at my church in Georgetown. Maybe I’ll stop in at HFH and say hi to you.”

    Don’t forget your high heels.

  120. Geezer says:

    Hey, sheriff worshippers: Nobody agrees with you — not just here, but even in Sussex County. None of you can agree on why the sheriff should have law-enforcement powers, none of you can explain why this can’t be done in an above-board manner, and none of you can explain why we should even give you the time of day.

    What today is known as conservatism was formerly known as crankiness. Go back to your rocking chairs and yell at the kids to get off your lawn or you’ll call the sheriff on them.

  121. William F Christy says:


    This is from the same link provided above by anon:
    “Revenues from Sheriff’s sales of
    properties and goods increased $1,200,000.”

  122. Geezer says:

    “Revenues from Sheriff’s sales of properties and goods increased $1,200,000.”

    That has a lot more to do with foreclosed mortgages than any competence on the part of the sheriff.

    Gotta love a guy who moves to Delaware to dodge taxes, then whines that he doesn’t get the government services he wants.

  123. anon says:

    Oh and by the way I see Eric every Tuesday and Thursday at prayer group at my church in Georgetown.

    Good for Eric, he needs to pray since he hasn’t been able to get a plea deal from the AG’s office.

    But back to the subject, I can’t help notice that no one has commented on the skyrocketing cost of the Sheriff’s Office. Aren’t conservatives supposed to cut the size of government? Maybe Christopher needs to sit down with Sheriff Swanson and learn how to control costs.

  124. William F Christy says:

    anon apparently you do not know how to read the charts, the information in quotes is right in the preface to the charts for the Sheriffs Office.

    “Budget Highlights:
    The Budget 2013 decreased by $4,992, or .59 percent, from the 2012 budget. The personal service costs have increased $26,568 due to additional overtime costs. The equipment line item has decreased by $35,250, which included funding for a vehicle and vehicle equipment in the 2012 budget.” THE SHERIFF BUDGET HAS DECREASED

    The SCSO operating budget expenses right from the charts:
    2010 – $691,504.
    2011 – $656,259.
    2012 – $839,358.
    2013 – $834,366

    The numbers you posted are the REVENUES the SCSO brings in to the county NOT the operating expense.

    2010 – 2,947,117
    2013 – 4,000,000

    The salaries increase over a 4 year period: $79,713. or 19,928.25 annually. You of course don’t mention how many staff were in the SCSO in 2010 versus 2013.

  125. William F Christy says:

    anon maybe you need to learn how to read Revenues and Expenditures charts before you post information that was totally incorrect.

    Over a 4 year period:
    SCSO salaries increased by $ 79,713
    REVENUE brought into the county INCREASED 1,052,883.00.
    Net return for county coffers: $973,170.

    I’d say that’s a damn good return for the money expended.

  126. SussexAnon says:



  127. William F Christy says:

    Gotta love an asshole who moved from PA to DE who criticizes a guy who moved from a tax free state. You’re a fucking moron.

  128. William F Christy says:

    SussexAnon couple the budget decrease with the substantial revenue increase it’s more than what you posted. BUT of course it’s easier to focus on the man rather then the facts. OOPS…… sorry I forgot facts have no relevance in here.

  129. SussexAnon says:

    “I’d say that’s a damn good return for the money expended.” Perhaps he is. Its also kind of tragic that the County makes so much money from Sherrifs sales.

    But thats not what the lawsuit is about. He wants arrest powers. That net return to coffers would quickly become a HUGE deficit if he were granted powers of arrest.

    The only row office that operates at a deficit right now is Clerk of the Peace. And last I checked the Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds were not in court looking for expanded powers.

  130. William F Christy says:

    YO Geezer who gives a fuck where the funds come from, the SCSO is doing their job or the fucking money wouldn’t be in the county coffers.

  131. Jason330 says:

    What would the liability insurance bill be for a rootin’ tootin’ old-west-style-sherrif’s office of the type visioned by Christopher and rejected by the people of Sussex?

  132. SussexAnon says:

    I thought the LOL at the end of my comment made it apparent that I was joking.

    Facts do have relevance. And if I cared enough I would research why his budget increased from 2011 to 2012 and what we gained from that. Or study his cost/benefit to the county during his tenure and compare it to the 2 previous sherrifs.

    But if you are going to post “see theres savings, all .59%! then you are going to get laughed at. Especially when 1 year before his budget increased +/- 183k

    But that is not the point. He may or may not be doing a sufficient job as sherrif as the job is currently known. The issue is he wants police arrest powers. Setting aside the fact that I do not believe he should have those powers. (both him personally and constitutionally). I do not want to pay more in taxes for a county wide police force. The cost “savings” by not paying for State Police would not cover this expense. This was explored years ago when another Sherrif wanted to expand the role of the office.

  133. William F Christy says:

    SussexAnon seriously how so would it be a deficit? Combine the SCSO and the Constables ($271,000. annual Constable budget). Keep our Sussex County Constables here in Sussex County.

    Currently the Constables paid by Sussex County are the animal control officers for Kent County how screwed up is that in itself? Then we have a budget for Sussex County Animal Control separate from the Constables budget.

  134. Anon says:


    You do realize that the man you support wants to expand his powers, and that will cost more money. I would hope we can agree on that. But then you state so eloquently “who gives a fuck where the funds come from”. Those funds are coming from foreclosures, caused by the housing crisis. The foreclosure funds are at an all time high, that will not be sustained.

    Eventually the foreclosures will return to the norm there for the money coming will decrease, yet the sheriff wants to increase the scope of the office. So that sir is why some of us “give a fuck” where the funds come from. A so called fiscal conservative wants to expand the role of his operation costing the tax payer more money and will result in raised taxes.

  135. Geezer says:

    “Gotta love an asshole who moved from PA to DE who criticizes a guy who moved from a tax free state. You’re a fucking moron.”

    I moved here when I was 17, asshole, more than 40 years ago. Go back to your sewer.

  136. Geezer says:

    “YO Geezer who gives a fuck where the funds come from, the SCSO is doing their job or the fucking money wouldn’t be in the county coffers.”

    Yes, I am aware that you are incapable of seeing any of the issues surrounding this other than your own selfish desire for better police protection without paying any more in taxes.

    BTW, I’m highly impressed by the potty mouth, Mr. Christian.

  137. SussexAnon says:

    Did you even read my post?

    “but if I cared enough….”(I don’t)

    “But that is not the point. He may or may not be doing a sufficient job as sherrif as the job is currently known. The issue is he wants police arrest powers.” (that is my issue with the sherrif)

    Is he doing an adequate job as sherrif as the job is currently defined? He may very well be. THAT IS NOT THE POINT. He is seeking to have police powers to arrest/charge/detain. And I do not want that.

    It really is that simple.

  138. William F Christy says:

    Comment by Jason330 on 27 March 2013 at 1:51 pm:

    What would the liability insurance bill be for a rootin’ tootin’ old-west-style-sherrif’s office of the type visioned by Christopher and rejected by the people of Sussex?

    First of that is what you and others envision not the members of the SCSO.
    What’s the liability insurance bill for County Constables who have arrest powers ?

  139. Jason330 says:

    A rootin’ tootin’ old-west-style-sherrif’s office is exactly what Christopher has described. In fact, the root of this whole thing is that he does not understand that words have different meanings in different places – and hangs his justification for expanded powers on what they do in the western states.

    Look at it this way – Do you say “Pop” to mean carbonated beverage or “soda?”

    Southerners call everything “coke.” This “Sheriff” deal is the same thing.

    I hope I’ve helped you understand this thing a little better.

  140. William F Christy says:

    Jason330 No you really haven’t helped. Since I came from the Northeast where there are Constitutional Sheriffs’ who have arrest powers and they aren’t rootin tootin. By the way I say tonic. Coke is coca cola.

  141. Jason330 says:

    Well, I’m not a miracle worker. You have to want to get better.

  142. William F Christy says:

    Comment by Geezer on 27 March 2013 at 2:02 pm:
    “Yes, I am aware that you are incapable of seeing any of the issues surrounding this other than your own selfish desire for better police protection without paying any more in taxes.
    BTW, I’m highly impressed by the potty mouth, Mr. Christian.”

    I already pay more in taxes for coverage that I don’t receive. So now I’m selfish because I have a right to expect police protection interesting concept, since you don’t even reside in my county. There’s your answer as to why I and others need firearms, because people like you don’t think we have a right to be protected from criminals.

    Talk about calling the kettle black your posts are equally filled with profanities Mr. Machete

  143. William F Christy says:

    SussexAnon, I did read your post, my point was why are we paying an additional 1/4 of the SCSO budget for Constables who have arrest powers and perform duties in Kent County.

    The way I understood it (please correct me if I’m wrong)was Sheriff Reed did in fact do a cost analysis and showed that it would be a clear savings to the taxpayers to have the Sheriff and deputies over the additional DSP Troopers we pay for.

    I’d like to make one thing clear I support the Office of the Constitutional Sheriff regardless who holds the position.

  144. William F Christy says:

    Jason330 Fourty-eight states in our country have county sheriffs’ who have arrest powers, so it’s not just the west as you incorrectly believe.

    You didn’t answer my question since Constables in Delaware have arrest powers what about the liability insurance issue for them?

  145. Jason330 says:

    I’ll make an honest suggestion – move to one of those states if you like their usage of the word so much. Seriously. In Delaware Sheriff doesn’t mean the rootin tootin type that you hold dear.

    The recent court case cleared that up.

  146. Aoine says:

    last time I checked Connecticut was in the northeast

    look Billy boy – your family is a failure – face it – and you know blaming the AG for something that office has no control over (your bad parenting) is not the Ag’s fault

    you stalk people on the internet – all the way back beyond 2008 you have a HX on the internet – you do know that when you search folks, click on links that have to do with them that there is a way to trace that…… and no I wont link or show you etc…. call me out all you want.

    if I have to when the time comes, I will. Investigation??? hahahaha – do you really think they would tell a moron like you the truth?? you mad I got the info??? Obsessed much???
    people talk – and YOU are the outsider – they wont talk to you, you are the enemy. 😉 and boy, don’t they let it be known.

    you got pretty near run out of New Hampshire – got into a flame war with some attorney up there – everywhere you go – you have problems – wonder why?? look in the miror

    threatened your other buddy in NewsZap – some pretty nasty comments there too- don’t even need to screenshot it (SLOWER LOWER DE) and all anyone has to do is Google you….

    you say you don’t like the way you have been portrayed – well Billy boy – re-read you above comments – you define yourself by your posts and I have been quiet all day, watching and laughing

    To top it all off, you don’t even LIVE in Sussex County! and you are a recent transplant to the state….

    don’t like it leave and to come visit me you need to drive further north than Georgetown 🙂 Gotcha, just like I got the info on the Sheriff……better investigate that more…..did you file a complaint with DSP, you know, the members of DSP that are in your OATHKEEPERS organization – Oh my, was I not supposed to know about that???

    or just your GPD buddies that you like so much?? they like you too…..

    DL editors – I know he is like some foul pet – it is like watching a train wreck – he has been at this all day – pretty sad really.
    but a troll is a troll –

  147. cassandra_m says:

    County Sheriffs in other states with arrest powers have one thing that Christopher does not — the authority from local and/or state governments to actually arrest people. In some places, the local sheriff office is the county police. In other places, arrest authority is limited to people with the appropriate law enforcement training (Jason’s insurance question is pertinent here)AND limited to situations — as in trained sheriff staff taking part in the apprehension of an escapee.

    But the first order of business is the authority to arrest people, which Christopher or any of his flying monkeys clearly do not have.

  148. Aoine says:

    I’ll answer for Jason330 on the Constables

    piss one off and find out how fast you get put in cuffs.

    in case you missed it, the constables are covered under a separate section of De Code – they are also part of a STATEWIDE court system, they are not county specific.

    They are also certified, being certified gives them a certain liability protection and lowers the insurance costs. That said

    therefore, we pay for constables in Kent and Sussex and NCC.

    the problem is Billy Boy – you don’t understand how the system works and you go off, half-cocked on tangents spouting nonsense, which is why watching you wreck yourself, with your own words is so much fun…..

    open mouth – insert foot

  149. Aoine says:

    …..flying monkeys…. complete with Christopher as the Wicked Witch

    HAHAHAHA Christine O”Donnell has competition…

    oh the image, laughing soo hard!!

    who gets to be Dorothy??

  150. Jason330 says:

    The English language, unlike French, is not governed by a sanctioning body that assigns meanings and enforces orthodox usage. For better or worse, American English contains words that have different meanings in different places. “Sheriff” is one of those words. It is that simple.

  151. Aoine says:

    I just want to point out how stupid Christy is – in case there was any doubt 😉

    One – the Constables are a STATE office, like I said.
    Two- the law clearly states how they are paid

    read it and weep – moron

    Comment by William F Christy on 27 March 2013 at 12:43 pm:
    Everyone disregarded the $271,000.00 expended for Constables (county law enforcement officers who do have arrest powers)

    Comment by William F Christy on 27 March 2013 at 1:52 pm:
    Currently the Constables paid by Sussex County are the animal control officers for Kent County how screwed up is that in itself? Then we have a budget for Sussex County Animal Control separate from the Constables budget.

    § 2705. Powers and duties.
    The constable shall:
    (4) As part of duty, and in the exercise of the constable’s lawful authority, notify the full service police agency which has primary law enforcement jurisdiction in every instance in which the constable makes a custodial detention, an arrest, a search of a person or place, or when the occurrence of a criminal act is reported to the constable. It shall be the responsibility of the full service police agency to undertake any necessary investigation and to comply with the reporting demands of the State Bureau of Identification.
    § 2706. Jurisdiction.
    Except as otherwise provided by law or limited by the Board of Examiners, the jurisdiction of each constable appointed pursuant to this chapter will extend throughout the State.
    Currently the Constables paid by Sussex County are the animal control officers for Kent County how screwed up is that in itself? Then we have a budget for Sussex County Animal Control separate from the Constables budget.

    § 2708. Compensation.
    The compensation of every constable shall be wholly paid by the individual, firm, corporation or civic association at whose instance the constable was appointed, unless the constable is employed by a governmental entity, in which case that governmental entity will be responsible for the constable’s compensation.

    now – you claim to be a FEDERAL AGENT – well you obviously don’t investigate much do you??

    words cannot express………..

  152. cassandra_m says:

    Hey Aoine, time to chill, I think.

  153. Aoine says:


  154. William F Christy says:

    Some attorney in NH? The “attorney” has been suspended since 1998. Oh by the way the “attorney” you claim I stalked has a no contact orders issued against him taken out by 4 people including a United States Senator from NH.

    I didn’t get damn near run out of NH just another of your bullshit claims you post, with NO proof. We chose to move while the real estate market was at the peak and move to Delaware to be closer to my wife’s family and friends we have.

    SLOWER LOWER DE wasn’t me you moron, nice try though just like your claim I was all the other names in here.

    My name was Bluzman in newszap. The way the person in newszap you claim I threatened was arrested for threatening to put military grade white powder in my mailbox.

    SHAWNEE ACRES is in Sussex County.
    Since you’re so obsessed with me I’m surprised you haven’t looked up Sussex County tax records BUT it would prove you don’t have a clue what you’re posting.

    I’m an outsider and people won’t talk to me that’s interesting, I wonder how it is:
    I’m the President of my HOA (5 years)
    I’m a state oversight board member (2 years)
    I’m a mentor at one of the school districts
    I’m an ECD for my district.
    I’ve been asked to run for a school board seat twice
    I’m a CASA/GAL worker
    I’ve been asked to accept a seat on several HOA advisory committees.
    I’ve been asked to be the Treasurer for a candidates PAC.

    Oh yeah I’m a real outsider.

    You claimed you weren’t going to talk about my family then you do. This just proves you’re a pathological liar. So the AG office can’t prosecute cases involving children being abused ( black eye,fat lip, etc) in this state, I guess that’s another wonderful quality of this state beat kids and get away with it, that’s interesting. I’m not responsible for what a 28 year old person does, anymore than your parents are responsible for your actions.

    For someone that claims to not be obsessed with me, you sure keep up with what’s gong on in my life.


  155. William F Christy says:


    You want to call me a moron and say I’m stupid. The county budget shows the Constables budget as a county expenditure.

    § 2708. Compensation.
    The compensation of every constable shall be wholly paid by the individual, firm, corporation or civic association at whose instance the constable was appointed, UNLESS the constable is employed by a GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY, in which case that GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTABLES COMPENSATION.

    Our HOA has a Constable whom our HOA wholly pays for, I’m well aware of the requirements and compensation. Thanks for trying to school me on something you clearly have no knowledge about.
    I’ve never claimed to be a “FEDERAL AGENT” a Certified Fugitive Recovery Agent is not a federal agent, I never stated it was.

  156. anon says:

    So Christy, like Sheriff Christopher, is another transplant who wants to turn Delaware into a state they didn’t want to live in anymore?

    The SCSO operating budget expenses right from the charts:
    2010 – $691,504.
    2011 – $656,259.
    2012 – $839,358.
    2013 – $834,366

    Still looks like the Sheriff’s operating budget has INCREASED since he took office in January of 2011, so what’s your point? If Sheriff Christopher gets what he wants his operating budget will skyrocket, costing Sussex taxpayers MORE.

    Good plan in a bad economy. Why do you think his revenues have shot up? Could it be because more people’s homes are being foreclosed on? Do you think that hiking taxes to pay for Christopher’s wet dream of arresting people will make it harder or easier for people to pay their mortgages?

    Then, when the housing market settles, and foreclosures drop back down, and the Sheriff is flashing his cop car lights, pulling people over and stroking his weapon, how is that budget gap going to be filled, another tax hike?

    Fuck you, Little Willy Billy, and your moronic vision for Sussex County. I can’t wait to vote Christopher out of office.

  157. William F Christy says:

    anon I’m not trying to change Delaware into anything. I had no problem with the state where I was living. It had NOTHING to do with not wanting to live there. It had to do with moving closer to our family including elderly in-laws. Nice try and thanks for the transplant comment.

    You keep saying everything will “skyrocket” if the County Sheriff got arrest powers, but offer no evidence to back it up. They already have all the equipment they have the training. According to the resident know it all liability insurance goes DOWN when they are certified.

    You’re such a scholar you couldn’t even read the Revenue and expenditures information correctly from the link you provided. You bitched no one was commenting, then when someone does you pull the same shit as the rest of the haters in here.

    I wonder could the foreclosures be due to all the sub-prime loans that were given to people who should never been qualified to buy homes in the first place…nah that couldn’t be it.

    The liberal feel good everyone deserves the American dream of home ownership, doesn’t matter if their credit was so shitting the couldn’t qualify for anything.

    It couldn’t be due to the over inflated prices for properties that when you all were selling you were happy as pigs in shit. Now we have a bunch of foreclosed homes that have outstanding mortgages for $300K – $350K that aren’t and never were worth more than $150K – $160K in the first place.

    The SCSO salaries aren’t going to drop when and if the market ever settles. The salaries aren’t contingent upon revenues.

    My moronic vision for Sussex County? I’m not one of the fucking Sussex County residents who wants to see same sex unions banned, or inter racial marriages banned, or segregated schools brought back. Those are the beliefs of some of you life long Sussex County residents who call people like me moronic transplants.

  158. SussexAnon says:

    The County Council and Bob Stickles explored the costs involved in an expanded Sherrif force with arrest powers for Sussex. Their numbers showed it would be an exponential cost increase compared to what we were getting from the state Police. If you have Reeds numbers and Stickles I would enjoy seeing them.

    I also support a constitutional Sherrif, as the constitution is currently interrpreted. He is, in fact, a conservator of the peace and his duties and responsibilities derive from the legislature. The legislature has decided not to move forward with creating laws that give him arrest powers. When the time comes and the citizens vote in county council members and state reps & senators who support it, it will happen. Otherwise the Sherrif is doing something the conservative tea partiers often rail against, going to court to let a single or multiple judge(s) decide instead of following the will of the people. It is that simple.

  159. William F Christy says:

    I’ve had the same email address for 12 years it never was slower lower delaware or anything even close.

    Here’s your source, you really pick credible people to use for evidence. Unlike you I post real evidence not some bullshit blog created by an Indicted Felon who lost his license to practice law 15 years ago.

    Mr. King was suspended from the practice of law in 1998 by the Columbus Bar Association for: “Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation — Engaging in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice — Engaging in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice law — Taking action on behalf of client when it is obvious such action would merely harass or maliciously injure another — Concealing that which an attorney is required by law to disclose — Communicating or causing another to communicate on subject of representation with a party known to be represented”.

  160. SussexAnon says:

    “…they have the training…”

    No. No they do not. In order to have arrest powers you have to attend the state police academy and undergo backround checks, drug tests, psych eval, etc.

    The evidence of increased costs was presented by Bob Stickles to County Council during Reeds tenure years ago.

    Police COST money, they don’t make money like the sherrif currently does.

  161. cassandra m says:

    Indeed they do not have the training. If they did, they’d be real police and wouldn’t be working overtime to convince people of their workaround.

  162. William F Christy says:

    SussexAnon are you aware that:
    1. A police officer who is certified from another state does NOT have to attend the DSP academy
    2. All LEO have to go through background checks.
    3. The Sheriff is certified from the State of maryland
    4. The Chief deputy is a retired DSP Trooper and was the firearms instructor at the DSP academy
    5. At least one other deputy is a certified LEO as well.

    Drug tests are $60.00 and paid for by the employee not the employer, same with the background checks.

    Concerning arrest powers Kent County SPCA agents never attended the DSP academy and they DO have arrest powers. Fire police also have arrest powers they did not attend the DSP Academy. Constables have arrest powers they did not attend the DSP academy. John Q Citizen has arrest powers I doubt any of them attended the DSP academy.

  163. William F Christy says:

    cassandra respectfully have you ever researched the LEO backgrounds the sheriff and deputies have. Sussex County Sheriff Christopher is a certified LEO. NCCo Sheriff Navarro is a certified LEO. Kent County Sheriff Wood was/is a certified LEO.

  164. Jason330 says:

    You guys are missing an important point, one just ratified by the court: The English language, unlike French, is not governed by a sanctioning body that assigns meanings and enforces orthodox usage. For better or worse, American English contains words that have different meanings in different places. “Sheriff” is one of those words. It is that simple.

    I can lead you to water, but you need to drink it.

    You have to want to get better.


  165. Aoine says:

    Christy is WRONG AGAIN: an out of state cop MUST attend the academy, albeit and accelerated academy.

    Therefore Jeff Christopher , and any other Deputy who is certified from out of state to become certified in DE would have to attend the academy, which by law, they are precluded from doing.

    Wanna try again, BILLY BOY.

    Education – Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, and must have attained a minimum of 60 semester credits, or 90 quarter credits, from an accredited college or university OR must have 30 college credits along with two years of active duty military service.

    An applicant with 30 college credits and any of the below-listed experience will be eligible for an accelerated Academy curriculum:

    two years (post-training) as a full-time, Delaware-certified police officer.
    or two years of full-time (post-training) experience as a state trooper from another state, having completed a paramilitary live-in state training academy.

    I mean geesh, it on the freaking INTERNET- however I don’t stalk people on the Internet, unlike you Billy boy, I could give a crap where you live.

  166. William F Christy says:

    Comment by Jason330 on 27 March 2013 at 8:04 pm:

    “You guys are missing an important point, one just ratified by the court: The English language, unlike French, is not governed by a sanctioning body that assigns meanings and enforces orthodox usage. For better or worse, American English contains words that have different meanings in different places. “Sheriff” is one of those words. It is that simple. I can lead you to water, but you need to drink it. You have to want to get better.”

    Here’s the point you are missing Judge T Henley Graves in court and his opinion stated that it was irrelevant if the Sheriff did have law enforcement powers prior to HB325, those powers were negated with HB325. Nobody is debating the word sheriff at debate is the definition of Conservator of the Peace which is what judges the AG and County Sheriffs are. That term is in the Delaware Constitutions including the current one.

    I prefer to have the right to be an individual with my own opinions, rather then just agree for the sake of agreeing. I willing to accept others opinions, all I ask is the same in return.

  167. Roland D. Lebay says:

    I prefer to have the right to be an individual with my own opinions, rather then just agree for the sake of agreeing. I willing to accept others opinions, all I ask is the same in return.

    To paraphrase someone far more clever than I, “You’re entitled to your own opinion. You are notentitled to your own facts.”

    You seem to struggle with the facts, Mr. Christy.

  168. William F Christy says:

    Mr Lebay what facts would those be exactly?

  169. Wolf von Baumgart says:


    @Wolf — Said by someone who has certainly never indulged in an intelligent discussion here and who isn’t exactly a reliable judge of educational value.

    That’s right … It’s virtually impossible to have an intelligent discussion, given the degenerate atmosphere of DL.

    @ Geezer

    Before you go off phrarmicologically half-cocked, falsely stating that I am on any form of medication, let me state that BIG PHARMA
    isn’t making any money from me. I am not on any prescribed medication and very rarely use OTC products (even aspirin).

    Can you make the same claim???