John Carney still hoping for a bi-partisan Kum-ba-yah sing along

Filed in National by on October 2, 2013

Just as Republicans live in a Fox News bubble of dis-reality, John Carney has his own DC bi-partisan bubble which the simple fact that Republicans are fucking shit up cannot penetrate.

As you read this bullshit, keep in mind the fact that John Carney’s “Republican friends” all voted for John Boehner to be speaker and continue to support Boehner in his quest to fuck shit up.

For the past two and a half years, you’ve given me the privilege of representing you in the U.S. House of Representatives. In the spirit of the Delaware Way, I’ve worked hard to build relationships with members on both sides of the aisle, to find consensus, and to focus on solutions. That’s the responsible way to govern and that’s what Delawareans have told me they expect.

And because of those relationships I’ve formed with members of the Republican Party, I know that a government shutdown is not the approach the majority of Republicans in Congress favor – it’s an approach driven by a small minority of those in the tea party.

There are plenty of reasonable Republicans in Congress – many of them are my friends. The problem is they’ve let themselves get hijacked by tea party extremists, and by their silence, they’re now helping that small group of radicals hold our government hostage.

Knowing what we all now know about modern Republicanism – how stupid is Carney to continue with this bullshit? I’d say very stupid or very cynical. Perhaps both.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Too bad John Carney is more interested in building friendships with Republicans than he is interested in persuading them to do the right thing. Elected officials should be leaders, not lapdogs.

  2. Jason330 says:

    His friendship building skills are first rate. Completely useless, but first rate.

    Next year’s campaign sign:

    “Vote for John Carney – The GOP’s best friend!!

  3. puck says:

    ” I know that a government shutdown is not the approach the majority of Republicans in Congress favor ”

    Apparently John Carney has also lost the ability to count votes.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Because of his heightened sense of bi-partisan comity, he perceives a different reality than the one that exists in front of our eyes. I’m sure if you shot him up with sodium pentothal, he’d say “both sides” are to blame.

  5. hmm says:

    Have you guys not been paying attention? The second this thing comes to a vote it passes with gop support. This is one of the few times not to attack carney over his bi-partisan approach. Also puck, you must have a secret whip count other than everyone else in the nation. It’s commonly accepted that if a clean cr came to a vote it’d pass.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Oh boy.. another person who thinks that Republicans, deep down, are real stand up guys. Just what we need.

    John Carney’s “friends” ont he other side of the isle just gave Boehner a standing ovation for his toughness.

    At a closed-door conference meeting earlier today, Speaker John Boehner gave a pep-rally-style speech signaling he isn’t about to fold his hand.

    “We’re in this fight. This is the moment. We all talk about doing something for our kids and our grandkids. If you want to do something for them, now is the time. We have to work together and win this fight,” Boehner told members, according to a Republican in the room.

    These are your reasonable, rational buddies on the other side of the house.

  7. puck says:

    “if a clean cr came to a vote it’d pass.”

    Yes – with mostly Dem votes. Every Repub rep is afraid of gf getting primaried by some teabagger back home over such a vote. Even teabaggers who might want to end this are afaid of getting beat by an even crazier teabagger. Speaking of crazy teabaggers, look what happened to Mike Castle over carbon credits.

    But let’s look at the votes that actually took place. There was a vote to shut down the government, and most Republicans voted for it. Case closed.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t know — Byron York and TPM are reporting that it really looks like they could bring up a clean CR and get majorities of BOTH Democrats and Republicans. If that’s true, that is amazing. Honest-to-goodness bipartisanship ready to go if only it had the bill. I’m with Josh, though, in believing it when I see it. Moderate Republicans exist for the media only — they rarely vote that way.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Well now I know. The House Dems tried to replace one of the idiotic partial funding bills with a clean CR this evening. House Leadership rejected this, then the Dems appealed to the larger body. The larger body — including the so-called moderates — upheld the rejection. So while there was a chance for a clean CR to come to the floor, the GOP aren’t going to make their leadership lose face to do it. Those are some pretty screwed up priorities, which proves to me that there are no moderate Republicans.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Carney’s view that the GOP isn’t the Tea Party, and the Tea Party isn’t the GOP is baffling.

  11. hmm says:

    Jason, your ability to not put people’s actions into context is baffling. In this case John Carney is actually making sense.

  12. jason330 says:

    Context ? How many times today did the Republican caucus vote to support Boehner? Three ? Four? How many party line votes have they had over the past two months?

    The “friendship” of Republicans isn’t worth a teaspoon of spit. Except to John Carney and perhaps Celia Cohen.

    The GOP is the Tea Party, and the Tea Party is the GOP.

  13. _ says:

    i’m going with hmm. on this one, except people have it slightly wrong – it’s not moderate republicans that are against this, it’s conservative republicans. tom coburn, peter king, richard burr, john mccain, kelly ayotte, charlie dent, the house republicans from VA not named eric cantor – these people are all staunchly conservative republcans that are finally coming around to the fact that they are witnessing the split of their party, and their chances for winning nationally for the foreseeable future vanish. i don’t care what their motivations are – for party, for country, for their , just because they have a shred of dignity in them – but the republicans in the house against this plan just don’t have the power to overtake boehner.

  14. jason330 says:

    You guys are living in a dream world. The so-called moderates (and conservatives that are finally coming around to the fact that they are witnessing the split of their party) had a chance to vote for sanity and isolate the teabags today, but they didn’t take it.

    Why? Because the “split” only lives in the minds of wishful thinking democrats and lazy journalists.

  15. Liberal Elite says:

    “I know that a government shutdown is not the approach the majority of Republicans in Congress favor – it’s an approach driven by a small minority of those in the tea party.”

    If Carney really believes that, then why doesn’t he create a discharge petition for his friends to sign? (All he would need is 17 such friends)

  16. John Manifold says:

    Everything that Carney said in that release is true.

    For 36 years, Joe Biden got much done by outreach. Ruth Bader Ginsburg does likewise. That’s how successful people work.