Delaware Liberal

Ah, the smell of conservative civil war napalm in the morning…

… or evening, as the case may be. I agree with Nancy, I can’t tell what the actual policy difference is between Frank Knotts and his new Delaware Right blog and David Anderson and Don Ayotte and their Delaware Politics blog, except that the latter calls the former a RINO just because the former found his inner libertarian and decided that maybe the Republican Party in Delaware should not follow the path of insane Sheriff Jeff Christopher.

Here is the latest on the battle from Don Ayotte:

A new Delaware Political Action Committee formed in October of 2012, and fronted by a blogsite called, “Delaware Right” is a deception created by Republican left-of-center moderates, posing as conservatives to eliminate the “Tea-Party Conservative Republicans from having a voice in party politics. Since Karl Rove, Reince Priebus and John Sigler have declared war on the conservative wing of the Republican Party, along with the death of Conservative Sussex County Chairman Jerry Wood in December 2012, this movement has been gaining speed in Delaware.

The PAC had its beginnings in October of 2012, founded by moderate republicans posing as true conservatives. Funded by wealthy developer-entrepreneur Daniel Anderson of Rehoboth Beach, with a single donation of $100,000, the PAC’s blogsite Delaware Right’s writer is Frank Knotts, a devout left-of-center republican, who suddenly says he’s “seen the light,” and has reformed his former ultra-conservative ways. The PAC is headed by former Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jeff Cragg, and is merely a shill for raising money for this now left-wing faction of the republican party. You are invited to click on the blogsite’s “donate button,” to donate money to keep them rolling.

The Sussex GOP has thrown in with the new PAC, by announcing in a recent e-mail that Jeff Cragg is the main speaker at the their monthly committee meeting on Monday, April 8, at 7 p.m., at Georgetown’s Cheer Center. Come one, come all and express your opinions at this meeting!!

While you all get your popcorn and other libations necessary to enjoy this, I should tell Mr. Ayotte that I am a left of center liberal, as are my fellow colleagues here at Delaware Liberal, and I and we can tell you that whatever Mr. Knotts and those behind Delaware Right are, they are not left of center. See, I think you are confused about the linear political spectrum and where everyone is placed on it.

Now, in today’s political world, there are no elected Republicans anywhere in this country, either on the Federal or the State level, that fall to the left of that Center / Moderate point. So by definition, there are no left wing factions of the Republican party when you refer to the political spectrum as a whole. It didn’t used to be this way. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, yes, there were liberal Republicans who could be described as being left wing. But back then both of the main political parties, Democrats and Republicans, had liberal and conservative wings. Dixiecrats in the South were very conservative, properly placed underneath the Conservative Right banner on the line, but they were Democrats back then, a result of the Civil War. But along came Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan, all three of which caused a great realignment of the Republican Party so that, over the last forty years, all Republicans became conservative and mostly all conservatives became Republicans. Meanwhile, over time, all liberals to the left of the Center spot on the line became Democrats, or were simply voted out of office after losing primaries.

So Don, whatever Frank Knotts and Jeff Cragg are, they are not left wing, or liberal. They are firmly to the right on the line, underneath the Conservative Right banner. The problem you are experiencing is this: you are a Tea Partier, and you are so far right that you are no longer on the line, as shown. Thus, all of civilization is left wing to you.

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