Delaware Liberal

John Carney still hoping for a bi-partisan Kum-ba-yah sing along

Just as Republicans live in a Fox News bubble of dis-reality, John Carney has his own DC bi-partisan bubble which the simple fact that Republicans are fucking shit up cannot penetrate.

As you read this bullshit, keep in mind the fact that John Carney’s “Republican friends” all voted for John Boehner to be speaker and continue to support Boehner in his quest to fuck shit up.

For the past two and a half years, you’ve given me the privilege of representing you in the U.S. House of Representatives. In the spirit of the Delaware Way, I’ve worked hard to build relationships with members on both sides of the aisle, to find consensus, and to focus on solutions. That’s the responsible way to govern and that’s what Delawareans have told me they expect.

And because of those relationships I’ve formed with members of the Republican Party, I know that a government shutdown is not the approach the majority of Republicans in Congress favor – it’s an approach driven by a small minority of those in the tea party.

There are plenty of reasonable Republicans in Congress – many of them are my friends. The problem is they’ve let themselves get hijacked by tea party extremists, and by their silence, they’re now helping that small group of radicals hold our government hostage.

Knowing what we all now know about modern Republicanism – how stupid is Carney to continue with this bullshit? I’d say very stupid or very cynical. Perhaps both.

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