Saturday Open Thread 9.21.13

Filed in Open Thread by on September 21, 2013

And now the Weekly Addresses from the President and the Governor, plus West Wing Week.

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  1. Another Mike says:

    Free speech at its finest, with an assist from former Delaware education official Lillian Lowery. Read about it here:

    The man was charged with assaulting a police officer, although the video shows no such thing. The other charge was “disturbing an school operation.” This will never stick. A board meeting is a public forum, not a school operation in the sense that the law was intended.

  2. jason330 says:

    That article is a shrill joke. It gets basic facts wrong like, “The meeting was about a new style of curriculum that is being implemented at public schools called “common core”.

    Common core isn’t “a new style of curriculum” – as much as idiot hot heads like that Dad want it to be.

    For the nth time “Common Core” harmonizes a patchwork of state standards. If you think it is tyranny, like this hot head Dad, you probably also think standardized weights and measures are tyranny and one mile doesn’t need to be 5,280 feet if your state doesn’t want it to be.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    He wasn’t questioning the curriculum — he was grandstanding. And he clearly noted that his kids were going to Howard County schools, while this was a Baltimore County meeting.

    Edit: The Baltimore Sun has more details.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    The push back against Common Core is rather non-sensical. What are they thinking?