Delaware Liberal

We Lost in Washington Yesterday. We Can Win in Delaware Today.

We had a defeat in Washington yesterday, but we can still win in Delaware. The background checks bill (HB 35) is scheduled for a vote today in the Senate, and I’m told by well placed sources that some wavering Senators could really benefit from a final call or email this morning. And if you are in Dover or can make it to Dover today, get to the Senator chamber for the vote to show support.

So join me and call or email the following this morning:

Senator Bethaney Hall Long,, (302) 744-4286
Senator Bruce Ennis,, (302) 744-4310
Senator Nicole Poore,, (302) 744-4164
Senator Cathy Cloutier,, (302) 744-4197
Senator Brian Bushweller,, (302) 744-4162
Senator David McBride,, (302) 744-4167

Further, say what you will about President Obama, but he is 100% correct on this:

“To all the people who supported this legislation — law enforcement and responsible gun owners, Democrats and Republicans, urban moms, rural hunters, whoever you are — you need to let your representatives in Congress know that you are disappointed, and that if they don’t act this time, you will remember come election time.

To the wide majority of NRA households who supported this legislation, you need to let your leadership and lobbyists in Washington know they didn’t represent your views on this one.

The point is those who care deeply about preventing more and more gun violence will have to be as passionate, and as organized, and as vocal as those who blocked these common-sense steps to help keep our kids safe. Ultimately, you outnumber those who argued the other way. But they’re better organized. They’re better financed. They’ve been at it longer. And they make sure to stay focused on this one issue during election time. And that’s the reason why you can have something that 90 percent of Americans support and you can’t get it through the Senate or the House of Representatives.

So to change Washington, you, the American people, are going to have to sustain some passion about this.”

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