I am not a reader of the right wing downstate “Delaware Politics.” But I have the blog on my Google Reader RSS Feed so I can see when and what they post, and every once and a while, they will post something that piques my interest. Like David Anderson’s reaction to the repeal of the Death Penalty in the Senate yesterday. Now, keep in my mind when reading this that David Anderson is supposedly a professed devout Christian, and he relies on those beliefs constantly to inform his opinions on women’s healthcare, women’s rights, abortion, homosexuality, marriage equality, contraception, education, the First Amendment, and I could go on and on and on. I am not saying there is anyting wrong with relying upon your religion to inform your political beliefs. But David does. And this is what he said….
After giving up on changing the sentences for current death row murderers, the Senate passed over bipartisan and law enforcement opposition to repeal the state death penalty. The bill goes on the House. 3 Republicans crossed over to support the bill, led by the Minority Leader.
Anderson then goes on to list the votes of the entire Senate, like I did yesterday. After reading this, I cannot tell if David is happy or said that death penalty repeal was passed by the Senate. There is no celebration, but there is no ranting and raving either. Given the comments from Don Ayotte and others on that post (reacting with the typical reserve, calm and discretion that is representative of the Teabagger movement(/snark)), I wonder if David is purposefully masking his true thoughts here for fear that he will offend his rabid readers. And what are his true thoughts, you say? Well, if he stays true to his religious beliefs he would be opposed to the death penalty. But that goes against Republican and Teabagger orthodoxy.
I also love how his spins the vote as having “bipartisan and law enforcement opposition.” Well, that’s true, but it also had bipartisan support that allowed the bill to pass, a fact ignored.