Ok, now Republicans are just insane.

Filed in National by on August 21, 2013

According to a Public Policy Polling survey, 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush. A plurality of 44 percent said they were unsure who was more responsible. Let that sink in for a second while we enjoy a moment of quiet.

Still letting that sink in.

Alright, are you ready? Ok, let’s examine this. Hurricane Katrina hit the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coasts in late August of 2005.


The fifth year of the first decade of the 21st century.

At the time, President George W. Bush was in his fifth year of his Presidency, having just been reelected in 2004.

At the time, Barack Obama had just been elected to serve as a U.S. Senator in 2004, and he was six months into his service on Capital Hill.

At the time, SENATOR Barack Obama had no input, authority or control over executive branch functions. The person who did was President George W. Bush.

And yet, eight years later, Louisiana Republicans blame Barack Obama for the actions he supposedly took as President in 2005. That damn Obama!!!! Always using his dastardly time machine to make Republican Presidents look bad.

Iran Contra? That was Obama.

Watergate? Obama.

Poppy Bush throwing up on the Japanese Prime Minister’s lap? Husseiny Osama Obama.

President Ford falling down airplane steps? Obama tripped him.

So either Republicans are so stupid and so detached from reality that they think Obama actually was President in 2005, or they are so enraged that whenever any question of any sort is asked of them, whether the question be “How are you?” or “Do you root for the Dallas Cowboys?,” their answer always is “OBBBBBAAAMAMMMAMA!!!!! Damn that radical black christian muslim socialist!!!!!”

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  1. Jason330 says:

    If he can get a fake birth certificate as a 6 day old baby, he can certainly sabotage Bush’s Presidency as a full grown adult

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    He is truly superhuman. One wonders why the Republicans don’t fear him more, if he is capable of such supernatural ability

  3. Geezer says:

    I think it shows the value of polling Republicans for their opinions. You’ll notice “I dunno” came in first, blaming Obama came in second. The first shows marginal sentience, the second the finger-pointing instinct of people who preach but do not practice personal responsibility.

    Remember, the question was either/or, so it means 72% of Louisiana Republicans can’t accept their party’s responsibility (in what we refer to as “the real world,” even if you don’t blame Bush, he’s more to blame than Obama).

    Does that mean that if we instituted intelligence tests to earn the right to vote, nearly three-quarters of them would flunk? Or did they, as usual, interpret it as a loyalty test?

    Just in case I didn’t make it clear, there is no value in polling Republicans for their opinions. We already know what they “think.”

  4. bamboozer says:

    Consider the brain dead source. But this is just another example of “get Obama at all costs!”, all out hatred knows no bounds of sanity. Stupidity, well… that just goes with the territory.

  5. cassandra m says:

    I think I understand how Romney’s polling operation completely failed now.

    Wonder what the result would have looked like if they added U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the choices?

  6. Jason330 says:

    They think that the Army Corps of Engeneers is a bunch of military zombies driving trains.

  7. Frank says:

    If Isaac Asimov had put this sort of stuff in a story, he would not have gotten it published.

  8. Dave says:

    One of my favorites is the Obamaphone, a program put in place in 2008, but had its origin in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. I shouldn’t feel the need to point out that Obama was not President in 2008, but I am concerned that is a bridge too far for some.

    I’m not an Obama lover and there is plenty to criticize about him, but sheer idiocy of those who attribute every calamity to Obama is beyond belief and has caused a shift in my attitude from someone who believes that we are not governed well because we have poor leadership to one where I am convinced that the right to vote should only be available to those who demonstrate that they have more than one functioning brain cell. My puppy, who exhibits symptoms of attention deficit disorder seems to have more intelligence than many of the voters.

    I suppose that’s one of the down sides to democracy, even fools are permitted to vote.

  9. stan merriman says:

    I lived near and did lots of work in Louisiana for several decades. The Republican anglo’s there are among the most deeply racist people I have ever met. They are not crazy. This group is profoundly stupid.

  10. Republican David says:

    The Katrina goof up in LA was a Democratic screw up. The problem was with the question. Bush was not to blame, but the Governor and Mayor. Otherwise MS and AL would have been goofed up too. Sure the feds did some things wrong, but it was based upon the fact that we became overly dependent upon new technology and the regular infrastrucutre was also destroyed. Communication fell apart. That was a result of the strategy.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Goofed up is such an inappropriate description.

    By the way, which Alabama and Mississippi cities are below sea level?

  12. Geezer says:

    The “Democratic” mayor was a Republican until he ran for office.

    The poll question was either/or. The governor and mayor weren’t options.