Delaware Liberal

Saturday Open Thread [4.13.13]

Vice President Joe Biden “faces a situation unique in the annals of modern American politics,” the New York Times reports.

“He is the vice president, the highest-ranking member of his party interested in running for president, yet he is not the heir apparent. While every sitting vice president who sought it in the last half-century captured his party’s nomination, Mr. Biden would start as the underdog if he ran against Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state.”

Which is why he won’t run if she does. Hillary and Joe are also good friends, which I think makes the decision not to run easier, not harder.

A Republican County Commissioner in Saline County, Kansas used the term “n**ger-rigging” during a heated debate. Commissioner Jim Gile (R) apologized and said to the local newspaper that it was a “bad choice of words” and that he meant to say “jury-rigged,” noting “I had it on my brain and this came out. It was a bad choice of words. I’m sorry.”

I am not sure saying it was a bad “choice” or words and saying it just slipped out by accident is a good thing. It means you use the term frequently in your life and you are comfortable with it. And that means you are a racist bigot sent here from Hell. Apology not accepted. What we will accept is your resignation from public office for the rest of your life.

Stay classy, Pat Toomy:

“Four senators may have signed on to a gun background check deal Wednesday, but only two showed up for the news conference — in part because Sen. Patrick J. Toomey’s public support for the bill hinged on not having to stand next to Sen. Charles E. Schumer.”

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