Question of the Day

Filed in National by on September 19, 2013

We have a hostage situation. Some criminals are threatening to shoot hostages unless the hostages’ loved ones pay the ransom. So the question is, who is to blame for this hostage situation, the hostages and their loved ones who refuse to pay the ransom, or the criminals with the gun?

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  1. Question of the Day - | September 19, 2013
  1. Jason330 says:

    The hostage takers do not want the situation resolved. That’s where you are getting tripped up. The hostage takers don’t want to collect a ransom they want to burn everything down and cleanse the Earth by fire.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Ah, but you have not heard from the much learned Senator Marco Rubio from Florida:

    “A solution is within sight in order to avert another crisis of Washington’s creation,” he added. “President Obama and his allies in Congress should abandon their threats of shutting down the government and instead work with Republicans to pass this proposal that would keep government open while preventing taxpayer dollars from being used to inflict ObamaCare’s damage on people’s jobs, incomes, current health plans and doctor relationships.”

  3. pandora says:

    They are desperate.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Rubio is listening to Romney’s pollsters.

    It’s a case increasingly being made by activists on the right, who cite polling data and a revisionist view of the 1995 government shutdown. But under close scrutiny, the claims don’t hold up.

    The contention that Americans would cheer a shutdown rests on a new Rasmussen Reports poll that supposedly shows a majority of Americans favor shutting down the government to defund Obamacare. It was emailed to me by a conservative activist, Scott Hogenson, who wrote, “RE: Obamacare and the prospect of a government shutdown. Seems a majority of Americans would be okay with that.”

    PS – Alan Loudell used to love Rassy. I haven’t tuned in for a while, does he still give those idiots airtime.

  5. Tom McKenney says:

    The are indeed desperate, when the AFC is implemented the public will indeed see what liars the GOP has been.

  6. Liberal Elite says:

    I hope the Rethuglicans pay dearly for this mess.

  7. Jason330 says:

    They have to be made to pay by Democrats and Democrats still don’t have the stomach for that.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Right after the second world war England started Universal Health Care the Tories fought it like the Repuks are doing today their reason was once it goes into effect Labor will rule the country for the next 40 years.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    True, but their fears were unfounded. The Labour Party was elected in 1945, installed the NHS, and then were promptly turned out by the voters in 1951, who reelected the Tory Winston Churchill. The Tories went on to win the elections of 1955, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992 and 2010. In the 68 years since 1945, the Tories have held 10 Downing Street for 38 years. The Labour Party has held it for 30.


    Because the Tories accepted the NHS, and thus that meant the public could accept the Tories.