Monday Open Thread [6.17.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on June 17, 2013

Tales of Security Theater — the NFL has posted new security rules for attending their games starting next season. These new rules include size limits on purses, a list of prohibited items and a requirement for carrying what you do bring into the stadium in a clear bag. You get a bigger bag if you buy the special ones (with or without branding!) from the NFL or you an use a gallon-size ziplock bag. You can still have anything you want in the parking lot. The one that slays me is the prohibition against bringing in seat cushions. I don’t think that this is about security — I think that it is about making it quicker to get people in the gates. But I’m definitely rolling my eyes at this BS.

Tales of the War on Workers — A McDonald’s in Dallas Township, PA is paying its workers with Chase Debit Cards:

According to the complaint filed, the JP Morgan Chase payroll card lists several fees, including a $1.50 charge for ATM withdrawals, $5 for over-the-counter cash withdrawals, $1 per balance inquiry, 75 cents per online bill payment and $15 for lost/stolen card.

Gunshannon said she had taken her concerns to the main office of the franchise holder – Albert and Carol Mueller, trading as McDonald’s, in Clarks Summit. She was told that the card was the only option, she said.

The woman in the article is suing, alleging that the deduction of all of the fees means that she is now making less than minimum wage. This doesn’t say that the owners are getting a cut or kickback for these fees, but I’d bet that they do. The lawyer handling the law suit notes that PA law says that employees can choose to get their wages via check or cash. I hope that all of the McDonald’s employees join this suit and put this one out of business. This is pretty vile.

Tales of Star Trek! — I saw this over the weekend finally. It was fine, but not as good as the last JJ Abrams venture. Star Trek as a shoot-’em-up isn’t exactly this franchise’s strong suit. Still, it was Star Trek and it was new. In honor of that, take a look at this hilarious video, Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: “The Challenge”:

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    And in breaking Supreme Court decisions — Justice Scalia trikes Down Arizona Law Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Register To Vote. This was a surprise, especially from Scalia.

  2. AGovernor says:

    Jury: No negligence in penile implant procedure

    Based on the NJ reporting I am not surprised at this verdict. If you didn’t run to the emergency room when your scrotum was the size of a “volleyball” then I would say you can’t blame the doctor.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    And I have avoided that story at all costs.

  4. AGovernor says:

    @ Cassandra, but it was so funny (and sad).

  5. mediawatch says:

    More amazing doings from the tone-deaf, transparent as a rock Markell administration:
    An $8 million bailout for 3 casinos ( And what does he propose for more than 100,000 kids in public schools?
    Well, he says $31 million, ( but when you strip out the $17.3 million required by state law, the $2.65 million for computers used to take standardized tests, $2 million for all-day kindergarten in a single school district and $2 million for charter schools, you’re left with about $7 million, and most of that isn’t going into the classroom.
    So, being generous, 70 bucks more per student, and, on average, $2.7 million bucks more per casino.
    Bailing out a sinking industry at the expense of our kids. This is economic development?

  6. cassandra m says:

    A bailout for casinos after he said that bailouts were not on the table. I know I’m a broken record on this, but those casinos are just going to keep losing money because the competition is pilfering their customers. That 8M won’t help those casinos get more competitive. That 8M might help Delaware kids get more competitive.

    Am I the only one who thinks that the Governor isn’t being well-served by whoever is running his political shop over there?

  7. mediawatch says:

    The governor seems to be bumbling along about as poorly as Aunt Bea did. Sometimes I think he has recruited remnants of the Minner administration as secret advisors … and sometimes I think he’s listening to the Dennis Williams team.
    Seriously, what is missing from Team Markell is Brian Selander. Of course, I don’t always agree with Markell (who among us does?), but we were more likely to be supportive of him during his first term. I believe much of the credit goes to Selander, who was always sensitive to the direction the political winds were blowing. The governor’s current crew needs someone who can analyze all sides of an issue before big policy decisions are made. Selander did a damn good job of that.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    And judging by the story in this morning’s paper, his team did their usual bang-up job in communicating with everyone. The proposal was a complete surprise to both legislators and the casinos. How can you do that?

  9. anon says:

    The 2009 tax hikes on the middle and lower class were made permanent while he gave his buddies a tax break, he wants to raise the gas tax which will also hurt the middle and lower class, and he wants to take the surplus (why is he permanently raising taxes on the masses when there is a surplus), and he wants to give the surplus to the casinos.

    I’m disappointed in how out of touch Markell is becoming. People are still struggling out there and he’s playing backwards Robin Hood.

  10. AGovernor says:

    @Cassandra, no, you are not alone.

    I am so upset about this idea to bail out the casinos. Ugh.

    I would rather see the $8 million used for infrastructure or green spaces then casinos. Schools would also be a better use.

    Casinos need to figure out how to compete, with out the state propping them up, or close.