Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread [6.3.13]

Let’s get the important stuff out of the way — the Holy Trinity Greek Festival starts tomorrow at 11AM. If you are in town (even if not, my office orders carry out once during this week), you can FAX in an order and pick it up curbside for a killer lunch. And there is even a shuttle bus to bring cubicle dwellers from downtown to the festival for lunch.

It looks like today is the day the Supreme Court starts clearing its desk for the summer — it upheld today a Maryland law that lets the police collect your DNA if you’ve been arrested, with no warrant. It was a 5-4 decision, but the dissenters this time were Scalia, Ginsberg, Kagen, Sotomayor. What is interesting to me is that a conservative court isn’t just privileging corporations with the rights if individuals, but it also doesn’t see much government overreach that they want to curtail, either. Say hello to the national DNA database, people.

Last, but certainly not least — Senator Frank Lautenberg from NJ died today. He was the oldest member of the Senate and the last to have served in WWII. He may have made his greatest mark in helping to improve highway safety regulations. RIP, Senator Lautenberg. Gov. Christie gets to pick a placeholder until there is a special election to replace Lautenberg.

What interests you today?

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