Newt Gingrich Is Really Puzzled

Filed in National by on May 13, 2013

Talk about living in a bubble!

“This device is something new and different,” Newt continues. “I’ve been calling it a hand-held computer.”

Or, Smartphone?

“Now we’ve been here before. When we first invented the automobile, we called it the horseless carriage.”

Smartphone, Newt. Smartphone.

“I want your help in figuring out what to call this.”


“What would you call this, so that we can explain it to people.”

Damnit, Newt.

I can’t stop watching this video.  Is he really serious?  This is simply amazing, and it makes you wonder if Newt talks or listens to anyone but Newt.  I mean… come on!  No one said, “Um, Newt… that newfangled contraption is called a Smartphone.”  No one?  Guess not, since we now have this awesome YouTube video!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:


    Damnit! My whole office — including every single Republican — is laughing so hard we are crying over this. I love how he thinks that the smartphone will transform how we do politics and asks for ideas on how to take advantage of it. Hey Newtie! Just call President Obama, dude!

  2. geezer says:

    This is a guy, remember, who back in the day made a big deal about having read “Future Shock.”

  3. PluribusUnum says:

    Remember, he’s the SMART one in the party. A real futurist. MOON BASES.

  4. pandora says:

    Is it so wrong that I can’t stop watching this video? Instant classic.

  5. puck says:

    Once Newt helps them figure out the right name for this baffling new product, sales will surely take off. Just don’t forget to explain it is connected via a series of tubes.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    This video looks like the product of a group of people who have gotten high on something and decided to tape themselves in a challenge to see how high they *don’t* look. They’ll be watching this thing busting a gut over how wasted they were doing this.

  7. reis says:

    How old is the toupee?

  8. Jason330 says:

    We used to call sour kraut “victory cabbage!”