Saturday Open Thread [7.6.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 6, 2013

President Obama, in his weekly message, focuses on the meaning and importance of our Independence Day.

Governor Markell’s weekly message, in which he lauds the just concluded legislative session and the bills he sought to get passed.

The West Wing Week focuses on the President’s trip to Africa

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  1. Spreading the word that Monday at noon in Wilmington, DelCOG has their monthly meeting and the agenda will address both status of DelCOG’s letter to the AG on the secret Charter Law working group meetings and Charter law itself.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    Professorial tone of a lecture. Cold and detached. Look at his eyes. He’s just reading words that someone put in front of him. He cares not.

  3. fred says:

    Our president cares nothing about Independence day. His only mission is pushing our country farther into socialism by widening the gap between the rich and the middle class. The only jobs lost to the sequester in middle income jobs, no upper income jobs were lost and the only ones really affected by this move was against the middle or working class. The U.S still gave billions in foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood who is the enemy. We can give to our enemies but we take from our own working class. We even gave money to Syrian rebels. Why? We need to stay out of their government problems. I ask what would this country do if Russia gave aid to the KKK to help revolt over the Obama administration? obama would certainly declare war on Russia. At the hands of obama we have had his health care pushed down our throats when the vast majority was against it. The killing of an ambassador that could have been prevented. this president has added trillion to the deficit that our children and grand children will have to pay for and it still continues to grow. I just hope the people in this country wake up because if it doesn’t you can stick a fork in this country because it is done!