Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread [6.25.13]

A new Suffolk poll finds Rep. Edward Markey (D) holding a 10 point lead over his Republican rival Gabriel Gomez in the Massachusetts special election to replace John Kerry in the U.S. Senate. Markey leads 52% to 42%. Turnout is the key today, with it expected to be low.

Gomez said recently that his party needs to change parts of itself in order to recognize that we are all in the 21st Century now. I have a suggestion.







Well, it only benefits liberals and Democrats when these idiot Republicans decide that they know what is best for women who are raped. So, don’t stop. Here is the latest from Texas state Rep. Jody Laubenberg (R):

“In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out.”

I really hope Mrs. Laudenberg is never raped. She will be in for a pretty rude awakening if this is what she really believes (and if she really believes that, she is as ignorant and dumb as her Republican male counterparts).

So yesterday, Comprenshive Immigration Reform passed its first hurdle in the U.S. Senate. The Border Surge Amendment sponsored by Republican Senators Bob Corker (TN) and John Hoeven (ND), which provides approximately $40 billion over the next 10 years to bolster border security, doubles the endorcement agents to 40,000 and the completion of 700 miles of border fencing. Cloture was filed on the amendment, which means that the Senate was voting to end debate on the Amendment and proceed to a floor vote on the Amendment. The Cloture vote was 67 to 31, with two Democrats absent. So that gives us our first indication that immigration reform may garner as many as 69 votes in support (as it is hard to imagine that the 31 Republican Senators voting to filibuster the Border Security Amendment would vote in favor of the full package with they say endorses amnesty.

This caused Sarah Palin to rev up her bigotry machine, and she took to the airwaves (or Facebook pages) to rip Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and the Immrigation Bill.

Said Palin: “Just like they did with Obamacare, some in Congress intend to ‘Pelosi’ the amnesty bill. They’ll pass it in order to find out what’s in it. And just like the unpopular, unaffordable Obamacare disaster, this pandering, rewarding-the-rule-breakers, still-no-border-security, special-interests-ridden, 24-pound disaster of a bill is not supported by informed Americans.”

If by “Pelosi,” Sarah Palin means pass significant and comprehensive reform that improves the lives of many in an efficient manner, which Nancy Pelosi did as Speaker, then she’s right.

“Palin promised to make immigration a major issue in the 2014 election cycle, comparing it to 2010 when the tea party movement helped propel Republican gains as Americans rallied against President Barack Obama’s federal health-care law.”

LOL. Yes, make immigration a center piece of the Republican 2014 midterms and you threaten to awaken the voting blocs that usually sleep during midterms: minorities (especially Latinos and young people). So go ahead Sarah, rev up your engine. You only do good for us Democrats (see Mike Castle and Christine O’Donnell).

Finally, like the President who nominated him, Justice Sam Alito is an asshole. Dana Millbank:

“The most remarkable thing about the Supreme Court’s opinions announced Monday was not what the justices wrote or said. It was what Samuel Alito did. The associate justice, a George W. Bush appointee, read two opinions, both 5-4 decisions that split the court along its usual right-left divide. But Alito didn’t stop there. When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg read her dissent from the bench, Alito visibly mocked his colleague. Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the high court, was making her argument about how the majority opinion made it easier for sexual harassment to occur in the workplace when Alito, seated immediately to Ginsburg’s left, shook his head from side to side in disagreement, rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling.”

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