Archive for April, 2013

Developers Running the Show in NCCo

Filed in National by on April 1, 2013 32 Comments

Sunday’s NJ featured a fantastic piece of reporting by Adam Taylor and Maureen Milford. Called Influence, Access Taint Land-Use Decisions, this is a remarkably detailed look at how the NCCo land use planning process — from both the county and the DelDOT side was apparently captured by the developers, their lawyers and their lobbyists. Not only that, but Pam Scott’s showy leaving of Saul Ewing was just for show. So not only is the land planning process broken, but so is the Ethics Policy in the county.

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April Fools Day Daily Delawhere [4.1.13]

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2013 2 Comments
April Fools Day Daily Delawhere [4.1.13]

The Kalmar Nyckel, a hat tip to our Swedish friends here at DL who want Delaware to secede to joint the Kingdom of Sweden.

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