Will Syria vote hurt Carper, Coon or Carney (henceforth “C-cubed”)?

Filed in National by on September 10, 2013

Latest “whip counts” are trending away from supporting the President’s call for a humanitarian bombing of Syria to kill just the right number of civilians to send a message to Assad and evil doers everywhere. Firm Nay’s continue to mount while firm Yeah’s are still few and far between. If and when a vote finally comes, will a “Yes” vote from the Delaware delegation, that does not represent the feelings of Delawareans, hurt “C-cubed” on election day?

C-cubed has been fairly transparent about its intended votes. this Washington Post item is FireDogLake’s source for listing Delaware as:

Coons: Firm Yes
Carper: Leaning Yes
Carney: Leaning No

(I think they’ve misread Carney, but if he isn’t putting out any statements to clarify his position, who knows?)

So, with Delaware leaning “No” being represented by a congressional delegation leaning “Yes,” can we expect any fireworks at the ballot box? If you follow first state politics at all, that question should provoke a giggle. There are a number of reasons why “Yes” votes will not hurt our Senators or Representative.

For one thing, the DEGOP has never been more flat on its back. There is simply nobody in the wings that can mount a legitimate statewide campaign. Neither is there any charismatic savior ready to convert his or her personal popularity into votes, and their savings into bonfire fuel. Will the GOP get someone on the ballot line? Yes, but will the likes of Rose Izzo win voters to her new found pacifism? I seriously doubt it.

That leaves whatever voter unhappiness to be expressed in Democratic primaries. There will be no Democratic primaries, so that option is out. Even if there were a chance for a primary, a challenger needs more than one vote to run against.

Finally, time is on the side of a mis-vote here. If the vote comes now, it will be a distant memory by election day. “C cubed” knows this. This Syria issue feels highly combustible right now, but like last year’s Christmas tree, when it goes it will be over in a matter of seconds, and everyone will be back to their Saint Patrick’s Day drinking*.

(* this metaphor assumes everyone ceremonially burns their Christmas tree on St Patrick’s Day, like I do.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    Totally agreed. This state’s elections have become hilariously predictable.

    It’s kind of a crazy mind-trip to realize that Chrissy the Witch has been the biggest difference maker in recent De political history.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s only a token vote at this point. “What difference does it make”. Right, Hillary.

    Hillary said yesterday(Chelsea was there), that the vote is needed to show a “credible military threat by the United States” so that kerry’s , I mean Obama’s, or was it Hillary’s plan can work.

    I think “C-cubed” will jump on board.

  3. Dana says:

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has put off any vote in the wake of the Syrian “acceptance” of the Russian proposal.

  4. Rose Izzo says:

    Thank you for the mention 🙂

    To get my eye opening opinion, please follow me on Twitter @realRoseIzzo


    Jonathan Starkey @jwstarkey
    Rep. John Carney is “very concerned about the ramifications of military intervention” in Syria, still undecided on strike, spokeswoman says.

    Rose Izzo @realRoseIzzo Are you falling for this? >@jwstarkey Get off the fence @John_Carney! Be a man & take a stand on #Syria >I’m unafraid to say NO War. #Peace

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    Umm…,hello Dana, Russia’s plan? It was Kerry’s plan until it was revealed that he was only speaking “rhetorically”. Hillary was quick to go on live TV yesterday and act like she is in charge(Chelsea was there), and Obama will take credit tonight.

  6. Another Mike says:

    The email I received from Carney last week said he was inclined to support the president based on what he had heard in classified briefings. He said he was concerned about some things and wanted to make sure any intervention was narrowly defined, but he sounded like a yes vote to me.

  7. Well, he once again has managed to be on opposite sides of the same issue.

    Maybe he’s sussed out that (a) there may never be a House vote and/or (b) the proposal will go down in flames, so he might as well score some cheap political points in the process.

    Yes, it is possible that he’s being sincere. Until proven otherwise, however, my position is caveat emptor.

  8. Dana says:

    FBH: It doesn’t really matter whose plan it actually was; if it works, President Obama will get the credit in the US, and if it doesn’t, he’ll get the blame.

    So, now Syria says that it will accept the Russian proposal to turn its chemical weapons over to some sort of international group. Even if we assume that this happens — and it could be just a stalling maneuver — if those weapons stay in Syria, unless that group is armed, Syria can lay their hands right back on those weapons if President Assad wants to use them.

  9. Donviti says:

    whatever they do, Christine O’Donnell and Mike Protack will no doubt use to run against them! This may be the opening they need!

  10. Truth Teller says:

    Bush looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his soul. President Obama stared him down at the G20 and made him blink. This action Mr. President has driven Fox Noise,dittoheads and Teabaggers nuts GREAT JOB!

  11. Jason330 says:
