Archive for April, 2013

Tuesday Open Thread [4.16.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 16, 2013 40 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.16.13]

The news is focused on the Boston Marathon bombing, and for so much ink being spilled, there is precious little new information. So 2 bombs, 3 people dead, more than 150 sent to the hospital with injuries. There’s no one in custody yet, law enforcement of all kinds are at the scene and working to ID the bomber and apparently they are getting tons of tips. And right on cue, the right wingnuts are spinning up their conspiracy theories — this one claiming that the bombing is meant to frame the tea party and expand the TSA. Just so you can be certain that there is a national tragedy, the Westboro RatBastards have already pledged to picket funerals from this.

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Filed in National by on April 16, 2013 22 Comments

Marriage equality is on the fast track.

How fast? HB 75 (Smith) was introduced last week while the General Assembly was out of session, and will be considered in the House (House) Administration Committee this Wednesday, 2:30 pm, House Chamber. It is at least possible that the full House could consider the bill as early as this Thursday.  For those of you who have not yet checked, here are the sponsors and co-sponsors of HB 75:

Prime Sponsor: M. Smith; Additional Sponsors: Rep. Schwartzkopf & Rep. Longhurst & Sen. Sokola & Sen. Blevins; Co-Sponsors: Reps. Barbieri, Baumbach, Bolden, Brady, Heffernan, Keeley, Kowalko, Mulrooney, Osienski, B. Short, Viola, D.E. Williams, K. Williams; Sens. Henry, McDowell, Peterson, Poore, Townsend.

Thanks to each and every one of you. By my count, there are sixteen House members as sponsors. 21 votes are needed for passage. I know, or at least suspect, that there are silent commits from some below the Canal. However, there are a few notable absences, and I would encourage you to contact them if you are one of their constituents:

Charles Potter, 1st RD: He has been a strong advocate for civil liberties, there are many marriage equality supporters in his north Wilmington district, but he has not yet taken a position;

Deborah Hudson, 12th RD: She has generally been a moderate on social issues and, again, there are many marriage equality proponents in her Chateau Country district;

John Mitchell, 13th RD: He was ‘almost’ Speaker, and he could wind up there someday…if he does the right thing;

James ‘J. J.’ Johnson, 16th RD: He represents part of the City of Wilmington and has an overwhelmingly D majority district;

Mike Ramone, 21st RD: It’s possible that Ramone has already announced his support, as he has increasingly cast more and more progressive votes;

Joe Miro, 22nd RD: This Pike Creek R has lots of marriage equality proponents in his district.

Keep in mind that each of these representatives could well be ‘gettable’ on this vote. When you contact them, be positive. Encourage them to support HB 75. If they commit to supporting the bill, thank them and let them know that you have their backs. With some of the potential ‘silent’ commits,  HB 75 has a great chance to pass the House, perhaps with a strong mandate.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.16.13]

Filed in Delaware by on April 16, 2013 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.16.13]

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This Video… Jesus.

Filed in National by on April 15, 2013 6 Comments

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BREAKING: Bomb Attacks at Boston Marathon

Filed in National by on April 15, 2013 37 Comments

Via TPM:

BOSTON (AP) — Two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon have resulted in injuries.

Bloody spectators were being carried Monday to the medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners. Police wove through competitors as they ran back toward the course.

“There are a lot of people down,” said one man, whose bib No. 17528 identified him as Frank Deruyter of North Carolina. He was not injured, but marathon workers were carrying one woman, who did not appear to be a runner, to the medical area as blood gushed from her leg. A Boston police officer was wheeled from the course with a leg injury that was bleeding.

About three hours after the winners crossed the line, there was a loud explosion on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the photo bridge that marks the finish line. Another explosion could be heard a few seconds later.

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Tax Day Reading

Filed in National by on April 15, 2013 3 Comments
Tax Day Reading

It’s the obligatory Tax Day thread — but while I’m going to post some items related to paying taxes, I also want to note that today is Jackie Robinson Day, which is a happier thing to consider than Tax Day. I hope that all of you are done with that task. Delaware and Wilmington taxes are due by the 30th, so there is some breathing room.

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Monday Open Thread [4.15.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 15, 2013 4 Comments

Tomorrow, the bipartisan “Gang of Eight,” which includes Senators Dick Durbin (D), Chuck Schumer (D), John McCain (R), Lindsay Graham (R), Jeff Flake (R), Marco Rubio (R), Robert Menendez (D) and Michael Bennet (D) is set to unveil a proposal that would represent the most far-reaching overhaul of immigration laws since 1986.

Come inside for the details of the bill from the Washington Examiner….

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Police Brutality in Rehoboth

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2013 128 Comments

Hat tip to Kavips for pointing out this video.

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IPOD gets new star: Don Ayotte

Filed in National by on April 15, 2013 51 Comments

Apparently on Dan Gaffney’s show on 105.9 FM downstate, insane teabagger Don Ayotte, who had tried to unseat Sussex County Councilwoman Joan Deaver in the 2012 election, and who has recently been involved in the Great Delaware Republican Civil War, has just announced that he is leaving the GOP and has joined the Independent Party of Delaware (IPOD). The reason for his leaving: that mean mean Frank Knotts.

I wonder how Ayotte is going to enjoy IPOD’s prior platform that called for universal single payer healthare?

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Monday Daily Delawhere [4.15.13]

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2013 3 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [4.15.13]

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Sunday Open Thread [4.14.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 14, 2013 5 Comments

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) reported his campaign fund earned $75,637 from interest and investments during the first quarter of 2013, according to Political Moneyline. That doesn’t seem legal to me, and if it is, it shouldn’t be.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.14.13]

Filed in Delaware by on April 14, 2013 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.14.13]

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Saturday Open Thread [4.13.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 13, 2013 11 Comments

Vice President Joe Biden “faces a situation unique in the annals of modern American politics,” the New York Times reports.

“He is the vice president, the highest-ranking member of his party interested in running for president, yet he is not the heir apparent. While every sitting vice president who sought it in the last half-century captured his party’s nomination, Mr. Biden would start as the underdog if he ran against Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state.”

Which is why he won’t run if she does. Hillary and Joe are also good friends, which I think makes the decision not to run easier, not harder.

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