Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Democratic primary for the special U.S. Senate election in New Jersey is being held today. Given that it is the middle of August, and polls show that Newark Mayor Corey Booker is running away with the race, and given the severe weather this morning, it is expected to be a low turnout affair.


“I understand that congressmen say stupid things from time to time. And I understand that Mr. Farenthold is an obscure back-bencher who doesn’t speak for most of his colleagues. Still, the fact that a member of the House of Representatives would treat lunatic theories as serious is a problem. It does reflect poorly not only on Farenthold but the party he represents. And what he said is damaging, since it will confirm in the minds of rational people that at least among some of its elected representatives, the Republican Party is comprised of conspiratorial nuts,” – Pete Wehner, Commentary.

Rep. Farenthold over the weekend said that the House could impeach the President tomorrow, having the necessary 218 votes for such charges, though for what high crime or misdemeanor is not known. I suppose the fact that the President is black or is of a different political party is a high crime enough. And yes, Mr. Wehner, this is confirmation that the Republican Party is completely insane. But this is not news.


The Newark Mayor, no not Corey Booker, but Vance Funk, is retiring earlier than originally indicated. He is now leaving office on September 30, rather than December 31.

[Deputy Mayor] Clifton – sitting in the mayor’s chair Funk has occupied since being elected in 2004 – said Funk changed the effective date of his resignation to accommodate the process for a special election in accordance with the city’s charter.

Council will hold a special meeting on Sept. 30 to schedule the special election, which is expected to be held Nov. 26, Clifton said.

Although Funk was not in attendance at Monday’s meeting, he made a statement in a city news release distributed immediately after Clifton’s announcement.

“Considering that it is not in my best interest health wise to attend the many meetings between now and the end of the year and to allow the election process to move forward in a timely fashion, I determined September 30 to be an appropriate date for my term to end,” Funk said in the news release.


Polling Goodness:
NORTH CAROLINA–US SENATE–Public Policy Polling: US Senator Kay Hagan (D) 47, Phil Berger (R) 39. She also leans Rep. Virginia Foxx by the same margin, as well as all other possible Republican candidates by even larger margins.

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