Delaware Liberal

Polling Report: Lt Governor

Absent anyone saying that they actually want to be Delaware’s next Lt Governor, “Other” (14%) had a pretty good showing in spite of a fairly long list of choices. (Nicole Poore in the house!)

Flowers (D) 31% appears to be Mr. Inevitable in the view of DL readers. Peterson (14%) and Biden (11%) round out the Dems top three. (Who thinks Biden is eyeing the Lt. Gov epaullets? Not me.)

The R’s historcally shallow bench (thanks again Christine O.!) forces Copeland (4%) to the top of the GOPeeps. Bonini (3%) Protack (2%) and Lawson (1%) all fail to come in last.

Lopez at 0% wins that honor and I have to say that showing was a shocker for me. I thought he was the GOP’s next statewide contender in waiting.

Next up Beaches.

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