Archive for March, 2013

Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.12.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2013 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.12.13]

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Photo Caption Contest

Filed in Delaware by on March 11, 2013 7 Comments
Photo Caption Contest

Saturday was the 8th Annual Democrats vs. Republicans Volleyball Match at the Easter Seals Volleyball Challenge. Republicans won the best of three set, 2 to 1, which is sure to start Lavelle and Sigler started on a Republican Comeback Theme. Check here for the full set of pictures of the action.

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Monday Open Thread [3.11.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 11, 2013 5 Comments

Welcome to Monday, people. This is one of those Mondays where the list of stuff to get done when you left on Friday had magically trippled by 8:30AM. And don’t get me started on the hour that Daylight Savings Time stole from me.

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Is Rand Paul electable?

Filed in National by on March 11, 2013 7 Comments

My sense is that Rand Paul comes off as just too shrill and crazy too win nationally. Also, can he Jesus-up enough to satisfy the GOP base? I kind of doubt he can without looking like a wishy-washy Romney v2.0.

Anyhoo, the desperate losers on the right are looking for a white knight and think they’ve found one in Son of Paul.

Conservative writer John Fund reports in National Review that the well funded right-wing group Club For Growth is eying Rand Paul for a presidential run in 2016.

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Kinder Morgan Deal is Dead Part III

Filed in National by on March 11, 2013 33 Comments

Let’s call this part The Secret of the Ooze. Today’s NJ provides a front page followup to the Kinder Morgan aftermath. If you’ve been following this story, there’s a few questions that are unanswered and the News Journal DOES NOT ask them, either.

Let’s start with Speaker Pete noting that the Port Director wants $156M over 10 years to keep the facilities in some competitive position:

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Monday Daily Delawhere [3.11.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 11, 2013 4 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [3.11.13]

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Late Night Video — To This Day

Filed in National by on March 10, 2013 1 Comment

To This Day is a poem by Shane Koyczan — a man who understands bullying from the perspective of both the bullied kid and as the bullier. This poem explores the deep pain and dislocation of being bullied and being the bullier. And he has a message for those experiencing the same difficulties. This video is approx. 12 minutes long and I was in tears at the end:

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Sunday Open Thread [3.10.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 10, 2013 7 Comments

It is a gorgeous Sunday, following a gorgeous Saturday. I’m even thinking about working on my yard this afternoon — a thing I try to ignore until the very last minute. In any event, I hope you are enjoying this day!

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.10.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 10, 2013 2 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.10.13]

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wilmington, usually held on the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, from a few years ago. At the terminus of the parade route is a party held at St. Patrick’s Church, where the church serves beer to hundreds or parade-goers.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [3.9.13]

Filed in Delaware by on March 9, 2013 11 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [3.9.13]

We begin Irish week here at Daily Delawhere. My favorite Irish pub in Wilmington is at Catherine Rooney’s, on Delaware Avenue in Trolley Square.

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Friday Open Thread [3.8.13]

Filed in National by on March 8, 2013 30 Comments
Friday Open Thread [3.8.13]

Yesterday, as I traveled the Pennsylvania mountainside, I listened to all the Rand Paul Filisbuster Aftermath, and I have to say, I contemplated driving myself off a mountain when I realized I agreed with Senators McCain and Graham in what they said in rebuking Paul. First, I must say that I enjoyed the filibuster if for the simple reason that it sparked a good debate on the Senate floor, it was basically theater, and it showed the country and these fucking cowardly traditionalists in the Senate how a good a talking filibuster, a real filibuster, can be. I hope Majority Leader Reid listens to his deputy, Dick Durbin, and revists filibuster reform today. Now. Make the talking filibuster the norm.

Now, back to McCain and Graham…..

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Kinder Morgan Deal is Dead Part II

Filed in National by on March 8, 2013 29 Comments

Or we could call it Kinder Morgan Deal is Dead — The Fingerpointing. The NJ has another piece up this AM — Port lease efforts on hold, which has a few more details on this story, but mostly it is additional reaction from some stakeholders. Aaron Nathans gets a key bit wrong — there wasn’t a $200M investment on the table, it was more like $41M. The rest was lease payments to the state. But the more I hear about this, the more I wonder about what we don’t know about this deal. Was this lease payment meant to be funneled back to the Port for the automation upgrades talked about for the warehouses? Who knows. I have attached a copy of the letter so you can see it directly.

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Job Growth Surges

Filed in National by on March 8, 2013 14 Comments
Job Growth Surges

The economy in February added 236,000 jobs, with the unemployment rate dropping to 7.7% from 7.9%, the lowest the main rate has been since December 2008. The economy would have grown by 10,000 jobs more (246k) if austerity measures had not resulted in the loss of 10,000 public sector jobs. Hopefully the economy will continue to grow so that the impact of the Sequester spending cuts, which will not be overturned. Indeed, in my view, while the cuts are bad and dumb, they at least give the President a rejoinder to the idiocy from Boehner and McConnell whenever they or any Republican says “The President got his tax hikes (or new revenue).” We can say, “Yes, and you got your spending cuts. So if we don’t get any new revenue, you don’t get any new spending cuts. There, we can be petulant children too.”

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