I cleaned up the Blog Roll…

Filed in Delaware by on April 5, 2013

Over on the right side of our blog, and down below the Recent Comments section, we have our Local Blogroll, divided into various categories:

The Left (for liberal / progressive blogs)
The Middle (for Delaware blogs that are either centrist / moderate or that are nonpartisan or even nonpolitical)
The Right (for conservative blogs)
Contributors (for links to the various and wonderful Delaware Liberal Contributors)
The News

I have removed old dead links to some of the news sites and blogs and updated them with the correct links. And I have also removed some old dead blogs and sites, and I also removed links to Daily Kos and the Onion, because they are not really local Delaware blogs or news sites, and that is what our blog roll is for. But, with the shocking and yet unwitting help of the reich wing king of Delaware, the one and only Hube, I have also added some long overlooked blogs and some new ones, so take a look. And if you know of a blog that we have missed, let me know.

I also wanted to give a shout out to Steve Newton and The Delaware Libertarian for reaching the 300,000 visitor milestone recently. It is indeed an accomplishment you should proud of. Congrats!

But to correct your guess at our traffic, we are at 5,224,112 views since late December 2007, when we moved over to WordPress and started keeping track. I am sure the Jason and Dr. Nick show that was Delaware Liberal before garnered untold millions of more views, or at least that is what Jason tells me.

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  1. Frank says:

    I am gratified to be retained. Thank you.