Carney Votes Against Limits on Spying

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 25, 2013

Flea-bitten Hound Bites Man:

Of course, the conspiracy theorists among us could, um, theorize that Carney cast his vote to make the Homeland Security job more attractive to Tom Carper, thus creating more political flexibility for John Carney.

Me?  Naah, it’s just yet another bad vote by an undistinguished, and flea-ridden, congress creature.

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  1. MikeM2784 says:

    205 Reps opposed both Boehner and Pelosi. Weird vote overall.

  2. He’s ‘learned’ that… ‘(c)lose to a dozen terrorist plots on U.S. soil have been foiled due to the NSA’s surveillance program’. No he hasn’t. He’s bought the propaganda. Can anyone please cite these plots that have been foiled?

    Also, he understands why some Americans feel uncomfortable about the electronic surveillance.

    If you haven’t done so, please read Carney’s statement that Cass posted.

    My conclusion: I don’t trust the government to run this program, and I certainly don’t trust John Carney to protect us from government intrusion.

    His typical lack of intellectual curiosity manifests itself in abundance in his statement.

    Certainly we can do better than him.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    He’s ‘learned’ that… ‘(c)lose to a dozen terrorist plots on U.S. soil have been foiled due to the NSA’s surveillance program’.

    Even giving them the benefit of the doubt, has Carney asked specifically how they might achieve the same objective without putting so many Americans’ data at risk. Probably not, but the genuinely centrist position here is to find a path to letting the NSA get what they need done while leaving the rest of us alone.