Delaware Liberal

Saturday Open Thread [8/10/13]

Sad news to report — Fr. Roberto Balducelli, OSFS was well known throughout the city for all of his good work out of St. Anthony’s Parish. His 100th birthday is today and many people were looking forward to his birthday celebration. He died last night. I only met him once, but it certainly seems that his impact throughout the city was immense. The city will certainly miss him.

Yesterday was Starbucks Appreciation Day — but the only people doing the appreciating were gun groups. The Starbucks in Newtown, CT closed early rather than be descended upon by these idiots parading their guns:

Earlier, however, more than two dozen gun rights supporters, some wearing pistols, camouflage or Connecticut Citizens Defense League T-shirts, showed up to show their support. The company said it had no participation in the event. Gun critics also turned out to voice their opposition.

Long after the store shut down around 4:30, people on both sides of the gun divide stayed outside in the heavy rain, the gun supporters standing on the left, many smoking cigarettes, and the gun opponents to the right, holding lighted candles.

“Little do these ignorant people know that we come in here every day for coffee, carrying our weapons,” said Tom Catalina, 64, of Newtown. “Starbucks has always been open about their support of the Second Amendment and our right to carry, whether open or concealed. Guns make people safer.”

Can’t tell who is safer here, but, hey, Freedom Bitches!

For everyone following the *uncertainty* circus that busnesses, their pundits and the lazy pols who repeat it like to reference, this article in The Atlantic is a must read — Uncertainty Isn’t Killing the Recovery:

Big businesses like to complain. Sometimes, they complain about taxes. Sometimes, they complain about rules. But mostly, they like to complain about uncertainty. More clarity about future taxes and regulations might make some businesses more likely to invest. But there is little reason to think that too little clarity is what’s keeping them from investing today.

Why do we know the slow recovery isn’t about uncertainty? For one, investment other than residential investment has already recovered from the crash. It’s the long shadow of the housing bust, not regulation, that’s the problem. For another, as Jim Tankersley of the Washington Post points out, uncertainty has actually fallen a lot the past few months, but hiring hasn’t picked up.

Has anyone flown Frontier out of New Castle yet? I keep hearing rave reviews of the service (and Frontier is a pretty good airline), but the NJ today reports that they may be bought up by Spirit Airlines. Spririt Airlines is NOT as nice as Frontier, but maybe the ultra low-cost model of Spirit suits this market. What do you think?

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