Late Night Video — Gov. Markell Appears on Huff Post Live
Not sure that big news is made here — discussing gun safety (universal background checks), kids aging out of foster care, gay marriage (approx. 13 minutes):
Tags: Featured, Huffington Post, Jack Markell, Late Night Video
Far be it from me to disagree with Governor Markell here, but both parties are not coming together here in Delaware to pass his signature achievements. You have one or two crossovers here and there, like Ramone and Cloutier on marriage equality, and those same two Republicans were the only ones who thought it might be a good idea to report their guns are lost or stolen. No, Jack, the only reason you have been successful in Delaware is that the Democrats have sufficient numbers in both Houses to pass your agenda. The Republicans in the GA have been acting like their national counterparts.
Bipartisanship rulz
Hey, if the D’s acted more like Cloutier and Ramone, perhaps we’d even have a minimum wage increase–that is, if Jack really wanted one.
Screw you Markell. There was ONE gunstore supporting it because he overcharges on third party sales!