Delaware Liberal

Carper undecided on “humanitarian” war – sounds surprisingly like an actual human

WDDE Reports that Tom Carper, unlike Chris Coons, is still undecided on bombing Syrian weddings and funerals. The surprising thing in the story is that Carper calls out Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld directly and sounds kinda like a human being doing so.

We got hoodwinked once about ten years ago by an earlier administration on bad intelligence that alleged that the Iraqis — Saddam Hussein — had used chemical weapons. It turned out not to be true,” said Carper. “In this case, we want to make sure that the assertions, the allegations are indeed true.”

Then he tips his hand and allows that he is probably going to vote “yes” anyway.

“Do I trust Barack Obama? Do I trust Joe Biden? Do I trust John Kerry to keep us out of a war? I do. They’re not guys anxious to start a war. They’re not trigger-happy,” said Carper. “Having said that, I trust them, but we need to verify and we need to verify and make sure the intelligence — what does the intelligence really say.”

For what it is worth, I agree with Carper about Obama/Biden/Kerry not being as bloodthirsty as the psychotic freaks who preceded them. And, credit where credit is due,
he does manage to point out once again that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were trigger happy.

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