Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread [5.24.13]

It is the beginning of a long weekend — for me, this is the first long holiday weekend of the year. From here on out, there is a scheduled holiday weekend pretty much every other month now. Yay!

The Boy Scouts split the Gay Baby and decided to accept openly gay scouts, but that they would still discriminate against openly gay adult leadership. I suppose this is a step in the right direction, but it is a completely weird message to send to these kids. You are worthy to be a part of us if you are under 18 years old and gay, but if you are over 18 and gay you aren’t worthy to be a part of us. The Assemblies of God are predicting that there will be a mass exodus (!) from scouting now. It was really interesting to listen to the NPR report on this decision this morning. The people lamenting the fact that their values of gay bigotry are dying don’t have a clue. One of the signature American experiences is of *increasing* acceptance and inclusion of its citizens. Too bad these bigots don’t love their country enough to get with those values. But this isn’t over until gay adult leadership are just as welcome as gay scouts.

Harry Reid has one small win in beating back the McConnell filibuster obstruction. Sri Srinivasan was finally approved as a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals by 97-0. That’s a unanimous vote, people, meaning that the planned filibuster was just about gunking up the works. This is pretty despicable from people are are supposed to be governing.

Elizabeth Warren has a bill in the Senate that would provide student loans at the same rate that the Feds lend money to banks. This is nothing but awesomeness. Since it is Memorial Day weekend, you might see Senators Coons and Carper out and about. Please ask them if they’ll support this great bill.

Locally, Harris McDowell wants to build a companion ship for the Kalmar Nyckle. That’s fantastic, but I’m hoping that he’ll give a raise to state workers OR restore the staff that schools are getting ready to lose support staff. Priorities, people!

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