My side project

Filed in National by on September 12, 2013

While I was away from political blogging this summer, I started a side project that deals with an obsession of mine – employee engagement. In addition to having written a self published book on the subject of employee engagement, I teach an organizational behavior class each year at Goldey Beacom that deals with the topic. The blog: exit119a is an attempt to put the theories I discuss in class under real world microscope. This is how I describe it in the “About” section:

About exit119a

exit119a is a blog that examines the roll that “employee engagement” can play in increasing the value of a company. In capitalism, money is how we keep score, so we use the lens of stock market returns as a gauge to asses the impact employee engagement and satisfaction can have on a company over time.

There is a growing interest in the efficacy of “employee engagement” as a business strategy. Companies that have been able to create high levels of employee engagement have outperformed their close competitors, and demonstrated that employee engagement is a useful tool for evaluating companies.

exit119a focuses exclusively on researching, evaluating, and ranking companies based on their ability to generate high levels of engagement among their employees.

I’m obviously not the first person to try this, but to have some skin in the game, I put together a portfolio of stocks in May. The portfolio has worked in terms of focusing my attention on the relationship between engagement and creating value, but the blog has languished a bit because (let’s face it) I’m talking to myself.

So this is your invitation. If you are interested in either employee engagement, or amateur investing please join me to discuss those topics over there.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Danke & Thanks for all the hits! I’ve had 76 visits from the US and 6 from Germany since putting this post up. Odd timing I suppose (unless DL has a big Germany audience that I never knew about.)

  2. SussexWatcher says:


    Is the book really self-published, though? Prestwick being a real publisher and all.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I guess I err on the side of being a little harder on myself.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Geez jason, I get left “in moderation” on your side project site for 2 days (your timestamp is wrong)—and just now I go back to find out I guess I was kicked off the island–so it looks like I was dumped at exit 118. Forget about employee satisfaction, I want my toll money back.

  5. Jason330 says:

    As requested, I posted the complete portfolio today. Since being added to the portfolio, the average appreciation of these “best companies to work for” was 16%.