Delaware Liberal

News Journal hides exculpatory Markell campaign facts under sensational headline

It is clear that E. Norman Veasey is on witch-hunt, and the News Journal’s Maureen Milford is happy to play along. If you doubt that there are axes being ground, those doubts should be dispelled when you get to this….

But Markell’s 2008 campaign distributed a memo to Zimmerman and other donors specifically detailing how to use LLCs when making contributions, including pointing out that the contributions would be counted against their individual $1,200 limit if they owned 50 percent or more of the LLC.

“If someone owns 50 percent or more of an entity, then a contribution from that entity is attributed against the individual’s limit on a pro-rata basis based upon that individual’s ownership interest in the entity,” Quinn said in the memo. “If someone owns less than 50 percent of a entity, then the entity may give up to $1,200 AND the individual may separately give $1,200.”

This is the smoking gun that turns this story into pure bullshit. Criminal enterprises don’t send out memos telling supporters how to stay on the right side of the law and E. Norman Veasey knows it. Otherwise this wouldn’t be shoved to the bottom of the story. It would be upfront and it would be marked “Exhibit A”

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