The very early line – 2014 (& Beyond) Matchups

Filed in National by on September 14, 2013

President (2016)- Hilary Clinton vs. Some Idiot: The Clintons have had a long time to prep for this. Barring some force majeure they will roll over whatever whackjob makes it through the increasing insane GOP nominating process. Prediction: Clinton

Senate (2018) – Tom Carper vs. Father Time Carper isn’t up for election again until 2018. At that point he’ll be 71 in calendar years, which converts to only 57 in rich person years. Prediction: Carper

Senate – Chris Coons vs. Christine O’Donnell: I was skeptical about the idea that O’Donnell would run again, but the rent isn’t going to pay itself. The remnants of the DEGOP seem perfectly willing to support her on the grounds that they think it annoys liberals like me. Which… does. Dammit Christine!! Why do you keep vexing me by being the real American in Delaware politics!? Prediction: Amusement.

House – Carney vs. Some 3rd Tier Tomato Can like Rose Izzo Will this be the year the DEGOP gets its act together and nominates someone with a track record of electoral success who has a proven ability to raise money and win over voters? Nope. Prediction: An awkward three county announcement and an even more awkward return day.

Governor – Denn vs. Someone who makes Rose Izzo look like an actual candidate Denn will, of course, need to get through the real election which will be the Democratic primary. But he is a rare “Democrat’s Democrat” who looks as attractive to the party faithful as he does to the general public. Prediction: A trouncing.

Too much triumphalism? Maybe, I mean… the Democrats will still have to work for it, but I really don’t see any weak spots. If the DEGOP gets smart, they’ll more or less write off the statewides and concentrate on building up a bench by putting up decent candidates and winning some down ticket races.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (58)

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  1. Didn’t Celia Cohen say Beau Biden will run for re-election for AG in 2014 and run for governor in 2016?

    Also looking forward to Coons-O’Donnell round 2.

  2. Jim McGiffin says:

    My prediction is that Governor Markell appoints Beau Biden to the Delaware Supreme Court (not as the Chief Justice, but as an associate – a less stressful job, and better for his health) after surprising everyone and appointing Republican Randy Holland to the CJ seat. Then, a remarkable number of Republican legislators see the light on gun control legislation in the next half of the legislative session.

  3. John Manifold says:

    Randy Holland should indeed be chief justice.

    Larry Hamermesh would be a great choice to fill the fifth position, which will go to a New Castle County Democrat.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    If the DEGOP gets smart, they’ll more or less write off the statewides and concentrate on building up a bench by putting up decent candidates and winning some down ticket races.

    The first five words represent fantasy.

    They have no choice about writing off the statewide elections when Mitt Romney was their best performer in 2012 and he barely cracked 40%.

    If they did take your advice they’d have to realize that somebody like Ernie Lopez is their only route back to being a major party.

  5. jason330 says:

    I did have Lopez in mind when I wrote that. The biggest mistake they can make with him is to bring him up too soon.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Interesting to see if the Republicans continue with their famed assertion that they need to run “a real conservative”, translation a Ted Cruz/Rand Paul type who alienates non far righties faster than you can say yea-hah! in Texas. At some point they will have to get real, the question is will I live to see it. As for Coons vs. O’Donnell I predict amusement followed by pity followed by disbelief.

  7. jason330 says:

    The GOPers who are making the early trips to Iowa and New Hampshire are “real conservatives”

    Mr. Cruz, a first-year U.S. senator from Texas, on Saturday made his second trip to Iowa this summer. He and Mr. Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, addressed a forum of Iowa evangelicals here. They were joined by real-estate developer turned reality-television star Donald Trump. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, (WSJ)

    That’s not a field that is going to produce a viable candidate.

  8. jason330 says:

    Also – I don’t see Beau settling for a judgeship while Joe is alive. The Senate with a view of the oval office appears to be the plan. Health issues might change the White House calculus, but not the senate.

  9. pandora says:

    That’s not a field that is going to produce a viable candidate.

    But it would make great reality TV! 😉

  10. puck says:

    That’s not a field that is going to produce a viable candidate.

    Even if there were any credible candidates, they wouldn’t be caught dead in the same frame with that bunch.

  11. jason330 says:

    Rand Paul (Kentucky) crazy with unapologetic Nazi advisors
    Ted Cruz (Texas) extremely crazy Canadian wants to defund Obamacare regardless of the cost
    Marco Rubio (Florida) crazy vying for the title of “least crazy of the crazies”
    Governors Chris Christie (New Jersey) crazy pretend moderate media darling,
    Scott Walker (Wisconsin) crazy anti-union zealot would not win his home state’s electoral votes.
    Jeb Bush (Florida) crazy last name “Bush”
    Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) crazy budget wants to turn medicare and medicaid into vouchers.

  12. carman says:

    What about Lt. Gov for 2016?

    What happens if Beau goes for Gov – where does Denn go?

  13. mediawatch says:

    If Beau goes for gov and wins, he can appoint Denn to finish his term as AG.

  14. carman says:

    Yea that’s possible, would Denn go for it.

    Any names on Lt. Gov candidates?

  15. SussexWatcher says:

    No thoughts that Carper will step down early any more?

    Beau is not universally liked among Democrats, comes across as standoffish, brings Daddy’s baggage and will still have the health issues hanging over his head in 2016 unless there’s some miracle cure we don’t know about yet. He’s not going to run.

    Denn will run and win, defeating a field of John Carney, Tom Gordon and former Treasurer Chip Flowers.

  16. carman says:

    I doubt Carney, Gordon or Flowers will make a run for it – can’t see any of them doing that now. The only one realistically that can be seen being Governor would be Carney but he had his shot.

    I still think Beau’s going to make a run for Gov – his website is still set up like a candidate and the fact that he’s been publicizing more of what his office is doing.

    I would like to see someone young, good looking with executive experience from up North run for Lt. Gov…..I have a few in mind that I think would be good – politicians and other leaders

  17. I wonder if Flowers might try for Lt. Gov.

  18. carman says:

    I doubt Flowers will try for Lt. Gov. he already has his issues .DE needs someone who has executive experience. Like a superintendent or something

  19. hgregg says:

    I wasn’t a Gordon supporter but have to admit ive been very impressed with his new term. I’d like to see him take a shot at governor. Either him or Carney. I think that both men are the the best shot we have at having a true democrat running the state.

  20. carman says:

    I agree Carney would make a good Governor, but I think Denn or Biden might shoot for it.

    Any other thoughts on Lt. Gov? I ask again since there could be so many but who realistically?

  21. Bethany Hall-Long’s name has been mentioned. Well, she is a relentless campaigner, a woman, Sussex County ties. Might make some sense.

  22. carman says:

    Yea i’ve heard her name mentioned. i’d like to see someone with experience in an executive position run. Like a superintendent of schools.

  23. SussexWatcher says:

    No one in Sussex County has any idea who BHL is beyond her family. The idea of statewide appeal is a joke.

  24. carman says:

    I dont know, i think BHL might do well, but again I keep saying this and I know i’m repeating myself but I think we need someone with executive experience in there, one of the reasons I’ve said a Superintendent of schools – think about how they are executives

  25. Nuttingham says:

    It’s hard to move from the legislature to a statewide office because the record of votes can be hard to explain in 30 seconds, but there’s a lot of talent in the Dem caucuses.

    Carney also proved that a Cabinet spot that lets you work closely with a Governor is good training to be Lt. Gov. There’s four of five current Cabinet members who would be credible.

    Carman – you mentioned a super. three times. Do you have one in mind?

  26. Nuttingham says:

    UI – Lt Gov’s have to play well with others, right?

  27. anon says:

    Sussex — who do you have beating Flowers in 2014?

  28. mediawatch says:

    Is Carman serious about a school superintendent running for lt. gov.? Give up a six-figure job for a lower-paying position that’s more photo op than power center so you can wait eight years for a chance to be governor?

  29. SussexWatcher says:

    anon: Whoever runs on the R side; possibly a D primary opponent. He’s toast.

  30. carman says:

    I say Superintendent since I think a lot of people are tired of the same legislators runnings things in DE. You would be surprised at how many people are really sick of career politicians and the same old. I like Holodick up in Wilm as a candidate for office – young, smart, good-looking, good record – Delaware born and raised.

  31. Calvin Sparks says:

    I must say, I love all of our potential 2016 presidential candidates, but I am pulling for A joe biden presidential run. I would like to see Biden be the next president because, he has the experience, and the fortitude do be the president. He is a true liberal, Biden/Warren, could be the ticket. The Democrats are up against some real right wing extremists, who will do whatever it takes to win, including voter suppression. The Democrats need two tougher than nails, meaner then junkyard dogs, liberals,and thats what Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are. As far as 2016 goes, I believe that if beau Biden wants the Governors chair, then it is his, primary or no primary. If he doesnt take that, then I would love a chip flowers run for Governor. Chip has the credentials and they experience to be governor. He is academically decorated, and has has experience, whether it be from his time at the Asa Philip Randolph Institute, his time working for the clinton administration in the office of Political Affairs, his time at the John Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, or Delaware State Treasure. The Point is Chip is democratically elected by the people and held responsible by them. His battles with the markell administration are absurd, The good old boys network here in Delaware is outdated and unbecoming of a democratic party. Chip Flowers is a true progressive, and his appetite for change, and his ability to shake things up, is something that Democratic party of Delaware, has long been in need of!!

  32. PainesMe says:

    Was that just a paid ad by the Chip Flowers for Governor Campaign? Calvin – slow down there on the kool-aid.

    A “True Progressive”? Really? Though I’m willing to hear why you think of him in that way.

  33. cassandra m says:

    Chip Flowers can’t even manage his own employees — or, apparently, his own office’s budget. And as long as he keeps providing the Governor’s people with politically damaging fodder, we’ll know he doesn’t have the political skills to do the job, either.

  34. carman says:

    Bunting would be good too

  35. Bud says:

    I second carman – take a look at Holodick or even Burrows from Appo.

  36. socialistic ben says:

    I very wary about the idea that the next D presidential candidate is a sho-in.
    Last time we had an outgoing Dem President, (who was extremely popular with no on-going wars and a very strong economy…. and a joke of a republican party) things didnt go so well. I could be wrong, I hope im wrong… But if 2010 taught my anything, it’s that this country will never learn when it comes to Conservative running a campaign.

  37. mediawatch says:

    Carman, Bud,
    I don’t know Burrows, but I do know Holodick (I remember when he was playing against my son in Little League) and what I like about him is that he’s a Delaware born and bred educator who wants to stay here. He has performed competently so far, and I hope he continues to do so. Far better to have men and women like him who know the territory and are committed to their districts than these folks who are hired after expensive national searches who pick up and leave three years later. Holodick might even be a great choice to run Delaware’s DOE.
    My point is: I wouldn’t want to see outstanding educators wasting away as a ribbon-cutting, task-force-chairing lieutenant governor when we need strong leadership in our schools.

  38. Calvin Sparks says:

    Dear PainesMe

    I am not on Chip Flower’s Payroll. Chip is a progressive, because he is not afraid to stand up to big money interests and the good ole boy bueracracy. Chip is strong union supporter and a supporter of veterans. Standing up to big money, buearacracies, for unions and veterans are the backbone of the liberal progressive movement, and chip stands with these people. The proprietors of the Delaware way, fear fiesty transplants like State Treasurer Chip Flowers.

  39. SussexWatcher says:

    So Chip has steered state investments towards firms that are unionized or use union labor, right?

    Just what has he done for veterans?

  40. Calvin Sparks says:

    The state treasurers job is to manage the states portfolio, which he has done a fantastic job with. The monthly index is a stroke of genius on his administrations part. As a state treasurer he is not in a position to write legislation, he is there soley to handle the states finances. If you knew anything about Chip Flowers history you would know where he is coming from and his progressive values. You dont get into APRI without being a strong unionist, and he is the son of a retired army captain. Chip has alot of support out there, there not the blog types though, but he has massive populous appeal!

  41. SussexWatcher says:

    It’s great that his daddy wore a uniform and that he said all the right things to do some union program. But what has he done FOR vets or workers in his two years in office?

    Progressive values are worth dogshit if not backed up by results.

  42. Nuttingham says:

    Ok, I was going to sit this one out, but, really?

    The Tom Ridge era “Delaware Economy is Yellow” and “here’s a random assortment of website facts like the stock price of DuPont on a random Thursday…” PDF the Treasury puts out is brilliant?

  43. cassandra_m says:

    And it is mostly old news. I’d love to know what this costs. Including the personnel time. With the exception of some of the Delaware-specific data, this report is a summary of the Bloomberg highlights.

  44. bobsmith6019 says:

    Hilary couldn’t even manage her own marriage. How would expect her to manage a nation.

  45. cassandra_m says:

    And Hillary is still married — unlike the multiply divorced or disgraced conservatives who talk a good game about Family Values buy can’t seem to manage that for themselves.

  46. Mary R King says:

    In response to Jason 330, after reading your prediction for the GOP Delaware race
    you referred to the female candidate Rose Izzo as some 3rd tier tomato, I find this extremely biased and derogatory not only to Ms Izzo but to all females. I have read some of Ms Izzo’s articles and found them to be very informative and she certainly has done her homework and appears to be well educated, what gives you the right to sit in judgment of anyone who wants to better her State and Country, as for DEGOP nominating someone with a track record of electoral success it appears to me that neither party has done a very good job of that, instead of putting down Ms Izzo why don’t you dismount that high horse that you appear to be on and show some support to a very bright female that CARES.

  47. SussexWatcher says:

    I object as well! Saying that Rose Izzo is a 3rd-tier tomato can is an insult to tomato cans everywhere! Former holders of Hunt’s Crushed, unite and fight! You have nothing to lose but your lids!!!

  48. Rev says:

    Not sure if serious, or author is actually a Delaware Conservative trying to make REAL liberals sound like assholes?

    Really though, “3rd tier tomato can?” Was that supposed to be funny, or are you just trying to be hurtful?

    While you are ultra-subtle in revealing your “team”, it is clear that you are not for the people. Say what you will about Rose’s politics, but to call her a “3rd tier tomato can” is akin to saying the same of your fellow Delawareans, a state full of people that never give up on doing what they believe is right, and just.

    Nothing about this post is informative, or even the slightest bit humorous.. it’s shallow and pitiful.

  49. Calvin Sparks says:

    Rose izzo does not stand a chance of being elected to a statewide office!

  50. Mary R King says:

    sussex watcher: your bowl movement is backing up through your mouth,better plug it with toilet tissue,shame you are so shallow to put someone down to try and make yourself sound important,good luck to Ms Izzo!!!

  51. Yo, Mediawatch, your son played against Mark Holodick in Little League?

    I UMPED Mark Holodick (and presumably your son) in Little League.

    I think he’s a wonderful super, with longstanding ties to the area.

    No way I’d want him running for Lt. Governor. He’s too valuable where he is.

    Now, should he take an early retirement…

  52. Jason330 says:

    I hate when you go for your second spoonful of delicious chicken soup and your bowl has moved.

  53. Black Cobain says:

    I know this is superficial, but I’m not a fan of short Chief Executives. I’m a fan of short people, but not Presidents of Governors. I know that sounds bad, but I’ve got a theory. The role of an executive is to run a city, state, or country; To influence people to do things that they don’t really want to do. Having an imposing stature helps with that cause. When businesses are being pitched on whether or not to come to Delaware or Maryland; or Legislators are being urged to support a bill that they typically would not, history has shown that there is a better chance of success when your Chief Executive can’t swing his feet while sitting on the toilet. Sorry, Matt Denn is a lovable guy. However, Delaware doesn’t need a lovable guy as our governor. Maybe as a Judge, or a legislator, but not as our chief executive. I’m sure you folks would like some type of proof to back up this theory. Below I have pasted a list of our country’s tallest presidents, along side our nation’s shortest presidents. You be the judge. Regardless of their politics, you might have to admit that the the taller Presidents all helped to shift the country in the direction that they wanted.

    I mean, even if you just look at the differences between the Tallest President and the Shortest. Lincoln freed the slaves and took the country to war to reunite the Union and the Confederacy. He developed a national currency and sparked the expansion of the railroad. All that in just one term. Where as James Madison is the only president to have a foreign army march on Washington and burn down the White House. May be a coincidence, but I’m just saying.


    1 16 Abraham Lincoln 6 ft 4
    1 36 Lyndon B. Johnson 6 ft 4
    3 3 Thomas Jefferson 6 ft 2 1⁄2 in
    4 32 Franklin D. Roosevelt 6 ft 2
    4 41 George H. W. Bush 6 ft 2
    4 42 Bill Clinton 6 ft 2
    7 1 George Washington 6 ft 1 1⁄2 in
    8 7 Andrew Jackson 6 ft 1
    8 40 Ronald Reagan 6 ft 1
    8 44 Barack Obama 6 ft 1 in


    1 4 James Madison 5 ft 4
    2 8 Martin Van Buren 5 ft 6
    2 23 Benjamin Harrison 5 ft 6
    3 25 William McKinley 5 ft 7
    3 2 John Adams 5 ft 7
    4 6 John Quincy Adams 5 ft 7 1⁄2
    5 9 William Henry Harrison 5 ft 8
    5 11 James K. Polk 5 ft 8
    5 12 Zachary Taylor 5 ft 8
    5 18 Ulysses S. Grant 5 ft 8

  54. Black Cobain says:

    I know this is superficial, but I’m not a fan of short Chief Executives. I’m a fan of short people, but not Presidents of Governors. I know that sounds bad, but I’ve got a theory. The role of an executive is to run a city, state, or country; To influence people to do things that they don’t really want to do. Having an imposing stature helps with that cause. When businesses are being pitched on whether or not to come to Delaware or Maryland; or Legislators are being urged to support a bill that they typically would not, history has shown that there is a better chance of success when your Chief Executive can’t swing his feet while sitting on the toilet. Sorry, Matt Denn is a lovable guy. However, Delaware doesn’t need a lovable guy as our governor. Maybe as a Judge, or a legislator, but not as our chief executive. I’m sure you folks would like some type of proof to back up this theory. Below I have pasted a list of our country’s tallest presidents, along side our nation’s shortest presidents. You be the judge. Regardless of their politics, you might have to admit that the the taller Presidents all helped to shift the country in the direction that they wanted.

    I mean, even if you just look at the differences between the Tallest President and the Shortest. Lincoln freed the slaves and took the country to war to reunite the Union and the Confederacy. He developed a national currency and sparked the expansion of the railroad. All that in just one term. Where as James Madison is the only president to have a foreign army march on Washington and burn down the White House. May be a coincidence, but I’m just saying.


    1 16 Abraham Lincoln 6 ft 4
    1 36 Lyndon B. Johnson 6 ft 4
    3 3 Thomas Jefferson 6 ft 2 1⁄2 in
    4 32 Franklin D. Roosevelt 6 ft 2
    4 41 George H. W. Bush 6 ft 2
    4 42 Bill Clinton 6 ft 2
    7 1 George Washington 6 ft 1 1⁄2 in
    8 7 Andrew Jackson 6 ft 1
    8 40 Ronald Reagan 6 ft 1
    8 44 Barack Obama 6 ft 1 in


    1 4 James Madison 5 ft 4
    2 8 Martin Van Buren 5 ft 6
    2 23 Benjamin Harrison 5 ft 6
    3 25 William McKinley 5 ft 7
    3 2 John Adams 5 ft 7
    4 6 John Quincy Adams 5 ft 7 1⁄2
    5 9 William Henry Harrison 5 ft 8
    5 11 James K. Polk 5 ft 8
    5 12 Zachary Taylor 5 ft 8
    5 18 Ulysses S. Grant 5 ft 8

  55. mediawatch says:

    El Som,
    You might have been the most consistent balls-and-strikes umpire in the BLL. (Well, Bernie was right up at the top too.)
    Given what you’re writing, I’m not sure your vision is as good anymore (but mine isn’t either).
    Still enjoy your posts.

  56. Hey, I stopped umping after 28 years b/c I didn’t think I was as sharp as I used to be.

    To which players, coaches, and fans asked, “What took you so long?”

  57. bobsmith6019 says:

    In response to Cassandra, You call that a marriage!!!! Theirs is not a marriage. It is nothing but a sham. Self serving power and greed are their driving force. How can you respect a woman who does not respect herself? If she had divorce Bill in the beginning a lot of people would have supported her more and voted for her. I would never have treated my wife or kids like this.

  58. cassandra_m says:

    For all I know you mistreat your wife and kids. Why should I take your word for it? And all of your neighbors talk about that behind your back. You don’t know anything about their marriage (or anyone else’s except yours) except that they’ve taken the “til death do us part” part pretty seriously so far. I may not have made the same choices she did when Bill was philandering, but I do know you are in no position to make any informed judgement about her choices.