Delaware Liberal

Jeff Christopher gets his day in (Supreme) Court

Of course, the Delaware Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over Sheriffs because the Magna Carta BITCHES! (Hogg v. Dukes 1981), and also SHUT UP (JJ. v. Thelma 1975). Anyway, they are going through the motions of pretending that the court is calling the shots and not the people’s (and God’s) own chosen “highest ranking legal authority on earth” the county sheriff. Somehow WDEL puts up a blurb without mentioning the whackjob by name.

The Delaware Supreme Court is considering whether sheriffs in Delaware have the authority to arrest people.

The justices heard arguments Wednesday in an appeal by the Sussex County sheriff, who argues that he is embodied with police powers by Delaware’s constitution because it names sheriffs, along with other officials, as “conservators of the peace.”

State and county officials disagree, however, prompting a legal battle over the role of sheriffs in Delaware’s three counties.

A Superior Court judge ruled in March that Delaware’s constitution does not enumerate any powers for sheriffs, and that courts have used common law to define such powers. The judge said the General Assembly was within its powers in passing a law last year barring sheriffs and their deputies in Delaware from making arrests.

Also how did I miss the Taiwan News animated version of a Sussex County Softball brawl?

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