Tuesday Open Thread [7.9.13]

Filed in National by on July 9, 2013

Sorry about yesterday’s lack of Open Thread. I guess everyone was on vacation or at work.

In New Jersey, a new Quinnipiac poll has Cory Booker (D) with 52% in the Democratic Primary, followed by Rep. Frank Pallone (D) at 10%, Rep. Rush Holt (D) at 8% and Sheila Oliver (D) at 3%. The late Sen. Lautenberg’s family has endorsed Pallone, but I am not sure Mr. Lautenberg had that much sway anymore. In the a possible general election matchup, Booker beats Steve Lonegan (R) 53% to 30%.

Texas Dictator Rick Perry (who has been in power since 2000, a record 13 straight years and 3 full terms), has decided to retire. The Dems may have a primary between two rising stars, Sen. Wendy Davis and San Antonio’s Democratic Mayor Julian Castro. On the GOP side, the extremely well-financed Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott seems to have the GOP field all to himself.

“Let the Texas-size political shake-up begin. With Rick Perry stepping aside after more than a decade as governor, a host of statewide candidates can finally try to move up. And the governor freed himself to focus on another possible run for president.” the Dallas Morning-News reports.

National Journal: “Rick Perry is stepping down as the longest-serving governor in Texas history to clear the decks for a 2016 presidential campaign, according to several well-placed Republican sources. They said Perry is stepping down to make sure his declining popularity among Texas Republicans won’t complicate his Oval Office ambitions.

Mark Barabak: “Although leaving office in January 2015 could diminish his fundraising capacity, it would also allow Perry more preparation time than he took in the lead-up to his gaffe-filled 2012 campaign, the only election loss of his more than three-decade-long political career.”

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Expect the other candidates to fall by the wayside and leave Booker the leader, he will be senator. Expect Perry’s replacement, if most likely a Republican, to be as bad or worse, minus the clown like persona. Also expect many of the pathetic 2012 Republican primary candidates to return in all their nauseating glory, Rick Santorum speech anyone? Anyone???

  2. stan merriman says:

    As a recent Texas progressive Democrat transplant to Wilmington, Let me share that should she decide to run for Governor, Senator Wendy Davis from Ft. Worth has major treasure behind her; the money source that is largely keeping the Texas Democratic Party afloat. It would be tragic and I think damaging is there is a primary shoot out between her and Mayor Castro. It will deeply divide the Texas party whose Chair is a great Hispanic pol and has been a major promoter of Wendy, who has the trial lawyer money behind her. I think they’ll find another slot on the slate for Castro if this plays out the way I think it might.

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