What The… I Love Game Of Thrones

Filed in Delaware by on May 18, 2013

This is nonsense:

Game of Thrones ranks somewhere on the Girl Dislike scale between NASCAR and that National Geographic show where the guy sticks his hand in a catfish’s mouth.

But why does she throw so much shade? If you just can’t understand why we’re intent on harshing your medieval buzz, here are some telltale clues.

  • We hate gross things. Know what’s gross? Screwing your sibling.
  • It’s hard to follow. Brilliantly developed storylines are great, but whipping out a dry erase board and Venn diagrams to figure it all out isn’t our idea of a good time. Unless we’re talking about soap operas. Those are perfectly fine.
  • It reminds us of the kids that used to play magic cards in the cafeteria. And people who go to Renaissance festivals. Eating a giant drumstick and drinking out of a goblet is cool, just not every Sunday night for three months straight.
  • It’s all naked chicks. In addition to the actual ladies of the night on the show, there seem to be a lot of…unofficial ladies of the night on the show. This is why guys love it, we get it, but we can do without seeing topless wenches in loin cloths.
  • Dudes get their hands chopped off. And their nipples. And their balls. Really? How is it that you guys like this again?

Okay, confession time… I was the one who wanted to watch GoT.  Mr. Pandora was kinda meh.  Know how I got him to watch it?  I told him people were complaining about the gratuitous sex.  My bad, but it worked!  I do love that man!  He’s so easy!

One of my initial complaints of GoT was that the first few episodes introduced so many characters that it became confusing.  My advice is to watch the first three episodes before throwing up your hands and walking away.  It’s so worth it.

And the women of GoT’s are amazing.  Hello? Brienne of Tarth?  She’ll kick your butt.  And Daenerys Targaryen is all about, “You boys need to shut up, because I know what I’m doing!”  And she does!  Arya Stark is all that!  And Margaery Tyrellis a worthy adversary for Joffrey Lannister.  (I haven’t read the books so I’m just going off the HBO series!)  But the men of GoT’s are evolving (except for Jon Snow, who is miserable).  Jamie Lannister’s relationship with Brienne of Tarth is fascinating, and you could watch the the entire show for Tyrion Lannister.  You can’t help but root for him.  He is deliciously flawed.

So… Game of Thrones rocks!  For men and women.  Watch it!

Next up… True Blood.  So crazy it’s good!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    I’ve never seen this, P, but most of its fans that I know are women. So I don’t know where the Girl Dislike comes from.

  2. Roland D. Lebay says:

    Let me get this straight-

    You love your husband because he’s easily manipulated?

    I guess that’s why one of my friends likes to date attractive, but stupid (his description) women.

    Different strokes, I suppose.