Archive for September, 2013

Daily Delawhere 9.11.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 11, 2013 1 Comment
Daily Delawhere 9.11.13

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Tuesday Open Thread 9.10.13

Filed in Open Thread by on September 10, 2013 6 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread 9.10.13

Sarah Palin, September 9, 2013.

Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction. Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare.

I will now refer to Sarah Palin as a potential terrorist. Potential Terrorist Sarah Palin said today that she wants to bomb hospitals and medical clinics across the country, and she wants to bomb all those with preexisting conditions who can now get affordable health insurance. Potential Terrorist Sarah Palin wants them all dead.

Now, back to that foreign fiasco distraction…

So it seems that the Obama Administration has found itself a diplomatic out at the last minute, and it is one that they should take. In fact, come inside to find out why I am now a yes vote.

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Patriotic Americans love celebrating the murder of 3,000 fellow Americans

Filed in National by on September 10, 2013 11 Comments
Patriotic Americans love celebrating the murder of 3,000 fellow Americans

Modern day Republicans view the anniversary of September 11, 2001 as some sort of national holiday where they let their Hate-Muslims-Kill-Everyone flag fly. Here is a good example of the Republican “Let’s Celebrate 9/11” mentality.

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Will Syria vote hurt Carper, Coon or Carney (henceforth “C-cubed”)?

Filed in National by on September 10, 2013 11 Comments
Will Syria vote hurt Carper, Coon or Carney (henceforth “C-cubed”)?

Latest “whip counts” are trending away from supporting the President’s call for a humanitarian bombing of Syria to kill just the right number of civilians to send a message to Assad and evil doers everywhere. Firm Nay’s continue to mount while firm Yeah’s are still few and far between. If and when a vote finally comes, will a “Yes” vote from the Delaware delegation, that does not represent the feelings of Delawareans, hurt “C-cubed” on election day?

C-cubed has been fairly transparent about its intended votes. this Washington Post item is FireDogLake’s source for listing Delaware as:

Coons: Firm Yes
Carper: Leaning Yes
Carney: Leaning No

(I think they’ve misread Carney, but if he isn’t putting out any statements to clarify his position, who knows?)

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Daily Delawhere 9.10.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2013 3 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.10.13

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Awesome job Florida prosecutors! – Zimmerman in custody after domestic altercation

Filed in National by on September 9, 2013 3 Comments
Awesome job Florida prosecutors! – Zimmerman in custody after domestic altercation

Zimmerman stalked and killed Trayvon Martin the night after a massive fight with his wife that resulted in her leaving his ass. So, terrific job Florida. Zimmerman was out to kill someone and he found someone. George Zimmerman was taken into custody Monday after a domestic altercation, Lake Mary, Florida, police said. Zimmerman was acquitted […]

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Statement by State Treasurer Chip Flowers

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2013 130 Comments
Statement by State Treasurer Chip Flowers

All – I was informed earlier today by my staff about the significant amount of false information being spread on this blog regarding myself and my former Deputy. Since this remains the subject of an ongoing internal investigation by our office, this will be my only statement regarding this matter. First, my relationship with my […]

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Monday Open Thread 9.9.13

Filed in National by on September 9, 2013 8 Comments
Monday Open Thread 9.9.13

The strongest point President Obama has in launching a military strike on Syria in retaliation of Assad using chemical weapons is the following statement, made in his press conference at the G-20:

THE PRESIDENT: My goal is to maintain the international norm on banning chemical weapons. I want that enforcement to be real. I want it to be serious. I want people to understand that gassing innocent people, delivering chemical weapons against children is not something we do. It’s prohibited in active wars between countries. We certainly don’t do it against kids. And we’ve got to stand up for that principle.

It is the point that sways me a little, but then the President says something further about the aftermath (i.e. if we attacked and then Assad used the chemical weapons again) that puts we back in the no-intervention witness:

THE PRESIDENT: Is it possible that Assad doubles down in the face of our action and uses chemical weapons more widely? I suppose anything is possible, but it wouldn’t be wise. I think at that point, mobilizing the international community would be easier, not harder. I think it would be pretty hard for the U.N. Security Council at that point to continue to resist the requirement for action, and we would gladly join with an international coalition to make sure that it stops.

And let’s say that happens, and the international community is swayed to get involved. What is the goal of further action? It is obvious, to get rid of Assad and to get his chemical weapons. How do we do that? Invasion.

Boots on the ground.

No, Mr. President. No.

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Ed Reform Isn’t About Education

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2013 20 Comments
Ed Reform Isn’t About Education

Yes, I’ve written about this before, but in case you’ve forgotten, Ed Reformers have changed their motto from Charter Schools offer a superior education (compared to public schools) at less cost to Parent Choice!  Which is really convenient since it allows them to ignore failing schools by claiming these schools are what parents want.  Oh, ed reformers are quick to point out failing public schools in the name of supporting charters, but are mum on schools like Moyer Academy and Pencader.

Which brings me to an interesting article in the News Journal on Sunday…

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Daily Delawhere 9.9.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2013 2 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.9.13

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Daily Delawhere 9.8.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2013 4 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.8.13

From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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Polling Report – Chip Flowers

Filed in Delaware by on September 7, 2013 63 Comments
Polling Report – Chip Flowers

When we last asked this question in March, Flowers polled at 54% approval, 37% disapproval, and 9% no opinion.

This month, he slipped a bit to 52% approval, 44% disapproval and 4% neutral/don’t know.

Maybe a couple of fence sitters made a choice in view of Patriots Game-Gate (…I mean the Patriots? C’Mon.). Or maybe this is the least scientific polling operation in the history of polling?

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Daily Delawhere 9.7.13

Filed in Delaware by on September 7, 2013 0 Comments
Daily Delawhere 9.7.13

From Mike Mahaffie on Flickr.

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