Delaware Liberal

Joe “No Bullsh*t” Biden All But Declares Bush An Illegitimate President

It is all true, so I’m just going to post this whole Dartagnan diary.

The Biden, unleashed:

In remarks made on Tuesday night at a fundraiser for Massachusetts Senate candidate Ed Markey in front of an audience of donating (doting?) Democrats, Biden went for the jugular.In a reference to Al Gore, who introduced Biden at the Washington, D.C., event, Biden said, “This man was elected president of the United States of America,”according to the pool report.

“But for the good of the nation, when the bad decision, in my view, was made, he did the right thing for the nation,” Biden continued.

Biden was just getting warmed up:

“Al, you set an example for this country that is going to live as long as recorded history, about the man who won by a decision that I think constitutional scholars now and in the future will conclude was an ill-fated decision,” Biden said. “The way you stepped up, it was amazing.”

This is pretty amazing stuff coming from a sitting Vice-President–to take a hammer to the very legitimacy of the prior Administration.  Don’t think we’ve ever seen anything quite like that before.  Of course, it also helps when it happens to be true.

Nor did the Biden stop there.   He characterized the divide between Democrats and the modern Republicans, once merely differentiated by competing principles, as akin now to an unbridgeable abyss.

It’s a pretty simple proposition: The United States of America, and the state of Massachusetts, does not need another Republican in the Senate,” Biden said, also according to the pool report. “I’m being straight about this. This is not your father’s Republican Party. It really is a fundamentally different party. There’s never been as much distance, at least since I’ve been alive, distance between where the mainstream of the Republican congressional party is and the Democratic Party is. It’s a chasm. It’s a gigantic chasm.

And still more of the knife did the Biden twist:

[T]he last thing in the world we need now is someone who will go down to the United States Senate and support [Texas freshman Sen.] Ted Cruz, support the new senator from Kentucky—or the old senator from Kentucky,” Biden said, referring to freshman Sen. Rand Paul and veteran Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.“Think about this,” he said. “Have you ever seen a time when two freshman senators are able to cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate? That is not hyperbole.”


I know, if he had voted against the Iraq war (which he knew to be bullshit) he would be the President right now. He didn’t, so he’s not.

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