Delaware Liberal

HB 35 Background Check Debate [UPDATE]: Bill Passes 13-8!!!

For the last hour, the background check bill debate has been underway in the Delaware Senate. Thanks to WDEL’s Amy Cherry, here is her tweet reports about the debate, which I will update below in the comments as she posts them (the tweets below are listed from most recent to less recent):

Sen. Lawson’s request to table the background checks bill fails in a vote 15-6. #NetDE #govDE

Sen. Lawson gets applause for requesting the background checks bill be tabled because it’s “damning” the law abiding citizen. #NetDE #GovDE

CORRECTION: Sen. Venables goes off topic discussing school safety at background checks debate. #problemswithlisteningtothestream

Sen. Lawson says he would support a tax increase to add safety to schools. This debate is about background checks. #NetDE #govDE

Sen. Lawson notes domestic violence act, but no conviction can bar a person from purchasing a gun, but not from possessing a gun. #NetDE

Q: Can a person be prohibited from purchasing a gun, but not prohibited from possessing one? Markell’s lawyer doesn’t know. #NetDE

Markell’s laweyer: the average background checks takes 5 minutes, and no citizens is more than 10 min. away from a gun dealer. #NetDE

Dealer could have license suspended for 30 days if they fail to conduct a background check on a private gun sale. #NetDE #govDE

Sen. Gary Simpson: “It’s strange we need a photo ID for a background check but not to vote in #Delaware.” #NetDE #GovDE

Background checks bill debate underway in the #Delaware Senate. #NetDE #GovDE

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