So, about last night…

Filed in Delaware by on July 1, 2013


HB 88, the bill that is aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, remains stalled. The mentally ill, represented by the protestor above, are pleased, as now they can kill as many people they want with any gun they can get their hands on. The protestors there in Dover yesterday in opposition to HB 88 suffer under paranoid delusions, highlighting the need for this bill in the first place. From the News Journal:

[HB 88] failed in the state Senate on Thursday, receiving just six yes votes, but opponents feared it would come up for another vote before the session ended. Biden’s office authored the bill. Since the General Assembly session is two years long, the bill will remain active when the second half of the session begins in January.

Opponents worried that the bill will be applied in inappropriate cases. One protester carried a sign Sunday that read “Beau Biden. Leader of New Nazi Party of Delaware.” Another read “Hands off my guns.” […]

“There’s nothing that’s going to stop them from busting through your front door without a warrant and taking anybody’s weapons in the house,” said Martin Nicholson, a Marine Corps veteran and opponent of the bill.

… only if you are mentally ill, Mr. Nicholson. Are you, Mr. Nicholson? And even then, yes, there are plenty of things to stop them from just busting down your door without a warrant. First, there would be a police investigation, with all the appropriate findings of probable cause and issuances of warrants. Then, after that police investigation, Justice Department lawyers could petition a judge to ban the mentally ill patient from owning firearms and require him or her to relinquish any firearms in their control. So you object to that, Mr. Nicholson? Perhaps you are mentally ill. Perhaps you should not own a gun, Mr. Nicholson.

Meanwhile, Senator Townsend’s Senate Bills on education transparency, 147 and 148, passed the House. These bills are intended to snatch a small victory from the massive thrashing jaws of defeat that was the passage of the Charter School bill. Both bills are now waiting for Governor Markell’s signature.

Finally, the bill to rein in the powers of state Treasurer Chip Flowers was not brought to the floor for a vote. The bill, sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Patricia Blevins and backed by Govenor Markell, would have clarified who controls of the state’s $2 billion cash portfolio, the Cash Management Policy Board or State Treasurer Chip Flowers. Treasurer Flowers said the following:

“I had a positive discussion with representatives from the administration and Sen. Blevins. We think there’s a path to compromise and both sides are willing to work,” Flowers said. “All personality issues must be put aside.”

A little bit of projection there, no? If you’ve got lobby and backroom stories from last night, share.


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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    “The mentally ill, representated by the protestor above, are pleased, as now they can kill as many people they want with any gun they can get their hands on.”

    So all people with mental health issues are killers? Wow. You really are a douchebag.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    No, but those who want guns just might be. See Aurora, Tuscon and Newtown.

  3. The story with SB 151 is that Blevins did not have the votes. No one was going to touch that one as filed last minute. Nooooooooo way.

    I did verify that there was a bill for Markell to make an exception in the Coastal Zone Act for the DE City Refinery but its origin was with the DE State Chamber of Commerce and not DNREC. No one at leg hall was touching that one either.

    BTW: Norman Oliver will have Chip on his Sunday show to discuss everything in two weeks (John Flaherty and I will be on that following week’s show).

  4. As I was leaving last night I spoke with Corey Marshall-Steele and asked him about his wedding plans. He looked at his watch and said “6 hours and 45 minutes!”.

  5. kavips says:

    Thanks to the defeat of 88 , that mentally ill person in the picture can now own a gun.? One would think the NRA would have used a more mainstream caricature to illustrate their point, instead of someone who looks borderline insane like he just escaped off the “palace” lawn…. Just one look at that picture, and one wishes the Senate had used common sense…

    The original precept of the NRA was that they would through training and education, make owning guns safe for normal people. How ever did they get involved in promoting those rights of insane killers to use weapons of mass destruction on fellow citizens and innocent people?

    Final takeaway. It was a decade and a half ago when the idea of taking guns away was considered liberal.. Now, I think with polls at 90% agreeing that guns need lots of control, it is down to only the stupidest segment of our population who can even think of giving guns to people who without a single doubt, are determined to be mentally ill and who have expressed to witnesses that they harbor the urge to kill innocent people. Now, because of the defeat of 88, even though we know someone will kill without a 100% doubt, we must sell them all the ammo they want….

    Everyone who supported this Bill 88, whether Democrat or Republican, or a shooting range owner, is stupid. That is fact, My opinion matters not.. 🙂 In fact, I don’t even have an opinion on this issue. It was decided by facts and facts alone.

  6. SussexWatcher says:


  7. Delaware Dem says:

    SW, I read your post before you deleted it, and I have a few things to say to you.

    First, I am not saying mental illness is a choice.

    Second, I am opposed to having the mentally ill possess or own firearms or weapons of any kind. Period. You can curse me out all you want for having that belief, I don’t care.

  8. B. Brady says:

    Making fun of the mentally ill is funny. Keep up the hilarious work, Delaware Dem.

  9. SussexWatcher says:


    I deleted it because I was primarily responding to kavips. I had misread his post and deleted mine as soon as I understood his use of a word as different from how I read it. My post was no longer valid; I’d made my point to you above.

    But since you bring it up again now, I still believe that you lack a fundamental understanding of mental illness, as exemplified by your sweeping statement that mentally ill people want to get guns and kill other people. That is not only an inaccurate statement, it is a stupid and hurtful one. Not all forms of mental illness lead to violent or even physical action. Since you clearly believe that, you are a dumbass.

    For what it’s worth, I agree with you on this bill. People who have been adjudicated severely mentally ill should not be in possession of firearms – for their own safety and that of others. Judging by your own writings, you believe that EVERYONE who is mentally ill is a killer. That’s not my interpretation – that’s what you wrote, douchebag.

    “The mentally ill, representated by the protestor above, are pleased, as now they can kill as many people they want with any gun they can get their hands on.”

    I hope that you never have a child, relative or friend who comes to you to confide about their mental health problems, because it’s clear you have some deep-seated problems with acceptance and tolerance of people who are sick and need help.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    I am not making fun of the mentally ill, Brady. I just don’t want them to have access to guns. Because when they do have access to guns, some of those who are mentally ill tend to kill people. A lot of people. Tuscon, Aurora, Newtown.

    And you can go directly to hell for saying I was making fun of them. And I hope you burn.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    @SW, alright, I should not have implied that everyone who is mentally ill wants to go buy weapons and kill people. That was not my intention, but I can see how it can be read that way. So I am sorry. But the fact remains that those who are mentally ill, like Jared Loughner, like the Aurora and Newton shooters, do want to get their hands on guns and they do want to kill as many people as possible. Because they are mentally ill. I want them to get treatment, but I also want to make sure that none of them own or can get guns. And I do not apologize for that. I am not tolerant or accepting of gun ownership by the mentally ill. Period. If you have been found to be mentally ill by a doctor or a therapist or what have you, I do not believe you should have access to a gun. I am not going to apologize for that belief.

  12. AQC says:

    The bill was very clear about which mentally ill people should not have access to guns. Lets not lose sight of the fact that our cowardly senators cannot even support that notion.

  13. kavips says:

    just to be clear since I was somehow involved in the deletion, the mentally ill are not being made fun of here… Republicans and those democrats still afraid of “Second Amenders” are deservedly being made fun of, as they should… Just the same way those local boys (ie. West Chester) on the old MTV series “Jackass” could get laughs as well by acting as if they had the lower level intelligence of the nose-ringed-led Republicans.

    When we laugh, as in the picture above, it is at them for “acting like” they are mentally ill. There is nothing funny, we all can agree, on those who have no choice in the matter… Nor do they deserve our pity; they had no choice in their fate. What the mentally ill do deserve is a life with modifications that make it very much well worth living.. We should all work to make that happen.

  14. Jason330 says:

    All the fake concern for mentally ill gun lovers whose right have been saved by the senate here is touching. I mean disgusting.

  15. SussexWatcher says:

    “When we laugh, as in the picture above, it is at them for “acting like” they are mentally ill.”

    And this makes it OK? It’s generally accepted that you don’t make fun of a person with developmental disabilities by using the word “retard.”. But making fun of someone who may be mentally ill by calling them paranoid, manic, nuts, kooky, loony or just insane is OK?

    “All the fake concern for mentally ill gun lovers whose right have been saved by the senate here is touching. I mean disgusting.”

    No one’s doing that, but nice try.

  16. kavips says:

    Yes. SW.. I think it is perfectly acceptable to say: “look at that insanely stupid gun nut… Thank goodness we are not like them”. If you think that is unfair, then you are opening a huge portal into a different world, from what this person is used to.

    Of course, there is a distinction between those I mentioned in the above paragraph, and those who own large numbers of guns, but who also want them out of the hands of the mentally ill…. Proper term for them is responsible gun owners; not gun “nuts”.

    Gun “nuts” wear shirts , stickers or tattoos that say 2nd Amendment,,,, and shoot pigeons in boxes.

  17. Jason330 says:

    My characterization of SW’s comments is just as valid ad SW’s characterization of DD’s comments.

    POW. You can have my gun when you can pry from SW’s cold dead argument.

  18. Truth Teller says:

    I just hope that the day will never come when a Mentally ill gun nut with an NRA membership card in his pocket walks into legislative hall and unloads.On second thought!!!

  19. JB says:

    What’s wrong with Charter Schools? Are you opposed to school choice? Afraid of the competition?

  20. pandora says:

    Competition only counts on a level playing field. Since public schools must take and keep all kids and charters can pick who they take and who they “counsel out” the playing field is uneven. And… even given these advantages, the vast majority of charters aren’t performing any better than public schools.

  21. Jason330 says:


  22. kavips says:

    Here is just one example why, borrowed from Elizabeth. if there are 24 independent charter schools, each needs an exclusive HR rep and exclusive Finance Person. The public school district could have one head officer and 5 underlings to perform each of the same jobs for just as many schools. That money saved in the public system, can therefore be used for educational expenses, and not wasted as it is in the duplication of effort that all future 24 charter schools will have to provide.

    Bottom line. If money is tight, better it spent in public schools…

  23. Oh Cicero says:

    Is this simply the typical respect to be expected of anyone that dares to express an opinion that is not yours? Sadly it is typical of ‘liberals’ to name call those with whom they do not agree. Odd it is, given it is ‘liberals’ who are always trying to be the gate keepers of expression. They are the one’s wanting to control what can be said, by whom, and when if ever. ‘Odder’ still given they have no problem when those who so often agree with them use their off limit terms. When this happens it is OK to call someone a retard or a fag. If they do not like you, and let’s say you’re an older white lady from the south who used the term nigger 10 years ago or more, well they need to destroy you then, and that’s OK. Or perhaps thinking it is OK to sell guns to people that should not be sold guns. Knowing they are going to take those guns into a foreign country to kill people and even bring them back here into our country to kill people. Yet at the same time, want to dictate who here in America can have guns and what type they may or may not have. Why some might go so far as to call this contradictory (and self-serving) way of thinking, along with the associated double minded acts and behavior – mentally ill.

    This gets me to my other point. Reading the leftist comments on this post I feel you have (as liberals so often do) missed the greater point. Our founders pointed out inalienable rights. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness of which the government should not infringe. The 2nd Amendment built off that as it might be necessary to protect yourself, your life, your liberty. If you are happy owning a gun, who is the government to say otherwise?

    Now I have a great concern for my fellow Americans who suffer from this form of ‘liberal’ mentality. I feel I must ask if you have as you do with guns, an equal fear when you see a person buy a large SUV? Does your mind quickly go to the idea they are only doing so because they wish to kill people with it? Or do you simply think it is their wanting to feel safer on the roads or they have some perfectly legal use for it? How about when you know a person owns a large butcher knife. Do you know they want to kill someone with it, or only have a large roast to carve? How do you feel when a person tells you they have a chainsaw, do you know they want to cut people up or simply have firewood for their home in the winter? Perhaps if you answered yes to any of these you should look at medication to ease your fear, anxiety, and stress.

    Now that point you seem to miss. ‘Liberals’ want to have the Government decide what is mentally ill. Today it is say, paranoid schizophrenia but next year perhaps it will be Tourette syndrome. This is when people blurt out often profanity for no reason. Like people chanting “hail Satin” in a state capitol, to show support for an abortion bill. And the year after that mentally ill could be anyone that sought help for depression or took medication for stress. After all if you are so stressed you need a sedative, you clearly should not own a gun right? And the day could come, even in a state like Delaware, that anyone who voted for or supported a politician after voting or expressing support for a bill violating the constitution are clearly mentally ill. You see all it takes is it being a different day, different dollar, different politician and a good enough vote on a few words on a piece of paper and things can in fact change.
    In this context perhaps a real good sign of mental illness is people still thinking, “the Government would never do that”.

  24. geezer says:

    Take a look at conservatives. You could make all the same statements about them, couldn’t you? Of course, you would have to substitute “fetuses” for “guns” as the obsession, but otherwise they call people ugly names, dismiss concerns of their opponents and, even more than liberals, fail to collect the facts needed for intelligent discussion of issues — for example, not understanding in the least what happened in, say, the Fast & Furious “scandal.”

    Then again, conservatives more often tend to make fools of themselves when trying to use metaphor or analogy in argument — for example, not understanding the difference in purpose of guns vs. vehicles or kitchen knives.

    I agree that guns should be available to private citizens. But just as free speech has been found by the courts to be subject to limits for public safety, so should ownership of weapons. If you had half the brains needed to forward your argument, you might have realized that all by yourself.

  25. lou says:

    I would trust any Marine or soldier, sailor or any member of the armed forces, like myself with PTSD that falls into that “mentally ill” category with a weapon before I would trust any of you anti-American anti-patriotic liberal nut jobs!